
The disciples who were stationed beside the soup for transformation realized that someone was approaching and immediately called out.

But they were just about to run over to have a look, but they were stabbed by several silver needles and stopped moving.


Sitting by the pool, Hua Xuan opened his eyes and looked at the other side.

When she saw someone approaching, she immediately got up to be alert.

"Which friend is here? What can I do for you this evening before I run this brand-new soup? " Hua Xuan drank carefully.

But there was no answer.

Until this time, two silver needles shot toward Huaxuan.

Her face changed and she dodged.

The silver needle is swift, and the light of the needle is shining, which is extremely frightening.

Fortunately, Hua Xuan's body method is good, and she hides in the past, but when she stands still, there is one more person before meeting!

That's Lin Yang!

"Dr. Lin?" Hua Xuan lost his voice.

And when she reacts, a hand has been touched on her acupoint.

In an instant, Hua Xuan couldn't move.

Her face was not natural, and her eyes were light and congealed: "Doctor Lin, aren't you in the forbidden area? As far as I know, the virgin is sitting at the entrance of the forbidden area. How did you jump over her to get here? "

"You don't have to ask about this, Miss Hua Xuan!"

Lin Yang didn't explain. He went to the holy water, picked it up and sniffed it on his nose.

"What? Is it possible that the miracle doctor Cheng Lin is also interested in the water in the pond? " Flower Xuan light road.

"Of course! This is a soup made with ancient medicinal materials and secret methods! Its effect is also too unusual

"In this case, why don't Dr. Lin enjoy himself in the pool?" Hua Xuan said.

She hoped that Dr. Lin would go into the pool and be eroded by the effect of the remoulding soup and die, so that they would be safe.

But she knew it was clearly impossible.

Since the other party is hongyangu who pretends to be Qilin, then he must be very aware of the characteristics of this completely transformed soup.

Hua Xuan is helpless.

But at this time.


A sound of water came out.

She glared.

However, Lin Yang actually jumped into the pool water directly, and the whole person was completely immersed in the pool water.

"What?" Although she could not move, the shock and joy in her heart were hard to contain.

Doesn't this guy know the character of the "reborn soup"?

Even if he doesn't die of this soup! At least because of it and lost memory!

The effect of rehab soup on human brain is very huge. When Dr. Lin comes out of the water, he will surely lose all his previous memories. At that time, he may be able to make him surrender with words!

Thinking of this, Hua Xuan's eyes are overflowing with hot.


Lin Yang did not enter the pool for nearly a minute!

Then, with a crash, the man put out his head again and climbed onto the bank.

After that, he seemed to take some medicine from a small bottle of water from the pool and put it on the bank.

Seeing this scene, Hua Xuan was a little confused.

She opened her mouth and said, "Doctor Lin, what are you... What are you doing?"

"What's the use of what I told you? Can you change anything? " Lin Yang continued to work on his own, and did not return.

"So you're... OK?" Hua Xuan asked in dismay.

Lin Yang looked back at her and chuckled: "what? Do you think this pool of water can erase my memory


Lin Yang shook his head, then got up and jumped into the water again.

This time, he was sitting on the bottom of the water, holding his breath.

Hua Xuan was so shocked that he couldn't understand what Lin Yang was going to do.

All she saw was a large amount of white smoke from the calm pool.

Gulu Gulu...

a lot of bubbles appeared on the surface of the pool water, just like boiling water.

"What are you... Doing?"

Hua Xuan whispered.


entrance of forbidden area.


A dull noise spread.

I saw the body of the virgin back again and again, and the small sole of the foot stepped on the ground one after another deep impression.

When she's on her feet.


the cherry lips of the virgin overflowed with blood.

"Your majesty!"

"Holy lady! How are you? "

"Are you all right?"

All the disciples of Hongyan valley surrounded them."Get out of the way!"

The saint pushes away the people around her and stares at the strange person in front of her coldly.

At the moment, there are the corpses of hongyangu's disciples beside the strange man, but the strange man is also very uncomfortable. His whole body is covered with scars. It seems that the injury is no less than that of the saint.

"Girl... Good! Very good! I didn't expect that bitch could even train a person of your strength! What a surprise! It's just that you want to kill me... I'm afraid it's not so easy! Ha ha ha... "The strange man grinned and his teeth were covered with blood.

"Hum! Wait for the dead rat! Watch me pick your head

When the virgin drinks and shouts, she will attack again.

But at this time, a large and powerful voice came to this side.

"I will leave you soon! This man, let me kill him

As soon as the sound came out, all the disciples of Hongyan Valley trembled and looked toward the sound source one after another.

"Is it the valley master?"

The virgin raised her eyes and lost her voice.

"What? Is the valley master here? "

"Valley master!"

"See the valley master!"

"I'll see the valley master!"

"See the valley master!"

Everyone knelt down on one knee and worshipped the sound source. Everyone was very devout.

The virgin is no exception.

"Younger martial sister?"

The weirdo stops and stares in the direction of the sound source. His eyes under his fluffy hair are full of hatred and anger.

But see the direction of the sound source white light blooming, and then a woman with light all over the body flew over.

The woman is full of white hair, but she does not look old. She is dressed in white and steps into the sky like a fairy falling from the sky. It is amazing and magical.

Many disciples of Hongyan Valley looked at the figure, and their eyes were full of piety and excitement. Some people kept worshiping the figure, as if they had seen a living immortal.

She stood on the top of a mountain here and looked down at the strange man.

"Elder martial brother, long time no see!"

"Yes, I didn't expect to see you in recent years. You are getting younger and younger, but I'm old and full of wind and frost." Strange man laughs, the voice is full of emotion.

"Do you know what this proves? This proves that my decision was correct! You, after all, are a mortal! And I have touched the threshold of the road, I will be immortal The master of Hongyan Valley is proud.

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