Hearing Su Yan's question, Hua manchen is already in a state of unconsciousness, and the sweat on her face is constantly overflowing.

"I... I..." Hua Mancheng couldn't find any reason for sophistry. The whole person stood in the same place, stuttering, unable to say why.

"I don't think you are such a person?"

Su Yanqi's small face flushed, only then realized that he had been wrong to blame Lin Yang.

Whether it is the operation cost or the director Lin, it is the result of Lin Yang's operation behind his back, but huamanchen has the audacity to count all the credit on him.

How shameless!

Lin Yang must be very sad now?

Su Yan's face was full of guilt, and her delicate body was shaking gently.

She has no intention to scold Hua manchen again. In her opinion, Hua manchen, who plays her around like this, is no longer worthy of her trust.

Such people, even friends, are not worth being.

Su Yan mercilessly gouged out huamanchen, then directly took out the mobile phone and dialed the number to Linyang.

Not good!

Lin Dong, also Lin Yang's face changed, and he stretched his hand toward his pocket.

But at this time...

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

A melody very familiar to Su Yan began.

Su Yan slightly a Leng, looking at Lin Dong: "Lin Dong, your telephone ring tone is the same as Lin Yang."

"It's... yeah... I'll get a call."

Lin Yang smiles and turns to the stairs.

Su Yan didn't care.

When Lin Dong disappeared at the entrance of the corridor, the phone was finally connected.

"What's the matter?" On the other side of the phone is Lin Yang's familiar voice.

"That... I'm sorry..." Su Yan mumbled her lower lip, or to say the words out.

"Oh..." Lin Yang knew what Su Yan said.

"I know the truth. I'm sorry to talk to you like that before..." Su Yan felt her voice extremely dry and dumb. She had a lot of words, but she couldn't say it.

"I'll make it up to you." Su Yan hesitated and said.

"No, I just hope you can promise me a little."

"What? You say, I will promise you Su Yan was busy.

"Trust me more in the future." Lin Yang said and hung up the phone.

This sentence fell, Su Yan pretty face pale, heart crazy trembling.

After a moment, she put down the phone powerless, look a little low.

Yes... From the beginning to the end, she did not choose to trust Lin Yang.

If she believed Lin Yang, how could there be so many things?

She is clearly her husband, but she treats him as if she is treating an outsider...

Su Yan doesn't speak. She just leans against the wall and covers her face as if she is thinking about something.

"Xiaoyan, are you ok?" Hua manchen is busy asking questions.

"Huamanchen, please leave! From now on, I have nothing to do with you! " Su Yan suddenly looked up and said coldly.

"Su Yan, what do you mean?" Brilliance frowns.

"What do you mean by taking people to intercept Dr. Lin? Would you like my mother to die Su Yan glared angrily.

This is what she is most angry about.

If Dr. Lin can't come, her mother will be ruined!

In order to win his favor and win the bet with Lin Yang, he used such means! How vicious this is! At the thought of this, Su Yan felt sick.


huamanchen is short of breath and his face is particularly gloomy.

Finally, he snorted coldly and said in an angry voice: "Su Yan, I have done so much for you. What qualifications do you have to say about Laozi? If you are my girlfriend, will I do so much? "

"You are... Shameless!"

"I tell you, Su Yan, it's not easy for me to fix your family. It's your blessing that I like you. Don't be shameless! Listen, I'll give you one last chance. At 7 p.m., I'll wait for you in box 2 of Dongzhu hotel. If you don't come, don't blame me for being rude! I promise your mother won't be able to stay in this hospital! "

Hua man morning angry hum way, is a shake hands, directly turn to leave.

Su Yan was surprised and angry.

Now Zihua has revealed his true shape directly!

But Su Yan can't help him.

Su Guang was confused.

"What should I do now? Xiao Yan, is this gorgeous morning really unusual? " Su Guang shuddered.

"Dad, don't worry. He still dares to make waves and make waves?" Su Yan gritted her teeth and said.

"Xiaoyan, you are too simple. If the relationship is hard enough, we must be finished. Who can we rely on now? You can't rely on anyone Su Guang sighed."Dad, what do you mean? Do you really want me to go to Dongzhu hotel Su Yan's eyes widened.

"Dad doesn't mean that. Dad just wants you to ask for someone!"




"Yes, Xiao Yang can invite Lin Dong, and he can get five million yuan. This boy must be promising. Go to find him and see what he can do! You are his wife, can he still watch you enter the tiger's mouth? Let him come forward and ask for Mr. Lin. if Mr. Lin is here, we won't have to worry about this morning! " Su Guang said.

It's also thanks to Su Guang's face that Su Yan has the face to ask Lin Yang. Before that, Su Guang encouraged Su Yan to divorce Lin Yang.

Su Yan sighed and looked at it for a long time with her mobile phone. Finally, she put it into her pocket.

"Xiao Yan, what's wrong with you?" Su Guang was stunned.

"Dad, forget it..."

"what do you mean?"

"I was sorry for Lin Yang, but now what face do you have to ask Lin Yang? What's more, we still owe Linyang millions. Dad, forget it. I'll try to solve this problem myself! " Su Yan bit the silver teeth.

She is a woman of high self-esteem.

She didn't expect that this time the problem was solved by her husband who had been despised by her. When she was most desperate, she was silent and forceful. Although Su Yan was shocked, she was more confused and guilty.

She didn't understand why Lin Yang had such ability.

She is also very ashamed of Lin Yang's behavior, clearly he has done this to him, he is willing to hand, to bear all this in silence.

Now there is such a problem, she really don't want to let Lin Yang do it again. This time, it's not that she doesn't trust Lin Yang, but she feels too guilty.

Su Yan sat on the chair, looking at the ground, the whole person fell into stagnation.

She suddenly became confused.

Not only for Lin Yang, but also for herself.

At the moment, Hua manchen is already walking with the driver a yong towards the outside of the hospital.

"Damn it! Su Yan, this bitch! When I get her, she must look good! "

Hua manchen swears all the way and his face is extremely gloomy.

"Young master, what should I do now?" Driver a yong asked.

"What? What else can I do? If you can't do something soft, you have to be hard. What energy can she have? Can you be my opponent? " Hua manchen said angrily.

"But... We also offended Lin Dong. If we act in this river city, we are afraid that the director Lin will come forward to obstruct him. You know, even brother wolf is planted in his hands." A yong reminds a way.

"I'm not angry if you don't say it! This Lin Dong also can't let go, also have traitor wolf! Damn it, even a doctor can't do it! Go, you can make a good investigation and find out why that wolf betrayed Ben Shao. As for Lin Dong Dong, you should not worry about it. Ben Shao will arrange him clearly sooner or later. As an upstart, he also wants to compare with my Chinese family? I'll make him look ugly! "

Hua manchen rushes to the road in the morning. He is gnashing his teeth, and the resentment on his face is not so strong...

the driver a yong doesn't speak any more.

"Let's go to Dongzhu hotel. I'll see if that bitch dares not to come."

Out of the hospital, huamanchen waved his big hand and drank.

The driver a yong trotted over to open the door, and huamanchen sat on it.

A yong immediately trotted open the door of the driver's seat.

However, as soon as the door opened, there was a man sitting in the driver's seat.

Driver a yong Leng: "who are you?"

However, the man directly kicked a yong open, immediately pulled the door, and then stepped on the accelerator, moved the car, carrying a face of ignorant huamanchen directly forward.

A Yong was caught off guard and fell on the ground.

"Stop, stop!"

Ah Yong yelled in a hurry.

But it's useless. The car has gone and left the hospital www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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