"What's going on?"

Huamanchen glared at the crowd of boiling people.

He rushed to squeeze out, but saw the hat of Lin Yang came out.

But after seeing this dress up, the scene has already exploded.

Countless people were shocked and thought they were wrong.

"Lin... Lin Dong?"

"So Dr. Lin really is Lin Dong?"

"My God, they are the same person!"

"I should have thought of it long ago. Just imagine, besides Dr. Lin, who can have the ability to research out a cure for rhinitis and cerebral infarction?"

"Big news! Big news

"The Internet will explode tomorrow, and domestic headlines will be reserved!"


the sound of shock is endless.

The reporters were crazy, they were filming all the time.

This news is so shocking!

The top management of the hospital was also very surprised, but they were not interested in Lin Dong. As long as Dr. Lin came, it would be OK!

He saw a man with white hair and thick glasses came up and warmly extended his hand to Lin Yang.

"I'm Jiang Mang, the president of the municipal hospital. Welcome Dr. Lin to our hospital for investigation. Welcome!"

"Hello, President Jiang!" Lin Yang road.

"Come on, Dr. Lin. please come in." Jiang mang said with a smile.

Lin Yang nodded, and then walked toward it under the crowd.

Blood drawing room.

Su Yan has just drawn blood.

Her blood type matched with her mother, but even if she had blood transfusion, she still couldn't get out of the danger period. Now the doctors in the hospital are trying their best to rescue her.

Su Yan sits on the chair, covers the arm, the small face is very pale, the person also is particularly flustered.

She really doesn't know who else to rely on at this time.

"Xiaoyan, don't be sad, no matter what the outcome is, it's fate." Su Guang comforts a way, but actually he is more nervous than Su Yan.

"Now I can only see doctor Lin Su Yan said hoarsely.

Su Guang sighed deeply, and his expression was particularly low.

At this time, the director came over in a hurry.

"Miss Su!"

"Chief, what's the matter?" Su Yan was busy getting up.

"Here it is! coming! Doctor Lin is here The director said excitedly.


Su Yan was overjoyed.

"Of course it is. Can I cheat you? Dr. Lin is in the conference room now. Please hurry up and guard at the door of the meeting room. When Dr. Lin comes out, you can explain the situation to him. Dr. Lin will certainly agree! " Said the director.

"Well, I'll be there now!"

Su Yan's small face is full of firmness and walks towards the conference room alone.

At the moment, many people gathered at the door of the conference room. They wanted to interview Dr. Lin and ask him for medicine.

After all, this is the representative of the Chinese medicine community, and it is the top level figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Even Han Yi Wang is not his opponent!

Seeing so many patients crowded here, Su Yan was a little surprised.

She thought she was alone.

Will Dr. Lin agree?

Su Yan's heart was uneasy again.

About 20 minutes later, the door of the conference room opened.

A group of people came out.

The patients outside immediately surrounded.

The scene was chaotic.

"Dr. Lin, I've got a stomachache. Can you take a look at it for me?"

"Dr. Lin, do you have any treatment for diabetes?"

"Dr. Lin, I am advanced lung cancer. Please give me a prescription. Please!"

"Dr. Lin, I have AIDS. Can you cure AIDS?"

At last, the words of this man scared the people around, and people retreated one after another.

But Lin Yang didn't care.

AIDS this kind of thing, touches not to be able to infect.

But Su Yan was shocked.

When she saw the familiar top hat and the pretty face, she was confused.

"Lin... Lin Dong?" Su Yan cried out in an incredible voice.

When Lin Yang heard the sound, he noticed Su Yan standing beside him.

"How could it be you? Are you... Are you Dr. Lin? " She said, eyes wide and trembling.

"Not bad."

Lin Yang said faintly.

This word falls to the ground, Su Yan is powerless to sit on the side of the chair, the whole person is like pulling silk to peel cocoon general, did not have half the strength, the eyes are full of despair.

She never thought that Lin Dong was a miracle doctor!

Thinking about what happened in Su's company before, will Lin Dong really help his mother?

