Brother wolf stared at his eyes, and looked at his companions on both sides, and his scalp was shivering.

"Retired mercenaries? I can't imagine that Hua Manchu morning can invite you dead people. It seems that he really wants to be in the dead for me

Lin Yang came over, his face was as frosty and gloomy as ever.

He thought he was only a simple contender with Hua Manchu, but he underestimated the man's ruthlessness.

The mercenaries have come out of their hands, and he will have to be abandoned even if he doesn't die!

Since the other side is so vicious, he doesn't have to worry about it any more.

"Who are you?" Brother wolf eyes rippling ferocious, bite teeth said.

"The one you can't afford!"

Lin Yang said, already close to brother wolf.

Brother wolf drank and shouted, suddenly he pointed his knife and stab at Linyang.

The sabre was like a snake tusk, and it stabbed directly at Linyang's heart.

Brother wolf was the cruel character of licking blood on the blade. Seeing Lin Yang's strength so terrible, he naturally dared not take a lightly thought. He killed him when he took a hand. This was to put the man to death.

His dagger was fierce and brutal, and the speed was extremely fast. If he could not breathe, he would be near the heart of Linyang.

But just as the blade tip was about to enter Linyang, two fingers suddenly moved, and the sharp knife was precisely clamped in.

A little bit of a finger.

Bang Dang!

The knife was folded in half.

"What?" Brother wolf is terrible.

Empty hand cutting edge?

Next second, a foot kicks on brother wolf's chest!


Wolf brother flies out of the ball, directly hit the business car behind.

The whole body sank instantly. Brother wolf was seven meat and eight elements. His skin was full of skin. His chest was depressed and his mouth was bleeding.

The people in the car were scared and stopped taking care of the sea of horses. They rushed out crazy.

Mahai took the opportunity to escape, ran to the back of Linyang.

His face was shocked and filled.

He always thought that Linyang was just a doctor, but he didn't expect that it was not only medical skills, but his skills were incredible.


At this time, Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Lin Dong, what do you want?" Ma Haiwei trembled, and said with a busy compliment.

This moment, his attitude to Linyang is not only respect so simple, but from inside and outside from the heart of respect!

"Ask Gong Xiyun to take people to keep the people's Hospital, and don't let Hua Manchun run. I will do a good job with huamanchun for this account!" Lin Yang has no expression.

Ma Hai was trembling, what else would have said, but looking at Linyang's cold face, he swallowed a stomach of words.

It's just!

To fight with the Chinese family, then play! It's now, and there's no need to be wordy.

Mahai sighed in his heart, and took out the phone to dial Gong Xiyun.

Lin Yang continued to walk towards brother wolf.

Brother wolf got up hard, looking at the coming Linyang, shivering wildly.

"Kill, kill him for me, get the guy out and kill him!" Brother wolf roared bitterly.

The big men no longer hesitated, Qi Qi pulled out the gun, aimed at Linyang.

But just as they were about to pull the trigger, a thin silver needle flew out again, and it was precisely tied to their wrist, and their fingers could not move at once.

"Ah? My hand! "

"Captain, our hands can't move!!"

"It's a needle, it's his needle!"

People shouted in horror.

Brother wolf breathed, and he rushed to the nearest big man, and grabbed his gun directly.


Linyang waved the needle again.

But brother wolf obviously prepared, suddenly turned back to Linyang.


Silver needle stab on his back, because it is not tied to acupoints, so there is no impact.

"You're doing that!"

Wolf brother, with a ferocious face, suddenly pulled his gun and turned around, trying to pull the trigger.

But in the moment he turned, a cold light passed through his eyes.

Then he felt a cold wrist.

Looking at it, his hand with a pistol had fallen on the ground, and blood was pouring out wildly, and the pain came up.

As for Linyang, he stood in front of him with a half of the broken sabre.


Brother wolf howled sadly, people retreated, and tried to cover their wrists.

