Hua Xuan trembled all over, opened his mouth, and finally nodded, hoarse: "yes..."

with that, he picked up a sharp sword scattered on the ground and walked slowly towards Linyang.

Her mind was pure and good, and she never committed murder.

But since she didn't bring Su Yan back last time, in order to punish her, Gu Nei forced her to do anything related to murder.

At first she was disgusted, but later, she found herself... Numb...

she found that she could not change anything.

The only thing you can do is to follow the current.

She knew she was too weak.

Hua Xuan held up his sword and walked away. His eyes were full of pain and helplessness.

However, she is not close, Lin Yang suddenly slowly stood up.


Hua Xuan lost his voice: "you've broken half of your bones... Can you still stand up?"

"Who told you that all my bones were broken?" Lin Yang asked.

Hua Xuan was in a daze. Suddenly, she seemed to see something. She was so surprised that she even retreated, and her sword fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

Hongyan Valley master asked in a deep voice.

All around, the disciples of Hongyan Valley raised their eyes one after another, and all of them turned pale and screamed.

However, the scars on Lin Yang's body are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The previously broken bones had already been restored to their original state, and the torn skin and flesh began to be sutured.

Before and after is only more than ten seconds of Kung Fu, Lin Yang's body scars have disappeared, even the scars can not be seen.

If it was not for his clothes, which were still ragged and not recovered, people would even think that this man had used the time backward.

Countless people's scalp is numb, shivering!

If we say that the several means used by the valley master just now are called magic!


what should Lin Yang call this kind of means?

"It's so delicious! Rebirth water increases your body's self-healing speed to an unprecedented peak, isn't it? " Hongyan Valley master closed his eyes and sniffed at the next light road.

"You're half right!"

"Oh? What else does it bring you? " Hongyan Valley master asked.

"Don't you already know that?" Lin Yang looked at her and said.

"I already know?" "What do you mean?"

"Look at your hands." Lin Yang road.

Hongyan Valley master frowned, immediately realized what, quickly raised his hands.

Only to find that her hands have been rotten!

"The greatest effect of the water is to improve the physique of ordinary people! If ordinary people can't bear this improvement, they will die in the pool, and the genius has passed the test, and his physique has been improved. Different from ordinary people, he will fly into the sky and be extraordinary! Now I've absorbed the water from the pool, but I've adjusted this feature to the highest level. Your palms can't bear the improvement of the completely reborn water. It's rotten! " Lin Yang said.

"What?" The master of Hongyan Valley is unbelievable.

"Maybe I'm not as strong as you, not as fast as you! But you can't bear my palm. To be exact, it's your body. It can't bear the improvement brought by my palm! My destructive power is far greater than your power

With his hands behind him, Lin Yang steps toward the master of Hongyan valley. His bloody eyes flash through the road's fierce light.

"Now, can you tell me how this fairy intends to deal with me?"

With that, Lin Yang roared and rushed to the master of Hongyan valley.

Hongyan Valley master's face changed greatly, and he quickly raised his arm to resist.

The two sides fought again.

In terms of speed and strength, the master of Hongyan Valley had an absolute advantage. After more than 20 moves, he was once again photographed by the master of Hongyan valley.

But the master of Hongyan Valley can't take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Because of her hands and arms, it was dark now.

All the bones, muscles and collaterals above her were dead and she had lost consciousness...

she repeatedly retreated, staring at her arms coldly, her shoulders trembled, and she was hard to control herself...

the brains of the disciples of hongyangu were all blank.

"Valley master, this..."

people swallow their saliva and don't know what to say.

Lin Yang stood up again and yelled: "Valley master! Aren't you a fairy? Why do your hands fester? Why do you get hurt, too? Don't you say we're all mortals? What's the difference between you and us?

In my opinion, you are just a mortal! There is no fairy in the world! You are not a god! You are just a prodigy who can only cheat the world

How heavy this word is, directly let the belief in the hearts of countless disciples of hongyangu collapse.They glared at the beauty Valley master.

One by one, the hearts were shaking, and the tears couldn't stop flowing...

"is the valley master really a mortal?"

"No way! Valley master pursues the way of heaven all his life! She has been out of the world for a long time! She has become a god! She is by no means mortal

"That's right. Haven't you seen the valley master's method? She turns stone into gold, breaks clouds with one hand, and can move mountains and fill the sea. What is this not a fairy? "

"Don't be deceived by this guy's words!"

Many disciples couldn't accept it, and they were shivering and shouting.

At this time, I don't know who shivered and said:

"but... The valley master is really an immortal, how can he be hurt by ordinary people

The sound fell to the ground, and there was no sound all around , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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