On hearing this, the nurse apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Su. We just learned the identity of the payer. This money was delivered by your husband Lin Yang. Please sign and collect it."

The voice fell to the ground, Su Yan was as if struck by lightning and stayed in place.

Su Guang beside him is also confused and looks at the nurse in an incredible way.

Money paid by Lin Yang?

Lin Yang?

How could it be?

How can a useless son-in-law pay millions of dollars?

Where does he get so much money?

Su Yan couldn't believe it, and Su Guang couldn't accept it.

It's just incredible.

Su Yan looked at huamanchen with consternation: "brother Hua, what's this... What's going on?"

"What's going on? I... I don't know... "Hua manchen is also a little flustered and stammered.

"Didn't you pay the money? How did it become Lin Yang's? " Su Yan asked.

Hearing this, Lin Yang suddenly realized.

Feeling huamanchen takes credit for himself and tells Su Yan that this is what he did...

Lin Yang's face is heavy and his heart is particularly angry.

This morning is full of shame!

She's so angry that she's full of anger.

"Brother Hua, how can you do this?" Su Yan asked.

Hua manchen was sweating in the morning and hesitated for a long time. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and said, "I did pay the money, but I asked my driver a yong to pay it! Wait a minute. I'll ask a yong! "

Finish saying that, Hua Mancheng immediately called, the driver a yong ran over in a hurry.

"Didn't I ask you to pay my aunt for the operation? Why didn't you hand in the money, but let the idiot in Linyang pay it? " Hua manchen asked.

"Young master, this... I... when I went to hand it in, the hospital said it had been handed in. I thought it was the young master who had already handed it in, so... So I don't know..." ah Yong, the driver, also pretended to be stupid.

"You don't know! Said, did you take the money away? What about Lao Tzu's four million? " Hua manchen slapped the driver a Yong in the face.


A Yong was fanned to the ground, and then cried: "I'm sorry, young master, I really swallowed the money. Please forgive me, forgive me!"

As soon as he said this, people around him suddenly.

The feeling is that the driver embezzled four million.

But then again, this is too reluctant. Is the driver a fool? This kind of thing is bound to come to light.

Su Yan some do not believe, but huamanchen people have hit, she wants to question is not good.

Only Lin Yang was cold.

He knew that they were just acting. Even if the driver had the courage, he couldn't swallow the four million yuan. After all, you paid the money, and at least there was a list. Hua Mancheng didn't even read the list? Has his trust in the driver reached this level?

Hua man Chen is Hua man Chen in the end. He shirks his responsibility. Now the driver is carrying the pot. Hua man Chen has no responsibility at all.

But Lin Yang doesn't care about this anymore.

"Mr. Hua, it's time for you to fulfill your previous promise. Don't you kowtow at the door of the hospital?" Lin Yang spoke again.

Brilliance's face changed a lot.

He looked at Lin Yang and said coldly, "it seems that the relationship between Lin Dong and that Lin Yang is very good? Do you know the bet between me and Lin Yang? "

"Do you do it or not?" Lin Yang asked.

"Ha ha, I'm just playing with a fool. How can I fulfill it?" Hua manchen hums and laughs.

He knows that Lin Dong and Lin Yang are together. Since they are together, he doesn't have to compliment Lin Dong any more.

In any case, there is no agreement between the two sides, and there is nothing to go back on.

"Lin Dong, it was just a joke before. Don't take it seriously." Su Yan squeezed out a smile.

In her opinion, Hua manchen made this bet to help her. She would feel embarrassed if she could kneel down at the door of the hospital.

However, as soon as the words fell, Lin Yang was staring at Su Yan coldly and said, "don't take it seriously? Well, I asked you, if Lin Yang lost, what would be the result

"Lin Yang lost... That... Of course, don't take it seriously... After all, I don't think there should be such a thing. Kowtow is not good for anyone..." Su Yan opened his mouth and whispered.

"Do you think Lin Yang can not knock if he doesn't want to? Do you think your husband is the son of Hua manchen? If Linyang doesn't kowtow, I'm afraid huamanchen will force Linyang to kowtow at the gate of the hospital? " Lin Yang hums coldly.

