Looking at Dr. Lin entering the operating room, Su Yan, waiting at the door, is restless.

Su Guangxin beside him was so happy that he said with a smile: "Xiaoyan, it's OK. It's OK. With Dr. Lin, your mother will be safe and sound."

As for Dr. Lin, Su Guang worshipped him very much.

Pull the general of the building and defeat the plot of Korean medicine with one person's power! It's a juvenile hero.

However, Su Guang was overjoyed, but Su Yan was upset.

She did not speak to Dr. Lin, but Dr. Lin took the initiative to save Zhang Qingyu. There is no doubt that Dr. Lin knew Zhang Qingyu's situation.

So, who would say that?

Morning glory? It's impossible. Dr. Lin doesn't know Hua manchen at all. He has to drive him away! If Hua manchen invited him, how could Mr. Lin say such a thing?

Well, there is only one person except huamanchen!

Lin Yang!

It's just... How can Lin Yang know the famous doctor Lin? And he is the chairman of Yanghua group!

This identity of people, Lin Yang can contact?

Lin Yang is just a little son-in-law!

He has no merit, and he can't even earn a share of money. The only job he found in sweeping the floor was introduced by Su Yan...

it's amazing that Lin Yang can get in touch with Mahai! He even knew Lin Dong and even let him do it himself!

Am I dreaming?

I must be dreaming!

Su Yan constantly hinted at herself.

But at this time, Su Yan suddenly realized a very terrible fact.

If Dr. Lin was really invited by Lin Yang, would the phone call made by Lin Yang be true?

He really called Qin baisong!

And... Qin baisong also listened to Lin Yang's words and deliberately ignored the Hua family.

Otherwise, Hua manchen vowed to invite Qin baisong. Why did Qin baisong refuse to come?

Thinking of this, Su Yan felt her heart began to beat wildly.

She has been a bit blind to her husband.

Su Yan looked not far away from her eyes. She was staring at the door of the operating room with a gloomy face. She hesitated and went over.

"Brother Hua!"

"Oh, Xiaoyan, congratulations. With Dr. Lin here, my aunt will be safe and sound." Huamanchen Leng next, busy put away the grim face, said with a smile.

"Thank you." Su Yan laughed, hesitated, and then asked, "brother Hua, is it really because of something that he can't come today?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing. I just ask, can he come tomorrow?" Su Yan asked again.

As soon as he said this, Hua manchen's face was a little unnatural. He laughed and said with a smile: "he was going to come tomorrow, but he received the news that Dr. Lin had arrived here. He thought that he would not come because he thought that Doctor Lin was here."

"Well, I know, but anyway, at least Mr. Qin is willing to help me, which is also human. Brother Hua, can you give me his phone number? I'd like to call Mr. Qin and thank him in person. Is that ok? " Su Yan looks at Hua manchen attentively.

"How can this... This... This work? Mr. Qin is very busy... Besides, he didn't help. What's your thanks? No need, no more! " Hua manchen's voice stuttered, and he quickly waved his hand.


Su Yan was disappointed and didn't ask.

At this time, a nurse came over.

"Who is Miss Su Yan, please?"

"Hello, I am. What can I do for you?" Su Yan was busy.

"Oh, yes, the cost of the previous operation is redundant. Please take the invoice to the outpatient department for refund!" The nurse said with a smile.

"Is it? How much can I get back? "

"About three hundred thousand."

"Oh, ok..." Su Yan said to Hua man Chen, "brother Hua, is the invoice still there? Get a refund

"What... Invoice?" I'm in a hurry.

"Lost it?" Next to the nurse confused asked.

Hua man morning touched the pocket on his body, and then showed an anxious look. He wanted to cry without tears and said, "it seems that I lost it."

"In that case, please take your ID card to check it. After checking, the refund will be called to your account." The nurse said with a smile.

"That... No, no, it's only 300000. You can think of it as my donation to your hospital." Hua manchen smiles awkwardly.

