Hearing this, Qin baisong was stunned.

He didn't know what happened, but he could hear his anger from Lin Yang.

"Don't worry, teacher. I'll listen to you." Qin baisong immediately said.


Lin Yang Hung up the phone.

All the people around him listened to his conversation.

"Who are you calling?" Su asked.

"Qin baisong!" Lin Yang road.

Su Yan looked at him strangely and didn't speak.

The morning was full of laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha... Xiao Yan, am I right? Your husband's brain does have problems, he can still have Qin baisong's phone? Even tell Qin baisong not to do it? Do you believe it? Who does he think he is Mr Qin? Dare to order Mr. Qin? drowned in laughter. Ha ha ha... "Hua manchen can't stand straight.

The doctor shook his head again and again.

Su Guang looks ugly.

However, before long, Hua manchen's mobile phone rang.

Huamanchen looked at the caller ID, and his eyes lit up: "coming!"

After all the voices were quiet, Hua man morning connected the phone and pressed the voice over.

"What about dad? When will Mr. Qin arrive? I'll meet him at the airport Huamanchen said with a smile.

However, the voice over there hesitated and said, "man Chen, old Qin may not be able to come."

"What?" Bright morning smile froze.

Su Guang and Yan are stunned.

"Dad, how could that happen? Don't you have a good relationship with Mr. Qin? Why don't you ask Mr. Qin to come and treat yourself? It won't take much time. " I'm in a hurry.

However, the voice there was also very helpless: "manchen, I do have some friendship with old Qin, but I don't know how Qin is always going on. No matter what I say or ask for, he refused. He said that he would never leave home today. It seems that he has eaten the weight and iron heart. I really can't move."

With that, he hung up the phone.

The morning was stunned and dumb.

"How could this... Be so?" Su Guang's lips trembled.

Su Yan widened her eyes and looked at Lin Yang for the first time: "is it... Is it you? That phone call you just made

"It can't be him!"

Hua manchen on this side immediately called out.

But listen to Hua manchen coldly way: "what is He Lin Yang?"? He can command, doctor Qin? Who believes? Xiaoyan! It's just a coincidence! It's a coincidence

"Is it... Is it?" Su Yan is not sure.

Huamanchen took a deep breath, repressed his anger and unwillingness, and then put on a smile and said, "Xiaoyan, don't worry. I'll call my dad again to ask. Even if Mr. Qin doesn't have time today, tomorrow will be OK."

"But the patient's condition will not last till tomorrow." The doctor warned.

"If you can't make it, you have to hold on to me!"

Hua manchen gave the doctor a cold look.

The doctor breathed heavily and did not dare to speak.

Huamanchen took the phone out of the ward and dialed his father's phone.

"Dad, is there really no way?" Hua manchen asked in a low voice.

"Man Chen, I'll tell you that. Mr. Qin seems very angry, as if I offended him. I think it must be that someone called him in advance before I called him and told him not to help me! Otherwise, for no reason, I didn't provoke others Qin baisong. Why did Qin baisong do this? "

Hua Mancheng breathes a tremor in the morning, looks at the ward quietly, the face incomparably ugly.

He hung up the phone again, but turned his eyes and walked in.

"Brother Hua, what does uncle say?" Su Yan asked.

"Xiaoyan, my father talked to Mr. Qin again. There is something wrong with Mr. Qin tonight. He may not be able to come today, but not necessarily tomorrow. I will try my best to let him come." Hua manchen said with a smile.

He only said as much as he could, but he didn't say definitely. This kind of words had a lot of room. When Su Yan heard this, she thought that Mr. Qin would arrive tomorrow. But in fact, if Mr. Qin didn't come tomorrow, he could have other reasons to avoid it.

Now he has only one thing to do, that is, try to keep his face in front of Su Yan and not let Lin Yang take the lead.

But for Lin Yang, how can he not see through this little trick of Hua manchen?

"Thank you very much, brother Hua." Su Yan smiles.

"Xiaoyan, the doctor has already said that mother's condition can't last till tomorrow. What's more, Qin baisong won't come at all. Do you still expect him?" Lin Yang road.

