
Red pomelo and other people issued a cry of panic, one by one collapsed on the ground, has been scared out of strength to escape.

Ningxiang is also desperate.

Kirin is their last hope. If he can't deal with this man, what can they do?

"Come here, I'll give you a whole body!"

The savage said calmly, and his hand had been lifted up.

The muddy fingers were covered with blood, and their long fingernails were more terrible than the claws of wild animals.

"No! No! Master, don't kill us! Please don't kill us

Red pomelo trembled, trembled and cried.

All they can do is beg for mercy!

But the savage did not listen to their plea for mercy, and went on without any pause. The killing intention in his eyes was more and more intense.

"Well, sleep here."

Savage calm way, hands have been raised, to the red pomelo boom.


Red pomelo closed his eyes in fear and rolled up.

But at this critical moment.


A figure appeared in front of her, directly blocking the blow.

Red pomelo a few people are stunned, hastily raise eyes.

It's Kirin!


Ningxiang rushed over and hugged him.

Only then discovered the Kirin chest is a ferocious claw mark, the blood gurgles overflows, is very terrifying.

"Well?" The wild man's eye was exposed to an accident, but soon recovered, and he rushed directly to his heart.

"If you want to die, I will help you! Your heart is mine The savage made a hoarse voice.

But this time, when the savage's attack came, he was stabbed in his claw by a tiny silver light.

All of this happened very suddenly, the electric light flint, it is impossible to prevent.

So are savages!


Silver is not in.

There was a slight pause in his claws.

Lin Yang took advantage of the situation and smashed it.


The savage flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.

This scene stunned everyone.

"Let's go

Lin Yang suddenly turns around and yells at red pomelo and others.

Red pomelo and Ningxiang trembled together. They immediately returned to their senses and rushed to the forbidden area like crazy.

Savage natural heart is unwilling, he quickly climbed up.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

And a few silver lights came to him.

However, Ning Xiang and red pomelo fled with their backs to him, but they could not see the silver light.

The savage dodged slightly, avoided the past, and looked at the silver light in his hands just now, and his eyes under his fluffy hair brushed a touch of cold.

"Silver needle?"

He looked up again.

Because of the silver needle, Lin Yang and others have already run out of this intersection.

"You can't escape!"

The savage chased up.

A group of people ran for their lives.

But in terms of speed, they can't compete with savages.

"No! The monster is catching up again A female disciple cried.

Red pomelo looks pale again.

"Don't worry, you run is, i... I'll give you a break..." Lin Yang called with a weak voice.

"Kirin! You can't go, you'll die! " Ningxiang cried.

"It doesn't matter. I'm a bodyguard. What's more, men are supposed to protect women, right?"

Lin Yang smiles.

Red pomelo, Ningxiang and other women saw the smile on the pale face full of blood, and her heart couldn't help shaking.


The savage came with one blow.


Lin Yang directly pushed them together and slapped them with a backhand.


The fist and the palm.


It was as if the sound of bone fracture sounded from Lin Yang's arm.

The savage is temporarily blocked.

But the next second, the savage's fist bombards again.

Lin Yang is full of ferocity. He doesn't stop him. Instead, he clasps the savage's shoulder with one hand and bumps his head against the savage's head.


Lin Yang was hit in the abdomen and spat blood, but he didn't stop.


The savage's forehead ate a head vertebra and was knocked to the ground.

But this time it didn't get up fast.

As for Lin Yang, it seems that he has been unable to hold on, and he falls down feebly.


Ningxiang and red pomelo girls help him and run outside in a hurry before the savage gets up.A moment later, the savage stood up again.

He looked at his shoulder, where there were three silver needles.

"Silver needle sealing acupoints? Very interesting! It seems that this young man is a good doctor... "Wild man Tong Ren flashed fierce light, did not pursue again, turned to leave.

The front is the exit of the forbidden area. As long as you escape from the forbidden area, the savage will not pursue and kill.

Several women ran with Lin Yang, one by one tired and panting, all over the mud, incomparably embarrassed, but no one stopped.

All the way to a big tree on the edge of the forbidden area.


Red pomelo, Ningxiang and others fell on the ground, completely exhausted.

Lin Yang also fell to the ground, motionless, as if dead.

He opened his eyes slightly and gasped as hard as he could. The scars on his body were extremely ferocious.

Ning Xiang gets up in a hurry and takes the medicine she takes from her pocket to Lin Yang.

"Kirin, are you ok? Hold on. We're going to see you right now! Hold on Ningxiang said anxiously.

"Come on, ah Ching! Go outside and ask someone to come over and take Kirin for treatment! " Red pomelo bit thin lips, facing the disciples.

"Elder martial sister, this..." the female disciple called ah Qing hesitated.

How can red pomelo know what her worries are? She glared and roared: "when is it, still thinking about the mission of the school? Come on, give it to me

"It's... Elder martial sister..."

ah Qing has no choice but to respond.

But when she was about to leave, she was stopped by Lin Yang in a weak voice.

"Miss ah Qing, wait a moment..."

ah Qing was stunned and looked at him in amazement.

"Save your strength! Or you want to die faster. " Red pomelo can't help humming.

But he saw Lin Yang smile and said bitterly: "at this time, what else can I choose? Let me die faster. "

As soon as this was said, everyone was in a daze.

"Kirin, what do you mean?" Ningxiang asked carefully.

"In fact, I all know... I also know that I am not a fool. I have already realized the motive of you bringing me here! It's all about dying here, isn't it Lin Yang said quietly.

All the women were stunned, but they were silent.

"I'm not dead. You can't explain to the school. You don't have to cure me. Instead, you can kill me and complete the school's mission. So... You can do it!"

After that, Lin Yang closed his eyes.

A look of being cut by others.

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