"Immortals?" Strange people sneer repeatedly: "younger martial sister, you are already a demon! There is no immortal in this world! You are just like me, just ordinary people! You will also be born, old and dead. Don't deceive yourself any more! "

"The ignorance of mortals is ridiculous." The head of Hongyan Valley shakes his head.

"You are still so stubborn! Ha ha, I don't know how many people have been killed by your cultivation of this skill! It must be quite a lot? "

"Elder martial brother! Now that you are out, let's make an end of it. I will personally end your life and set up a grave for you! " The main road of Hongyan valley.

"What? Are you not going to eat me? " The weirdo asked with a smile.

"No more."

"No?" The strange man was stunned, as if thinking of something, his eyes narrowed: "it seems that you have caught a man with similar constitution and ate him, right?"

"You're going to die, why ask so much? Elder martial brother, for the sake of knowing each other for many years, I will give you 10 seconds. If you can't kill me in 10 seconds, I can only take off your head! " The main road of Hongyan valley.

"10 seconds? How long does it take? Give me one second and I'll kill you! "

The strange man's eyes were ferocious, and he rushed up with a low roar. His hand was ferocious and ferocious towards the neck of Hongyan Valley master.

His speed is so fast that he can hardly catch his shadow.

But I just got close to...


His palm went straight through the neck of Hongyan Valley master.

A look, that is still the master of Hongyan Valley!

That's just a shadow!


The weirdo was stunned.

When he came back to God, the master of Hongyan valley was already in the position he had stood before.

It's like shifting shape and changing shadow!

The disciples of Hongyan Valley nearby didn't respond.

"It's four seconds! Otherwise you won't have a chance. " Hongyan Valley master calm road.


The strange man was unwilling, and then turned around and rushed, roaring and yelling: "crazy lion magic skill!"

The sound fell to the ground, and a terrible air burst out of him.

These currents are as terrifying as knives, capable of tearing apart everything around them, extremely sharp. When the air was wrapped around, people around seemed to see a huge lion's head wrapped around the strange man.

With the impact of the strange man, the lion head opens his mouth and bites at the master of Hongyan valley.

If you are bitten by this bite, I'm afraid the whole person will be broken to pieces.


the master of Hongyan valley still stands in place, indifferent and looking.

In the face of this fierce blow, she didn't do any dodge action at all. She just raised one hand, curled her finger and pointed it at the weirdo.

The strange man widened his eyes, his pupils tightened, and he felt something was wrong.

However, at this moment, he has no way to retreat, he can only do his best to impact.

At this time, Hongyan Valley master's finger lightly flicked.


A tiny strange air beam flew out of her fingertips in an instant.


The abdomen of the strange man is directly penetrated by this air beam, and the person staggers and falls to the ground.

But it's not over.

The master of Hongyan Valley raised his hand again, and the body of the strange man seemed to be set off by a stream of air, and the whole person floated up.


The freak screamed and struggled, but he couldn't control himself at the moment.


At this time, the air current wrapped around the strange man suddenly exerted force, directly breaking his limbs. The limbs of the strange man showed an extremely irregular angle, and the joint bones of his arms were exposed.


A sad cry came out.

The master of Hongyan Valley walked slowly and stood in front of the weirdo.

"Elder martial brother, you lost again!"

At the moment, the weirdo is a piece of meat on the chopping board, which can be slaughtered by Hongyan Valley master.

If his limbs were broken, he could not escape into the forbidden area.

The weirdo knows that today is his death date, but even so, he will not admit defeat.

"You Whore! bitch! You are so cruel! You and your beauty valley will have retribution! You will die worse than me! It will be! " The weirdo screamed and cursed.

He even opened his mouth to spit out a lump of bloody saliva at the Hongyan Valley master.

However, the saliva is blocked by the airflow of Hongyan Valley master.

Her face is calm, not angry or angry, like a pool of stagnant water, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no waves, no.

"Elder martial brother! You don't know the way of heaven! You don't know the gods! You are just a mortal! It's ridiculous that you still want to marry me! People like you are no different from ants on the ground! "

With that, she raised her hand, and a violent air current surged in her palm.

As if countless knives were spinning in her palm, anything touching the airflow would be torn to pieces!"Now, I'll let you die with dignity."

She raised her hand, a little closer to the weirdo's head.

It's about to rip his head apart.

The weirdo stared, held his breath, and looked at the scene.

"That's it

He closed his eyes and stopped looking, as if ready to give up.

But it is.

What is the use of resistance at this time?

It is better to die in this way than to live in such misery.

Around Hongyan Valley disciples looked excitedly.

Especially the saint, her eyes are full of piety and fanaticism.

The master of Hongyan's Valley is so indifferent to kill the weirdo, does not it prove that she is incomparably powerful?

"Who else in the world can compete with master?" The virgin whispered to herself.

At this moment, however, there was a loud explosion in the distance.


The sound diffused, it vibrated, and the ground trembled.

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