Su Huachen will go to the third meeting and decide.

Although she knew that this time must be a near death, but she also knew that escape was useless.

So in the evening, Su Yan called on luoqian and several good sisters to rush to Dongzhu hotel. Su Yan's plan is to go to talk with huamanchen first. If the situation is not right, luoqian will call the police to rescue people.

Although Su Yan hates huamanchen very much, Su Guang is right in one point. Up to now, she can't bear the anger of the Hua family.

If the Chinese family were to settle accounts with her, what would her family take to compete with the Chinese family?

Although Su Yan is not willing, but this time she can only choose to bow.

However, at the hotel...

"what? Huamanchen didn't book a box? " Su Yan was stunned.

"Yes, miss, Hua Shao did not come here today." Hotel manager helpless way.

"What's the matter?" Su Yan is confused.

"Maybe he's just bluffing you... Xiaoyan, don't worry too much. This is Jiangcheng, and Lin Dong will help you. That Huashao doesn't dare to do anything to you!" Luo Qian comforts the way.

Su Yan hears the sound, but she laughs bitterly.

"After curing my mother, Lin Dong left without saying a word. Although he didn't say anything, I can hear his dissatisfaction from his dialogue with China manchen. He should have some relationship with Lin Yang. I think he will have some opinions on me as I do with Lin Yang?"

"Well... Then... Will you divorce Lin Yang?" Luo Qian asked.

This word falls, she is a burst of guilty, look at Su Yan's eyes also become cautious.

Su Yan smiles bitterly, but there is no answer.

Luo Qian was disappointed.

"By the way, does Lin Yang live with you?"


"I'll go to your place tomorrow morning, I want to talk to him..."

"can't you talk to him at any time?"

"See you tomorrow morning."

Su Yan whispered and left in a hurry.

Luo Qian sighed, did not stop.

Su Yan went back to the hospital and stayed with her parents in the ward for a night. The next morning, she walked to the hospital parking lot with two dark circles under her eyes. She planned to go to luoqian's hospital to find Lin Yang.

However, just as she got close to her car, several people suddenly rushed out, one of whom was a woman in gorgeous dress and heavy make-up.

She stared at Su Yan for a while, spinning and cold way: "you are su Yan?"

"Yes, aunt. What can I do for you?"

"Who are you calling aunt?"

The gorgeous woman slapped her face.


Su Yan ate a slap in the face, pain repeatedly back, covering his small face and startled and angry: "how do you hit people?"

"Beating people? I'm going to kill people

The woman stretched out her hand and directly pinched Su Yan's neck.

Su Yan painfully grasped the woman's hand and tried to break it off, but the woman's strength was so great that she couldn't do it at all.

The woman gave a violent push.

Su Yan sits on the ground with five bright red fingerprints on the white goose.

"I tell you, I am Hua manchen's mother! I heard that you refused my son. My son took a fancy to you. That's your submission. If my son didn't like you, my mother would have shaved your little face! " The beautiful woman said coldly.

"You..." Su Yan Qi's tears are going to flow out!

"Me what me? Listen, now that my son is lost, you'd better pray that I find him. If there's something wrong with him, I'll bury you alive and let you go down there with my son! "

The gorgeous woman hums, spins and shakes her hand, takes the person to leave the parking lot.

Su Yan clenched her thin lips, and her aggrieved tears fell down her white face.

But she didn't say anything, just quietly got on the car and went to luoqian's hospital.

Although on the way, she kept rubbing her cheek, so that the palm print on her face was not so obvious, but when she arrived at the hospital, Luo Qian still found something different, and there was Lin Yang.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Lin Yang, who was eating breakfast, put down his mixing powder and frowned.

"It's nothing. I just had a fight with my dad. He was angry and slapped me in the face." Su Yan whispered.

"Your father is still in plaster. Is he Nezha?" Lin Yang was dissatisfied with Su Yan's low lying and directly exposed the way.

Su Yan murmured her lower lip, and then explained the reason exactly.

"What? How disgusting! It's a real creature. Huamanchen is a beast, and his mother is no better! " Luo Qian Qi gnaws his teeth.

"Qian Qian, forget it, I don't want to argue with that kind of person!" Su Yan shook his head.

"Xiaoyan, do you think this kind of person is that if you don't care about her, she won't come to you again? You're wrong. It's just a warning. She'll do it to you next time. " Luo Qian was serious."But... I don't know what to do..." Su Yan whispered.

Luo Qian suddenly dumb, people secretly looked at the eye next to Lin Yang, also do not make a voice.

Su Yan seems to think of what, from his small bag out of a bank card, handed to Lin Yang.

"What is this?" Lin Yang ate a mouthful of mixed flour and asked vaguely.

"There's two million in it. I've put all my savings and the money I got from selling my house in it. The remaining two million will be returned to you as soon as possible. " Su Yan said.

"What? Xiaoyan, did you sell the house? Where do you live? " Luo Qian was stunned.

"Yan Yue will be able to move to the company for the time being, and everything will be OK soon." Su Yan smiles.

Luo Qian eyes dew worry, did not speak.

But Su Yan added: "I've reserved a room for you. You can live with me in the company."

With that, she looked at Lin Yang carefully.

Luo Qian was also surprised.

A moment later, Lin Yang gently nodded: "I know."

Luo Qian immediately sighed.

"Can I ask you a question?" Su Yan hesitated, or opened his mouth.

"You want to ask me how I can get the doctor to be 4 million, right?" Lin Yang road.

"Yes." Su Yan nodded seriously.

Lin Yang hesitated.

He believed that if he announced his identity with Su Yan now, Su Yan would certainly believe it, but she would certainly find it hard to accept.

In addition, if the matter is announced, Yanjing will surely be aware of him at the first time. After all, both the Chinese and the southerners are in Jiangcheng, and many people are staring at it. It's not a good thing to start at this time.

After weighing again and again, Lin Yang decided to hide it for the time being. He would tell Su Yan everything when he went to Yanjing.

"Because Lin Dong has taken a fancy to my talent!" Lin Yang said.

"Your talent?" Su Yan was stunned.

"Yes, you should know that I also know medicine. Lin Dong liked my medical knowledge, so he made friends with me and lent me 4 million unconditionally!"

"So simple?" Su Yan couldn't believe it.

"That's it!" Lin Yang is determined.

Su Yan still can't accept it.

But soon she vomited and said seriously: "since Lin Dong is willing to make you a friend, you must also work hard to live up to Lin Dong's trust in you! You should return the four million yuan to Dong Lin. help me tell him to give us a month. After a month, I will try to return the other two million yuan to him. "

"Xiao Yan, you don't have to rush back. It's OK." Lin Yang said.

"This is Lin Dong's money, not yours. Other people's money should not be owed too long after all... I'll go back first."

Su Yan said solemnly, spinning and getting up, walked toward the door.

But at the door, she suddenly stopped.

"Lin Yang!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked curiously.

However, Su Yan took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "it's your chance that you can get the appreciation of Mr. Lin. I hope you can work hard this time and strive to make a career. Don't let everyone down again, OK?"

"Er..." Lin Yang didn't know how to answer.

"In addition, this time... Thank you..." Su Yan read a sentence again, and left in a hurry.

Lin Yang touched his nose and laughed bitterly.

However, it was not long before Su Yan left home...


A sudden brake sounds.

Then there was a dull sound, followed by countless passers-by panic.

"There's an accident! There's an accident! "

This word falls, Luo Qian and Lin Yang are a Zheng, Qi Qi rushed out.

When he saw the scene on the road, Lin Yang was shocked to death , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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