"Lin... Dr. Lin is coming to the hospital?" The morning is full of stupidity.

Su Yan and Su Guang were shocked and speechless.

"Ms. Zhang's condition is not optimistic. Our operation can only stabilize her temporarily. If we want to treat her, it is very risky. But if Dr. Lin intervenes, Ms. Zhang will be able to turn the corner. Miss Su, our hospital will not give up every patient, but we can't do anything about Ms. Zhang's injury. At this time, we can only rely on Dr. Lin. the hospital hopes that you will come to Lin The miracle doctor explains the situation, and I hope you can make good use of this opportunity! " Said the director, and he was about to go out.

Su Yan is still a little confused.

Hua manchen grabs the director in a hurry.

"What's the matter, chief? How can you be so good? How did Dr. Lin come here to investigate? Is there something wrong with you? " Hua manchen asked with wide eyes.

"There can be no mistake. Although the phone call from the medical association is very sudden, it can't be wrong." The director laughed and walked away.

Hua manchen sat down on a chair.

The doctor ran out excitedly, apparently intending to prepare for a meeting with his idol.

Of course, the most shocking is Su Yan.

She glared at Lin Yang in surprise.

"You did it? Do you know Dr. Lin She asked in disbelief.

"How could it be him?" Hua manchen immediately snatched words and said, "it must be that he has received the news, and he knows that Doctor Lin will come here today, so he can say such a thing! And Lin Yang, I'll tell you! You said you invited Dr. Lin! But later Xiaoyan will go to seek doctor Lin, so strictly speaking, Doctor Lin is not for you. In terms of winning or losing, you are also losing! You lost! "

This fell, Su Yan and Su Guang both nodded.

Brilliance has a point.

Dr. Lin has been silent for a long time since the war between China and South Korea. Many people are saying that Dr. Lin is Lin Dong of Yanghua group. However, there is no official evidence at all. Therefore, many people do not think that they are the same person.

What can Lin Yang know about people like Doctor Lin?

But the next moment, Lin Yang suddenly said: "is it not easy for me? Doctor Lin is here! Don't you just ask him? "

This sentence is like a knife, instantly stabbed into huamanchen's heart!

With his mouth open, he couldn't say a word.

Su Yan also looked stunned.

Lin Yang so vowed, can't it come true to invite the famous doctor in China?

"Dad, I'll take care of you later. I'll take care of you later

Lin Yang said and walked out of the ward.

"Lin Yang!"

Su Yan called out, but the man had gone far away.

Huamanchen's face was very ugly. All of a sudden, he was blue and white. He did not stay for a long time and left the ward in a hurry.

"A yong!"

Out of the ward, huamanchen immediately called his driver.

"What's the matter, young master?"

"What did my dad say when you called him before?" Hua manchen asked coldly.

"The master was very angry. He said that he wanted to find the court for Zhou Shi immediately, so he asked brother Lang to come over. Originally, the master had some connections in Jiangcheng, but recently, Jiangcheng is not peaceful. Many places have shuffled cards, so we can only start from Shanghai tune." Driver's road.

"What? Wolf, are they here? " Hua manchen was greatly surprised, but soon he was elated: "good! Good! Good! It's a long drought and a good rain! "

"Young master, what are you going to do? Are you going to let wolf brothers and them destroy Lin Yang? "

"It's not urgent! Lin Yang, put it aside for me first! You can contact brother wolf immediately and get another person for me first


"Doctor Lin!" Hua manchen spits out these three words.

As soon as the voice fell, the driver a Yong was scared to sit on the ground.

"Young master, are you crazy? Dr. Dong Lin? If it's exposed, we're all done! "

Dr. Lin is a man who has made contributions to the country, but has saved the face of traditional Chinese medicine! If you move him, it's the face of the Chinese medicine community. Can a Chinese family compete with the whole Chinese medicine community?

If the master knows about this, he and the young master will have to eat and eat...

"idiot, don't you think it's OK to hide your hands?" Hua manchen angrily said: "in short, you arrange brother Lang to start as soon as possible. Dr. Lin will come to the city hospital soon. I want him to go to the city hospital today, understand?"

