After experiencing the Yanghua underground parking lot incident, Lin Yang has a good understanding of the dark side of hongyangu!

Since hongyangu can make the living dead! So what's the matter of eating raw meat?

Lin Yang did not speak.

With tears in his eyes, the strange man continued with a smile: "my younger martial sister and I have a special constitution. Although this constitution is not rare, it pays attention to the degree of fit! After calming down the rebellion, the younger martial sister was favored by the old Valley master at that time, so she took her side to teach her the martial arts of hongyangu, and intended to inherit hongyangu to her! "

"But... I didn't expect my younger sister's heart to be so vicious! She took a fancy to the powerful resources and rights of hongyangu! He killed the old Valley master in a cruel way, and passed a false order to inherit Hongyan Valley and become the new leader of Hongyan Valley! "

"At that time, there were many people who refused to accept her, but all of them were killed by her, and their corpses were taken by her to refine medicine or utensils. Almost all of them died without a whole body!"

"At that time, I could no longer bear such a younger martial sister. In my heart, she was no different from the devil! So I plan to leave without saying goodbye! Leave hongyangu, leave her side forever

"But... She knew it in advance."

"I still remember her standing alone on the maple leaf Avenue in Hongyan Valley, looking at me with tears in her red clothes. I will never forget her eyes! The eyes that melt my heart

"She swore to me that no matter what she became, she would love me! It won't hurt me! "

"She said," since I insist on going, I'll have a toast with her! "

"In my opinion, it's just a farewell wine. It can't really die down after years of feelings. So, I drank the cup of wine that she had already placed poison on."

"I lost all my strength after drinking. And she took out the knife and began to cut my arm

Speaking of this, the weirdo lifted his ragged sleeves.

Lin Yangcai saw that his arms were covered with ferocious scars, which made his scalp numb.

"Remember, boy, never trust a woman's eyes! Because you can't see their heart in their eyes! My younger martial sister, that's it

"At that time, she was already crazy!"

"She found a way to pursue the way of heaven from the classic of hongyangu! So she began not to break the means! She started burning, killing and looting! She even started eating raw meat! Only for the pursuit of longevity! Pursue the way of heaven

"She said that if I were eaten, her constitution would evolve! You will have the threshold of cultivating your long life Constitution! "

"Do you know what I feel like when she cuts my flesh again and again? I can't feel the pain on my arm at all, because the heartache has gone beyond all! "

"That knife! In fact, it's knife after knife in my heart! "

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

the strange man laughs, and his voice seems to penetrate the sky and cover the forbidden area!

Lin Yang was silent, but he could hear the pain and sadness of the strange man from the laughter.

After a long time of laughter, Lin Yang asked.

"How did you escape here?"

"Although I drank wine, I was on guard! I took a wake-up medicine before drinking, so I didn't sleep completely. I took advantage of the younger martial sister's inattention, injured her and escaped into the forbidden area! Hide here! Although the younger martial sister's strength is extraordinary, the forbidden area is very large and dangerous. She dare not chase me deeply, and she is afraid that she will ambush me. In this way, I have stayed here for decades! "

"During this period, she organized several large-scale search operations, but they did not catch me. Instead, she paid a great price! So she gave up! After all, in her opinion, I can't leave here unless I leave through the entrance of the forbidden area, and here is equivalent to a cage. She doesn't think I can run away! "

"It's a pity that I didn't intend to go either!"

The strange man said with a smile.

"You have been here for decades, I'm afraid you want to find a chance to revenge?"

"Of course

The strange man said with a ferocious smile: "such an ungrateful snake and scorpion! I hate her! Treat me as she did to me

"So it is. So, sir, what did you mean when you said that the current Valley master is no longer the enemy of both of us? Is she terrible now? " Lin Yang asked.

"Have you ever heard of the land gods?" Said the stranger with a smile.

"Land gods?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"Do you think her pursuit of heaven is illusory without breaking means or even eating raw meat? You are wrong. She has gained something. Her martial arts has reached the bottleneck. What she practices now is the law of heaven! I attacked her once ten years ago, but with one move, I was defeated by her and almost died! If she had not been practicing at that time, it would have been inconvenient for her to pursue me, otherwise I would have died in her hands! " Said the weirdo.

"Is it?"

Lin Yang looked dignified.

"Boy, give up! Now that you're here, I don't think you can go out. Just be a companion here. Ha ha ha... "The weirdo laughs.Lin Yang is silent.

A moment later, he shook his head.

"That may not be so!"

"You don't see the coffin, you don't cry! Well, boy, we're very close to each other. How about I show you a way to live and help you out of the valley Strange humanity.

"No, you can take me to kill the valley master." Lin Yang road.

"Do you really want to die?" The weirdo frowned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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