General Lin Yang threw down his knife and came with a silver needle.

"Don't come here! You don't want to come! " Wolf brother screamed in horror.

But there is no effect.

A needle of Lin Yang has been stabbed in his chest.

looked at the body of the wolf brother's body trembling with frenzy, and the mouth full of blood was spitting out foam. The whole person was also very depressed. If he was covered by electric current for a moment, he would not have a sound and fell to the ground."Lin Dong, you... You killed?" Ma Hai trembled and cried.

"Don't worry, he's not dead. I just destroyed part of his body to make him look less strong."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, he has to be more careful when he walks in the future. If he falls down, he will be easily broken." Lin Yang light road.

Ma Hai a listen, scalp numb.

Will a fall break you? Is his body made of paper? Isn't it that you can't even take heavy things? In this way, what's the difference between wolf brother and abandoned one?

It's more painful than killing him.

"Here you deal with it. I'm going to the hospital now."

Lin Yang light road, turned and then on the car, toward the city hospital.

At the moment, a long banner has been opened at the gate of the city hospital.

"Warmly welcome Dr. Lin Shenyi, President of Jiangcheng Medical Association, to visit our hospital."

As soon as the banner came out, the hospital was boiling inside and outside.

Many journalists who heard the news gathered at the gate of the hospital.

Su Yan had been waiting at the gate of the hospital, and Su Guang arrived in a wheelchair.

Hua manchen is waiting with the driver a Yong, but now he is full of sneer.

"I'm sorry to hear from the old doctor Qin, but he didn't plan to come over." Hua manchen said with guilt.

"It's OK, brother Hua. Thank you." Su Yan smiles.

"You are too polite, but Xiaoyan, I don't know if I should tell you."

"What words?" Su Yan asked curiously.

"That is... If Dr. Lin can't come to the hospital, what should I do?" Brilliance asked carefully.

This word a, Su Yan small face instantly pale numerous.

Mr. Qin is no longer here. If Dr. Lin can't come, isn't it over?

"I... I don't know..." Su Yan's face was flustered, some at a loss.

"Xiaoyan, light fixed point, the Medical Association has called, certainly will come." Su Guang comforted.

Su Yan was very nervous.

But at this time, a doctor rushed over.

"Who is Su Yan?"

"I am. What's the matter?" Su Yan was stunned.

However, the doctor said eagerly: "the patient has massive bleeding. Now the situation is very serious. You should go with me to match the blood type quickly! Come on


Su Yan was shocked.

"I'll go too!" Su Guang was also in a hurry.

They ran to the hospital immediately.

Brilliance looks at this scene with a smile on her face, full of complacency.

"Young master, look like this, Zhang Qingyu won't last long."

"I wish Zhang Qingyu would die now! As soon as Zhang Qingyu died, Su Yan was disheartened. She was bound to blow with Lin Yang, and things were almost finished. " Hua manchen squints and laughs.

At this time, the voice sounded.

"The Medical Association's car is here!"

As soon as the words fell, the scene was boiling.

The high-level of the hospital in front of us rushed with the reporters.

However, only some people from the Medical Association came down from the Medical Association, and did not see the figure of Dr. Lin.

"What about Dr. Lin?"

Someone asked.

"Sorry, Doctor Lin's car was rear ended on the road. He asked us to come first. He should be here soon."

As soon as this was said, many people were very disappointed.

But the driver, a Yong, clapped his hands again and again.

"Young master, wolf brothers, they have become!"

"Ha ha, it's just a little doctor. Wolf can't deal with it. Let's go and sit down. The sun is too big for us to stay here. The good play will be staged soon."


Smiling, they walked towards the hospital.

But as soon as they stepped forward, they heard the roar of sports cars coming, and then a man in formal clothes and a hat got out of the car.

"Doctor Lin is here!"

There was a cry.

The scene was boiling.

Hua manchen, who was about to leave, stopped on the spot , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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