Those who have the qualification to enter the beauty valley are "genius" who have experienced the baptism of rebirth.

They come from various clans and clans. They have a distinguished background. They have rich training resources. In just one year, they can grow up to be a person in awe of the martial arts and Taoism circles of China.

But it's not easy to control these characters.

Therefore, hongyangu will brainwash these disciples.

And the first lesson of brainwashing is that Hongyan Valley master is worshipped as a god!

In their hearts, the valley master will not be hurt, unable to overcome, omnipotent.

She's the same as the heaven.

But now, the valley master's dark and necrotic arms have completely broken their faith.

They began to waver.

You know, there are too many dirty facts in hongyangu these years.

Although many people have lost their memory after undergoing the baptism of rebirth water, their temperament is not bad and they can not accept it.

And there is only one belief that keeps them going.

Cheng Xian!

They also yearn to become such gods as the valley master, so they get deeper and deeper, even if they don't break the means and use inhuman methods.

But now all this is false!

It's all nothingness.

How can they not collapse?

The disciples were staring at each other.

Everyone's breathing and heartbeat are almost stopped.


strange sounds come out.

At the beginning of his wound, Lin Yang recovered again.

People's minds are buzzing and hard to think.

Compared with the master of Hongyan Valley, the present Lin Yang is more like an immortal immortal...

Lin Yang steps forward.

At the moment, he is like the immortal god of war.

The disciples around him retreated one after another, and no one dared to stop Lin Yang.

"What are you doing? Kill him for me The main face of Hongyan Valley is deep and congealed, and whispers.

But the people tremble and shake fiercely, frightened unceasingly, who has the courage to challenge Lin Yang?

"A bunch of rubbish!"

The master of Hongyan valley was cold, but not flustered. She gazed at Lin Yang, who was coming, and hummed: "do you think you can defeat me like this? Well, you don't know what I'm after. "

With that, the master of Hongyan Valley suddenly accumulated Qi, and a cold air covered her dark arms.

After a moment, her arms were covered with ice.

Her arms sparkled in the dim moonlight.


Lin Yang frowned.

"Don't you believe I'm a fairy? Let me see what you've done The main eye of hongyangu is ferocious and raises his arm directly.


In front of her, the heads of ten disciples of hongyangu were directly shattered by her ice crystal arm, and they died miserably on the spot.


There were countless screams around.

"If you don't obey my orders, you are traitors. You should die!"

The master of Hongyan Valley yelled, but he slaughtered the disciples around him.

All the disciples died miserably.

The scene was full of blood. It was terrible, just like hell on earth.

All the disciples were scared out of their wits.

People were screaming and running.

But how can they escape from the hand of Hongyan Valley master? She caught up with her directly, and killed them by dividing them into two.

The rest of the people see escape also can not escape, simply kneel down on the ground, constantly kowtow to its.

"Forgive me! Forgive me, valley master

"Our reason is that the valley master will never retreat from the mountain of sword and the sea of fire!"

"Please forgive me, valley master!"

People were crying and their heads were broken.

The master of Hongyan Valley is not out of her mind. She stops and hums coldly: "if anyone doesn't want to die, I'll take this guy to pieces! Do you hear me? "


People bite their teeth, holding the will to survive, again to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang frown, pour also not polite, lift arm and kill.

Every person who is hit by him with his hand will die instantly and die on the spot.

No matter who it is, they can't resist Lin Yang's attack.

After all, even the master of Hongyan Valley can't bear it. How can these ordinary disciples be rivals?

But just then, a shrill cry rang through.

"Boy! Kill her! Kill her

Lin Yang, who was still fighting in the crowd, was stunned. He suddenly raised his head and saw that the master of Hongyan valley was dismembering the body beside him.

She will break her arms sealed with frost and dust, break off the hands of the body beside her, and then connect them to her broken arm.

Then there was a terrible scene.The two palms pieced together on her amputated limb could be used by her at will, as if they were her own hands...


Lin Yang's pupils dilated.

What a strange phenomenon this is.

From the point of view of medicine, he can't see the connection between the broken limbs and the red limbs.

But... It moved!

And move freely!


that's not enough.

The master of Hongyan Valley roared, and a large number of crimson lines appeared on her slender arms.

These lines are like poisonous snakes, turning into strange circles, and then...


All the skin covered by the striation is cracked.

The master of Hongyan Valley broke all the hands of the corpse on the ground, just like inserting a pipe into her arms.

After a while, her arms each had four hands.

And every hand... Can move freely.


This is the monster!

Many Hongyan Valley disciples are stupid.

But some disciples of hongyangu didn't react much. Obviously, it's not the first time they have seen this kind of thing!

Lin Yang is also confused.

But soon he thought of the monster he saw in the underground parking lot of Yanghua company.

"I didn't expect that in order to pursue the way of heaven, you actually made yourself into this picture of people, ghosts and ghosts..." the strange man here raised his head and looked at the main road of Hongyan Valley at the moment.

"What I lack, I can use these stumps and broken arms to splice what! My body is no longer ordinary people's body! I can absorb everything! I am God! I am God The master of Hongyan Valley said in a loud voice that his eyes became blood red, and the breath of his whole body suddenly rose countless times.

This moment, Rao is Linyang some can not bear.

Is this the strength of Hongyan Valley master?


I saw the master of Hongyan's Valley yelled, and the man burst into the air.

It's still that terrible speed.

But this is not a simple shot for Lin Yang.

After approaching, she directly stretched out her arms and pressed them on Lin Yang's shoulder and held her in place. Then the eight palms on her arms seized Linyang's chest, neck, waist, limbs... All together!

This is to break Linyang apart!

"I'd like to see if you can recover when I tear you to pieces!" The master of Hongyan Valley is ferocious, and his power is also pushed to the maximum.

Lin Yang felt that he was about to crack. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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