Surely not?Definitely not!

The last glimmer of hope was also shattered...

Su Yan felt that she had fallen into the abyss and could not see the light again.

At this moment, a man crowded in.

It was just the morning.

"Doctor Lin, how do you do?" Brilliance put out his hand with a smile.

But Lin Yang did not go to hold, light look at him to ask: "who are you?"

"My name is Hua manchen. I'm from Shanghai Hua family." Brilliant morning a little proud said.

All the people in the upper class should have heard of his Chinese family, so when he said this, he was particularly proud.

However, Lin Yang shook his head: "I don't know any Hua family, I don't know you. What's wrong?"

Brilliant morning smile a stiff.

But soon he returned to normal.

He approached Lin Yang and asked in a low voice, "Doctor Lin, do you know Lin Yang?"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

Hua manchen hesitated and said in a low voice: "if you are invited by Lin Yang, I hope you can refuse his request. If you agree, I will give you this number!"

With that, Hua manchen held out his hand and spread out his fingers.

"Half a million?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Five million." The morning is full of morning.

Five million?

This is a big deal for ordinary people.

But from Lin Yang's point of view, this is just a drizzle.

"Do you know Yanghua group?" Lin Yang asked.

Hua manchen was slightly stunned, and his face was somewhat unnatural.

Compared with the giant Yanghua group, five million yuan can almost be ignored. Isn't it funny to take money to buy Lin Dong?

But Hua manchen didn't give up and said in a low voice again: "Doctor Lin, you may not know much about our Chinese family. I'll tell you that the Chinese family in Shanghai is equal to Yanghua in Jiangcheng. Do you understand?"

If this is the case, the energy of the Chinese family is really huge to the sky!

After all, Shanghai is a first tier city! Which is Jiangcheng this kind of small place can compare?

However, huamanchen is somewhat exaggerated. You should know that Shanghai is a real place for crouching tigers, hiding dragons, and people who have not been there will never know how deep the water is.

"Yanghua is just in its infancy. We need a strong foreign aid to open up the domestic market. We Huajia are very happy to make friends with Yanghua group. If Mr. Lin can grant me this small request, I think Huajia and Yanghua will become very good friends!" Hua manchen said with a smile.

He believed that Lin Yang would not refuse.

After all, it's a Chinese family.

How many large family enterprises in China want to join the Chinese family and have no way out. Now the opportunity is in front of Mr. Lin. how can he not cherish it?

However, the next second, Lin Dong responded, not to Hua manchen, but to the nearby President Jiang.

"What's wrong with this psychopath? Why are you talking nonsense here? President Jiang, can you get rid of him? "

President Jiang was stunned. He didn't know Hua manchen. He immediately called out, "security guard, get these people out of here. Don't affect Dr. Lin."

As soon as the words came out, two security guards ran over.

"What do you mean?"

I'm in a hurry.

"Isn't the meaning clear enough? Go away Lin Yang drinks cold.

The morning is full of amazement...

he's such a wonderful family that he's going to be kicked out!

"Good! Good! Lin Dong, if you do not eat or drink, you will be punished! This is your own choice. Don't blame me Huamanchen was angry, and then he called out: "I'm here to see a doctor!"

Since they are patients, hospitals naturally have no right to rush, so they can only give up.

Lin Yang is too lazy to pay attention to Hua manchen. His account will be calculated later. Now there are more important things to do.

"Su Yan!"

Lin Yang called out to Su Yan who was still in a daze.

"Lin... Lin Dong?" Su Yan looked back at Lin Yang.

But listen to Lin Yang way: "quickly take me to see your mother, I want to immediately for your mother surgery!"


Su Yan was shocked.

One side of the huamanchen is stupefied, staring.

Dr. Lin took the initiative to operate on Zhang Qingyu, but Su Yan didn't even say... So, the purpose of his coming here is very obvious!

He was invited to treat Zhang Qingyu!

"Is it true that Dr. Lin was invited by Lin Yang?" Su Yan whispered to herself, her heart beating wildly.

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