Su Yan breathed and shook her head: "no, brother Hua is not that kind of person, and I will not allow him to do so."

"What's the use of not allowing it? You think he'll listen to you? You want him to listen to you. It's very simple. He will definitely ask you to do something for him in exchange for Lin Yang's freedom! He doesn't care if Linyang doesn't kneel down. What he cares about is whether you ask him for help! " Lin Yang cold road.Su Yan's face changed greatly.

"Lin Dong, don't be so bloody here! I'm... I'm brilliant. Who's that kind of person? " Brilliance's apparent anger is, in fact, a thrill.

Because what Lin Yang said is very good.

If Lin Yang loses the bet, he will certainly let his hand go down and force him to kneel at the door of the hospital. If Su Yan pleads, he will take the opportunity to ask Su Yan for help.

However, Dong Lin saw through all his thoughts.

But even so, huamanchen would never admit it.

Su Yan some speechless, she has been two people's words to around dizzy.

"Lin Dong, I know you don't like me very much, but I don't want you to be bloody here. I'm not as mean as you think!" Hua manchen was filled with indignation.

Anyway, Lin Dong has no evidence now. If he doesn't admit it, it will be over. Even if he doesn't, he can't help him.

Just then, however, another stretcher was pushed over.

"Give way, make way!"

The doctors yelled.

People were stunned, fixed their eyes, but saw a man lying on a stretcher, one hand covering the broken wrist, full of pain.

Several people quickly get out of the way.

But brilliance was shocked.

Because this man is the wolf he sent out.

However, wolf brother did not know where the strength came from, and suddenly caught him when he passed huamanchen.

"Young master, young master, you must cure me. I will stop the miracle Doctor Lin and teach Lin Yang a lesson according to what you said. Now that I have an accident, you must cure me..." cried wolf.

As soon as the words fell, the morning turned pale.

Su Yan and Su Guang were all surprised.

"You... What are you talking about? i don't know you. Let go of it

Hua manchen struggles because of the strength.


Wolf broke his wrist directly.


Brother wolf made a shrill cry.

"What are you doing?"

Next to the doctor immediately scolded him, and then rushed wolf brother into the emergency room rescue.

"Oh? It was you who told him to stop me? " Lin Yang pretended to be suddenly surprised and said: "no wonder my car was hit by someone for no reason. There are a group of lawless people who want to move me. Fortunately, there are many bodyguards around me, otherwise I would not have time to get here to cure Zhang Qingyu!"

"You... What are you talking about? I don't know that man at all Hua manchen gnaws his teeth.

"Brother Hua, what's going on here?" Su Yan also felt something wrong and asked again.

"That man must have been asked by Lin Dong to act. Xiao Yan, don't believe him!" The morning was full of sweat.

He didn't expect that the board of directors of the board of directors of the board of directors had such a good hand, and he actually betrayed his stalwart confidant.

"There are call logs and text messages."

Lin Yang said without expression: "that person's mobile phone still has the information sent out from your mobile phone, do you want to check it?"

Hua manchen breathes a tremor in the morning, and is silent in an instant.

"In addition, you said you asked your driver to pay Zhang Qingyu. I asked you, when did you ask your driver to pay?" Lin Yang asked again.

Hua manchen faltered under, spin and anger way: "what do you care?"

"It's none of my business, can't I ask?" Lin Yang light road.

Su Yan hears the voice, also immediately stare at Hua manchen, eyes burning, waiting for his reply.

"I... I asked the driver to hand it in this morning..."

"but the monitoring in the hospital has not seen that your driver has gone to the clinic in the past three days. What's the matter?" Lin Yang said again.

As soon as he said this, Hua manchen stepped back a few steps in an instant. He looked at Lin Dong in a daze and couldn't say a word.

Only then did Su Yan realize.

The driver didn't even go to the clinic. What else does that mean? It shows that huamanchen had already known that the money had been paid by Lin Yang, but he also said that the money was paid by himself... Isn't this cheating Su Yan?

It turns out that everything is a fraud!

"Brother Hua, is that true? You've been lying to me? " Su Yan bit her lips and her eyes turned red.

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