"How about that? Three hundred thousand is not a small sum. How can we not do it? " Su Yan said solemnly: "brother Hua, it's not easy for your uncle and aunt to make money. You can't spend it like this. You have to save a little and go to refund it quickly."

"This... I didn't take my ID card..." Hua manchen patted his head and said.

"No? How did you pay for it? " Su Yan looked at him with some doubts."I... I asked my driver to pay the money!" Hua Mancheng smiles awkwardly: "Xiaoyan, don't worry, I'll ask my driver to refund later."


Su Yan nodded, but she could already feel something wrong with huamanchen.

The nurse left.

Su Yan is still sitting on the chair waiting for the result of the operation.

Brilliance was restless. Somehow, he felt as if his affairs were coming to light.

If you let Su Yan know the truth, then with Su Yan's temperament, I'm afraid I can't get this woman again!

Thinking of this, huamanchen can't help being a little nervous.

Buzz, buzz...

at this time, the phone rings.

"Ah Yong! What's the situation with wolf Hua manchen was angry and said, "why did Dr. Lin run to the hospital? Didn't I ask him to stop Dr. Lin? Why didn't that bucket succeed? "

"Hua Shao... Wolf brother, he... He abandoned..."


Hua manchen suddenly stood up.

A Yong told Hua manchen all the news he knew.

When I heard it all morning, I was sweating and I was pale.

Isn't that a doctor?

How can a little doctor fight like this!

Although wolf brother is not as good as Zhou game, but wolf brother is the existence of licking blood on the point of knife, which is what ordinary people can deal with?

Hua was sweating in the morning. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He asked, "does the miracle Doctor Lin know that wolf and they are my people?"

"I don't know." A Yong is not sure.

"As long as you don't know, now Dr. Lin has come to the hospital. It's impossible to stop him. Just let them go." Hua manchen is relieved.

After learning that the miracle Doctor Lin is Lin Dong, Hua Mancheng doesn't want to provoke him any more.

Although the Hua family is not afraid of Yanghua group, if you want to add the identity of Dr. Lin, the potential of Yanghua group is infinite...

a yong hangs up the phone.

Brilliance took a deep breath and sat in the chair thinking about the countermeasures behind.

At this time...


The lights in the operating room are off.

Su Yan immediately stood up.

But the door has been opened, a white coat wearing a mask of Lin Yang came out.

"Doctor Lin, what's the matter with my mother?" Su Yan asked urgently.

"Don't worry, it's stable. It's not a big problem to take medicine and recuperate on time." Lin Yang vomited his way.

"That's good, thank you, Dr. Lin..." Su Yan vomited his turbid breath, and his hanging heart finally let go.

Su Guang was also very excited, and his tears all came out: "nothing is good, nothing is good..."

although the brilliance over there is very unhappy in his heart, he still comes with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Xiaoyan, Auntie is OK, everyone is happy!"

"Thank you." Su's eyes are red with words.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly turned his head and said to Hua manchen, "Mr. Hua, can you fulfill your previous gambling appointment and kneel down and kowtow at the door of the hospital?"

As soon as he said this, Hua manchen was stunned.

Su Yan and Su Guang could not help shaking.

"You... Are you really invited by Lin Yang?" Su Yan stammered and looked at Lin Shen's medical way.

"Do you think I was invited by huamanchen?" Lin Yang said coldly.

Su Yandun was silent.

At this time, the former nurse came back.

"Miss Su, here is your balance. Please sign and check." The nurse said with a smile.

"Just give it back to Mr. Hua. It's not my money." Su Yan shook his head.

The nurse was stunned and said in dismay, "what does this have to do with Mr. Hua? This is the money paid by your husband. As Mr. Lin Yang's wife, your signature is valid, and the signature of others is invalid. "

Su Yan's pupils tremble wildly.

"Who did you say paid the money?"

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