"What's the matter? who are you? Stop it! Stop the car

Hua manchen, sitting in the back row, realized that he was wrong and immediately yelled to catch the driver.

However, the next second, the driver suddenly pulled out a black pistol from the inside of his coat and swayed in front of huamanchen's eyes.

Hua manchen shivered all over and immediately became more honest.

He looked ugly and said in a coagulated voice, "I don't know who you are, but I have to tell you who I am. My name is Hua manchen. I come from the Hua family in Shanghai. If you don't want to die, I advise you to let me go, or I promise you will regret touching me!"

Anyone with a certain vision must have heard of the Hua family. No one is willing to provoke this huge creature.

However, the driver seemed to ignore Hua manchen's words and continue to drive his car.

"Well, did you hear what I said?" Hua is angry in the morning and drinks again.

"Mr. Hua, who are you and what energy is behind you? I know it clearly, so you don't have to say anything more!" Said the driver.

This word, can be said to make Hua manchen's heart cool.

Does the other party dare to tie him up on the premise that he knows who he is? This is enough to show that the other party does not care what energy is behind him!

Who is this man?

Who is so bold?

Hua manchen felt uneasy and breathed a lot.

I don't know how long it took, and the car stopped in front of an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Seeing this, Hua manchen's face turned white for several times.

There are few people in this kind of place. What is the most suitable thing to do?

"come down!"

The driver got out of the car and pointed a pistol at Hua manchen.

Huamanchen didn't dare to resist, so she had to go out of the car with the man.

"Let's go!" The driver drank low and walked towards the abandoned factory with his back at the muzzle of his gun.

And into the abandoned factory, huamanchen's scalp is not numb.

The factory is full of people at the moment.

There are gong Xiyun, Ma Hai, and a large number of people in the gray area of Jiangcheng.

These people are all ferocious, staring at the coming huamanchen with cold eyes. They are eager to devour huamanchen alive.

Hua manchen was so scared that he didn't dare to go.

But when he went forward again, he found that there was a chair in the middle of the group, and on the chair... It was Lin Yang!!

"It's you, the trash?"

Hua Mancheng breathed out in the morning.

However, as soon as he said this, the people next to him rushed to him and slapped him on his body.


Hua manchen was knocked over directly on the ground.

He was lying on the ground with a bright red palm print on his face.

"You... Dare you hit me?"

Hua manchen glared at the man angrily, then glared at Lin Yang and roared: "do you want to die? Do you know what energy our Chinese family is? Are you going to fight against the Chinese family? "

"It's not that I want to be the enemy of the Chinese family, but that the Chinese family is already against me!"

Lin Yang stood up from his chair and walked across the morning with a blank face.

Huamanchen's face was stunned, and his eyes showed a strong sense of Horror: "what do you want to do?"


Lin Yang light way, then picked up a stick prepared by the side and walked in the past.

"You... You dare to move me! I promise you not to eat good fruit Hua shouts in the morning.

But it didn't work.

Hua Mancheng immediately turned around and wanted to escape, but the people nearby had already reacted. They directly stretched out their hands and pressed them on Hua Mancheng's shoulder and dragged him to the spot.

"Lin Yang, wait a minute, wait a minute... There's no deep hatred between us. Don't mess around. Really, it's my fault..." Hua manchen shivers and shouts eagerly.

"If you dare to beat my wife's idea, we already have a deep blood feud between us. I have this kind of problem. No one can touch my things. If you touch them, you will die! Do you understand? "

Lin Yang said with a stick.

"You... Let me go! Let me go Huamanchen is frantically struggling and shouting hysterically, but it has no effect.

Lin Yang directly swung the stick and hit his arm.


Brilliance of the arm was broken on the spot, the crisp bone fracture sound is particularly obvious.


The morning was full of shrieks.

But that's not enough.

Lin Yang swung the stick again and hit him crazily.





a record of the crisp voice is endless.I don't know how many broken bones.

Before long, those people let go of their hands, huamanchen fell to the ground like a pool of mud, and people were about to faint.

All his limbs were broken, several bones in his chest were broken, and his whole body was constantly shaking. He had no means to resist.

Lin Yang walked over and grabbed huamanchen's hair and lifted his head.

"Comfortable?" Lin Yang asked coldly.

"I... my Chinese family... Will revenge..." Hua manchen tried to open his eyes hoarse said.

"It's a pity that you don't have the chance."

Lin Yang pulled out a needle, swayed in front of huamanchen's eyes, and then gently stabbed in his eyebrow.

In an instant, Hua manchen shivered and shivered.

"What did you do?" Hua manchen shouts tremblingly.

But Lin Yang did not answer him. Instead, he lifted his clothes and put a needle in his abdomen again.

In an instant, huamanchen was lying on the ground, his body trembled like being covered by electric current, and at the same time, a warm current surged up from his abdomen, and there was a reaction below.

His face was flushed, his mouth was huge, and he looked like he was about to ascend to the sky, and then his Sao flavor filled in.

People around were frowning and retreating.

However, huamanchen didn't stop, but kept shaking and shivering. His trousers were wet through and wet by a large amount of viscous liquid.

Soon, huamanchen had no movement, and the whole person was unexpectedly thin, his face was extremely pale, his eyes were listless, and there was no light at all, as if he was about to die...

all the people on both sides were staring at huamanchen, and no one knew what happened.

"You... What have you done to me?" Hua manchen cried weakly, like a mosquito.

"Nothing. It's just that you can't be humane in the future." Lin Yang road.


Hua manchen was so scared that his face turned white. He looked at Lin Yang with trembling eyes. He was hysterical, but he looked very weak and called out: "you... You abandoned me? You ruined me?? I'm not with you! Lin Yang! I'm not with you

He was very excited and wanted to get up to fight Linyang, but because of his excessive weakness and excitement, huamanchen fainted directly.

Now the morning is a complete waste.

All the people around him were shocked by Lin Yang's cruel and terrible means.

"Lin Dong!"

Ma Hai came up and said in a voice, "since you have wasted huamanchen, you might as well solve this person directly, so as not to make trouble for us when he goes back."

"Do you think if you kill him, shanghuhua family won't suspect us?" Lin Yang shook his head: "killing people and killing people is really stupid. What's more, once we do this, we will leave a handle on shanghuhua's family. At that time, they will be reasonable, and it will be easier for them to deal with us."

"To send Dong Hua's family back to Shanghai" means to send him back to his family! This battle has been opened, and it can't be avoided. Then fight to the end. What's more, it's too cheap to kill him, and it's not better to make him a waste! "

Lin Yang light road, and then turn to leave.

Mahai did not speak.

After Lin Yang sits on his 918 and leaves, Gong Xiyun next to him can no longer help but open his mouth.

"Mr. Ma, is this too difficult?"

"I think it's too difficult, but we can't do anything about it if we all talk about it!" Ma Hai sighed again and again: "this side offended the southern faction, and then we fought with Shanghu Hua family. Can Yanghua group really hold on?"

"I don't want to talk to Mr. Lin some time, otherwise we will be besieged by all sides if we go on like this..."

"I know, but it's no wonder that Lin Dong is so angry. After all, this man dares to plot against Lin Dong's wife, and it's no wonder that the board of directors is so angry... Hi Yun, you're more busy these days, and you're staring at the southern faction and sending some people to look at the upper Shanghai Hua family, I'll talk to Mr. Lin sometime. It's hard for you. "

"No hard work..."

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