"This... Ok..." the driver nodded hard.

"Doctor Lin had an accident and missed the best treatment time, and Zhang Qingyu was over. Su Yan must have been heartbroken. She thought that Lin Yang had delayed her mother. In that case, their divorce was doomed. Besides being sad, I would take advantage of the opportunity to enter again. This woman has not been captured yet?"

Hua manchen squints, his eyes are full of pleasure, he seems to have seen Su Yan lying in bed waiting for him....


after leaving the municipal hospital, Lin Yang first went back to the company and restored his appearance to his original appearance, that is, Lin Dong's appearance. Then he put on his hat and drove with Ma hai to the city hospital.

In fact, he didn't want to disclose his identity to Su Yan.

In that case, Yanjing will surely notice him, which is extremely unfavorable to his future plans.

His purpose is to subvert the Lin family and avenge his mother!

He can't expose himself too much until this step is successful.

It's just that since things have reached this point, it's time to show off the means.

Halfway through the car, Lin Yang answered a phone call from Jiangcheng Medical Association. This time, he went to the Municipal People's Hospital, and the Medical Association arranged for several people to come over and observe it.

They have been informed that Dr. Lin will do it. For them, this opportunity to observe and observe is extremely valuable.

Lin Yang didn't refuse, so he met the people of the Medical Association in front of the river crossing bridge, and the two cars went directly along Yanjiang Road.

But it didn't take long...


A strange noise came out.

In the car, Lin Yang and Ma Hai were both in front of each other and then stabilized.

"What's going on?" Lin Yang frowned.

"I've been tailed!"

Bad luck in the Mahai tunnel. Open the door and get out of the car immediately.

At this time, behind the black business car also walked down a man with a short head and glasses.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm a little distracted. I'm so sorry! " The man got out of the car and apologized and handed Mahai cigarettes.

"It's OK. It's OK. I'm in a hurry now. I'll go to the traffic police brigade later." Ma Hai took a look at the car. Seeing that it was not too serious, he did not intend to go into it.

Lin Yang in the back row glanced at the man. Suddenly, he seemed to see something. His face sank and he drank in a low voice: "Mahai, come back quickly!"


Ma Hai was stunned.

But the next second, the glasses man suddenly strangled Ma Hai's neck and dragged him directly to the car behind him. At the same time, four or five big men rushed down from the business car, one by one, like a rabbit, rushing towards Linyang.

Lin Yang's eyes are cold.

"Huamanchen asked you to come?"

"Don't talk nonsense, take him to the car, quick!"

A man with a pigtail on his back said.

"Yes, wolf!"

Several people rushed to Lin Yang, instantly opened the door of Lin Yang, and he was to be pulled from the car.

But the moment the door opened.

Lin Yang kicked out.


It makes a dull noise.

The man was caught off guard and was kicked in the chest. He flew out on the spot and fell heavily on the road edge behind him, fainting on the spot.


Brother wolf was stunned.

"Since Hua manchen did this, don't blame me! You forced me

Lin Yang cold way, backhand is another arm, boom to another man.

The man quickly raised his hand to resist.

But the strength of this arm was more than all, and it instantly broke his arm and hit him in the face.


The man's face bone was broken on the spot, and he turned over in the air, then fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

How cruel!

Wolf elder brother several people pupil a rise, full face frightening color.

These people are all good veterans of international mercenaries. How can they be knocked down with one punch and one foot?

What's going on? Didn't Hua Shao say that he was just a doctor? Why is the combat power so terrible?

Bang Dang!

At this point, the door is fully opened.

Lin Yang walked out of the car like frost, and walked towards the wolf elder brother.

Wolf brother breathed a tight, but not afraid, but lowered his voice: "is a practitioner, don't leave your hands!"

As soon as the voice fell, all of them drew towards the waist.


A sharp knife appeared in their hands!

"Be careful, Mr. Lin!" Ma Hai, who was dragged into the car, yelled.

Next second...


Innumerable meteor like cold light from the hands of Lin Yang, accurate thorn in the group of people.

In an instant, all the people on the scene, except brother Lang, were unable to move immediately www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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