Looking at the bloodstain on Lin Yang's wrist, the strange man's eyes under his fluffy hair are huge.

"What? Two... Twenty drops of spiritual blood? " He murmured, and the whole man was stupid.

"What? Do you still want to fight me? " Lin Yang put down his hand.

The strange man's face was very unnatural.

"You have so much spirit blood, it means that you have opened the congenital vigorous body. It is not easy to break the congenital vigorous body! And... When I played with you before, I found you were a doctor! It's too hard to kill a doctor with congenital vigorous body "I admit that you are qualified to cooperate with me!" he nodded

"Good! Now that we have reached cooperation, I hope you can have some trust in me. "

"Tell me your plan first." The strange man said.

"Don't worry, I want to know why you are here and why... Killing those hongyangu people who have broken into here? This is the forbidden area of Hongyan valley. Are you from Hongyan Valley Lin Yang asked.

"Me? Ha ha ha, I'm not from hongyangu! However, the master of Hongyan Valley has a great connection with me! I will tell you, without me, there would be no glory of hongyangu today! " Said the stranger with a smile.

"Is it?"

Lin Yang still wanted to ask, but the weirdo didn't want to go on. He frowned and gave up.

"And what is your purpose?"

"Do you need to ask? Naturally, I'm looking for the master of Hongyan Valley to revenge! I'm going to take out all her muscles and veins one by one, then peel her skin alive, take out her bones and burn them, and sew her skin into a skirt and wear it on me! Ha ha ha ha ha, I look forward to that day! Ha ha ha... "The weirdo laughed.

He was extremely cautious in the dark forest.

"And you? boy! What's your purpose? "

"Me? My purpose is very pure, destroy the beauty Valley, remove the threat to me Lin Yang road.

"Ha ha, if so, we really have a chat! Tell me about your plan

"Since your purpose is Hongyan Valley master, then I want to attack Hongyan Valley master directly, but I don't know Hongyan Valley master, and I don't know how strong Hongyan Valley is! If you and I join hands, you and I will kill the valley master? " Lin Yang asked.

"You are looking for death!" The strange man sneered: "if the master of Hongyan Valley is so easy to kill! Am I going to stay here for a long time

"Oh? You are not afraid of the strength of the Red Valley Lin Yang looked stunned.

"Well, what do you know? If I had been able to compete with her 30 years ago, she would not have been the same in the past 30 years! " The weirdo shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and finally told the truth.

"The current master of Hongyan Valley is actually my younger martial sister, and also my childhood sweetheart. We grew up together, practiced martial arts together, and joined the master's command together... I'm as talented as her, so I often point out to each other. Our feelings are very good, and we are close to getting married."

"In fact, when my younger martial sister was 20 years old, I had already confessed to her and claimed to marry her. She was very happy and promised without hesitation. However, she said that she would wait another five years! Because once she broke her virginity, it would have a great impact on her practice of Qigong. She wanted to wait for her martial arts to be successful and then consider marriage. At that time, I didn't think much about it, so I decided to wait another five years. "

"Unexpectedly, my younger martial sister is more and more interested in martial arts and even the way of heaven. At first, I didn't care about it. I didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until she was almost possessed by the devil when she practiced martial arts."

"At that time, she stole more than a dozen pills refined by her master. She wanted to use these pills to impact the state of heqigong. However, as for martial arts and Taoism, it was not as fast as possible. The younger martial sister was possessed by the devil and nearly died. If the master had not discovered it earlier, she would have been dead."

"Master was so angry that she was expelled from the school. My younger sister and I were of the same mind and naturally left with her."

"But after this incident, the younger martial sister did not give up. Instead, she traveled around the world in search of the divine power of heaven."

"I saw the younger martial sister more and more crazy, so I tried to persuade her, but she didn't pay attention to it! Even more crazy! At that time, I found that the younger martial sister had changed. She was no longer the innocent younger martial sister I had been in contact with before, but became crazy and evil

"I'm frustrated and ready to leave, but my junior sister begged me to do her one last favor! That is to help hongyangu to fight the rebellion! "

"At that time, hongyangu rebelled, and her disciples rebelled and suffered from internal and external troubles. The younger martial sister wanted to get something from hongyangu and wanted to do something about it. She told me that if she could help her this time, she would decide to give up her hand, marry down to me and go back with me."

"Looking at her sincere eyes, I thought the younger martial sister was really going to stop this time. Unexpectedly, all this was just a trick of junior sister, and I was just her chess piece!"

At this point, the freak just sits on the ground and laughs.

Laughingly, his eyes are full of tears, deep eyes, all pain, ferocity... And endless hate!!"Do you know... What did my junior sister do after I helped her to quell the rebellion in hongyangu?" The weirdo stopped laughing and squinted.

There are tears in the corner of my eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" Lin Yang mumbled his lower lip.

"She... Wants to eat me!" Said the stranger with a smile.

This word falls, Lin Yang facial expression transiently changes.


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