
people look at me, I look at you, each face is extremely complex.

"Kirin! You can relax! You're not going to die! No one can kill you

At this time, Ningxiang suddenly and firmly called out.

People all looked at her.

However, Ningxiang stood directly in front of Lin Yang, staring at the red pomelo seriously, and said, "sister Hongyou! I tell you, if you want to kill Kirin! Please kill me first! Kirin has saved my life! I will not watch him killed by you

This word falls, red pomelo is angry.

She suddenly got up, a few steps to the front of Ningxiang, a pair of cold eyes staring at her.

Ningxiang is not afraid and looks directly at the red pomelo.

But the next second.


The red pomelo slapped on the fragrant cheek.

Ning Xiang covered her face and looked at her in dismay.

But red pomelo broke out and said, "are you against it? Dare to fight against your elder martial sister? "

"Elder martial sister, you..."

"go away, Qilin is seriously injured now! Don't delay his healing

Red pomelo directly pushed away Ningxiang and crouched down to bandage Lin Yang's wound.

This scene stunned everyone.

Lin Yang was also relieved.

It seems that these girls in hongyangu are all hard hearted!

Although their memory thinking has been reshaped by hongyangu, people are people, not puppets.

"Thank you."

Lin Yang breathed a breath and said to the red pomelo with a smile.

Red pomelo's body trembled slightly, and her cheek was slightly red, but it was a cold tone: "don't come with me! I'm just repaying you for saving your life! No other meaning! Do you know? "

"Good." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Red pomelo some skilled treatment of the wound said: "you this injury is very serious, at least you have to rest for seven or eight days to get out of bed! We will send you to Ruo Nan's junior sister now! "

"Take me there? But... How do you account to your teachers? " Lin Yang asked.

"Don't worry about it. I have my own way." Red pomelo calm road.

Lin Yang was puzzled, but he didn't ask much.

Half an hour later, he returned to Lin ruoyang's residence.

Seeing Lin Yang covered with blood, she was shocked.

Red pomelo a few people also did not say what, only told Lin Ruo nan to take good care of Lin Yang, they left one after another.

After all the red pomelo left, Lin Yang, who seemed unable to move in bed, suddenly sat up.

"Ah? What are you doing? You're so hurt. Lie down and have a good rest. Don't mess around! " Lin Ruo Nan called out in a hurry.

"It's OK. I'm not that hurt."

Lin Yang smiles and takes out the silver needle and pricks it on his body. At the same time, he takes out the powder prepared in advance and applies it to the broken arm.

After a series of operations, Lin Yang is in a better condition and can walk directly.

See this scene, Lin Ruo Nan suddenly understand.

"Are you not seriously injured?"

"Yes, it's just minor injuries. It's no problem."

"That you this is..." Lin Ruo Nan breathed a tight, then laughed: "feelings you are in the use of a beautiful man

"No, it's hard work!" Lin Yang shook his head.

"You are really fierce. The red pomelo was fierce before, but now you have a lot of gentle eyes! She must be interested in you Lin said with a smile.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, I'll ask you! After I entered the forbidden area, what was the situation of Hongyan Valley? " Lin Yang asked.

Lin Ruonan looked serious: "elder martial brother Lin! Is it you who attacked the virgin

"It's me." Lin Yang shook his head: "I was careless. I couldn't find the master of Hongyan valley. If I could kill him, everything would be over."

"Not so easy! After you fled, hongyangu almost carried out a carpet search. In my place alone, there were seven groups of people, all of whom were tracing your whereabouts! I almost didn't turn it over, but they never thought that the murderer was already in the forbidden area. " Lin said with a smile.

"It's a pity, however, that they will be alert to this failure and try again. I'm afraid it will not be so easy!"

Lin Yang lay in bed, unwilling to think about it any more, and fell asleep with his head covered.

The next day.

Lin Yang got up early in the morning, changed his medicine and sat in the courtyard to take it.

His injuries were good. He had no injuries. When fighting wild men, the injured positions were all painless, but he showed off to Hongyou and others.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, the door is knocked.

Lin Yang frowned and went to open the door.

Just saw Zhao Yue run in.

"It's a miracle that you can come back alive!" She looked up and down at Lin Yang."What can I do for you, Miss Zhao?"

"The virgin wants to see you!" Zhao Yue sinks.

"Saint?" Lin Yang was slightly stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense. Come with me. If it's too slow, it's over!"

Zhao Yue grabs Lin Yang's arm and pulls it out, and runs straight to the pavilion in the middle of Hongyan valley.

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