"Don't expect him? Do you expect it? What happened to your phone call? You said you knew Qin baisong. Why didn't you call Qin baisong? And tell him not to come? " Su Yan looks at Lin Yang coldly.

"I won't let Qin baisong come. I just don't think Qin baisong's coming is safe enough." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Ah, isn't old Qin enough insurance? Are you afraid that old Qin can't cure his aunt well? Come on, come on. Who are you going to invite if Mr Qin doesn't come? Doctor luobeiming? Or Mr. Qi Zhong, a senior citizen in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine? Hehe, let's not say whether these people can cure aunts, just say you can move them! Who can you call on with your trash Hua manchen sneered."I can't call any of these people. I said, even Qin baisong is not safe to come. How can I call these people? "



Who do you think you are? You can choose these famous doctors! Who do you think you are?

This time, it was not only the doctor who was angry with Su Guang, but also su Yan.

Hua manchen was eager for Lin Yang to say this kind of brain damage. He was not angry. He only asked with a smile: "so powerful? Come, come, tell me, who are you going to call to cure my aunt

Lin Yang closed his eyes and spewed out three words in silence.

"Doctor Lin!"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the ward solidified.

"Lin... Dr. Lin? The myth of Jiangcheng medical circle The doctor shivered, his brain was shaking!

"It's impossible... Dr. Lin has not been informed since the last Sino Korean War. How could you ask him to move him?" Su Guang also called out.

When he went to work, he liked to read the newspaper news and knew the deeds of Dr. Lin.

That is the pride of Jiangcheng, a famous figure in the world!

Compared with Dr. Lin, Qin baisong is the difference between a bright moon and a firefly.

This kind of person may not be able to move even if he is the mayor of a city. What is this little son-in-law? Can you call Dr. Lin?

"Bragging about things that don't draft will only be full of nonsense here!" Only in the morning did I return to God and immediately despised the way.

"Don't you believe it? What if I bring Dr. Lin here? " Lin Yang asked.

"I'll kowtow to you in public, will you?" The morning is full of scorn.

"Good!" Lin Yang nodded.

"Oh, are you serious? Then I ask you, what should you do if you don't invite Dr. Lin here? " Hua manchen sneered.

"Then I will kowtow and kneel for you in public."

"Your kneeling is not worth money at all!" Hua Mancheng hummed: "kneel down and don't talk about it. As long as you divorce Xiaoyan immediately and promise never to disturb Xiaoyan again, that's enough!"

"It won't work!" Lin Yang shook his head: "unless it is Xiaoyan who proposes a divorce, otherwise I will not take the initiative to divorce Xiaoyan. This is my principle."

Su Yan heard the sound, autumn eyes trembling.

"You..." Hua manchen was angry, and then he snorted and said angrily: "forget it, since this is the case, then kneel down and kowtow! But I don't want you to kneel here. If Dr. Lin doesn't come before 5:00 this afternoon, I'll ask you to kneel at the gate of the hospital for half an hour, OK? "


Lin Yang readily agreed.

"Linyang, don't!"

Su Yan on this side can't help but cry out.

"You still care about me?" Lin Yang side of the first light road.

"I just don't want you to be so shameful again." Su Yan side head, eyes tears, hoarse way.

"It's a pity that I won't lose this man!"

Lin Yang said calmly, spinning and again took out the mobile phone, dial a number.

About twenty minutes later, there were rapid footsteps in the corridor outside, and then the door of the ward was pushed open.


Seeing the man coming in, the doctor was in a daze.

"Who are Zhang Qingyu's family members?" The director asked.

"I am. What's the matter?" Su yanleng asked.

"Zhang Qingyu is saved." The director said with a smile: "we have just received a call from Jiangcheng Medical Association. President Lin will come to inspect this afternoon, and then we will ask chairman Lin to help cure your mother!"

"Who is President Lin?" Su Yan asked in confusion.

"Of course, it's the famous doctor Lin in Jiangcheng." The host said with a smile.

As soon as the words came out, the ward suddenly lost its voice www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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