"Xiao Yan!"

Luo Qian cried out bitterly and rushed in the past.

At the moment, Su Yan has fallen into a pool of blood, unconscious on the spot, and not far from her, there is a black Chevy car.

The front of the car has been sunken down, the appearance is extremely tragic.

There were people around, some calling ambulances, others calling traffic police.

The driver ran down, glanced at Su Yan and shook his eyes. He stood still and didn't make a phone call, just like a passer-by.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yang's scalp almost burst open, he rushed to the ground in a hurry to check Su Yan's condition.

"Her internal organs were hit, her lungs were bleeding, her blood vessels were ruptured, she was in a critical condition! Xiao Qian, burn the needle quickly Lin Yang roared.


LUO Qian shivered and rushed into the clinic immediately.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Yang is busy holding Su Yan and running toward the clinic.

The passer-by hastened to get out of the way.

When he got to the inner hall, Lin Yang immediately closed the door and untied Su Yan's clothes. At the same time, he grabbed herbs, put them in his mouth and chewed them, and then smeared them on her wounds.

However, at this time, Su Yan is constantly coughing, mouth constantly spit out blood, nose and ears are bleeding out.

One side of the needle burning Luo Qian directly cried out.

"How can a good man be like this She sobbed.

Just a second ago, he was still fine. He came across such a thing when he walked out the door...

Lin Yang didn't speak. As soon as the needle was ready, he pricked it into Su Yan's chest. Then he arranged the needles again, twirling them carefully.

After a while, Su Yan's body was covered with hundreds of silver needles.

Each silver needle is gently shaking, as if there is a stream of air stirring them, very magical.

However, Lin Yang's expression became serious. His hands were raised together and hung on the silver needles. Then his arms moved rapidly and his fingers quickly shuttled on the silver needles.

I can see that the silver needles rise and fall again and again. The needles are like wind and electricity. Vaguely, there seems to be a vaporizing dragon spinning on Su Yan's body.

Next to Luo Qian completely look silly.

When had she seen such a strange and mysterious sight.

Is this still in the category of acupuncture and moxibustion?

Lin Yang continued like this for ten minutes, and this ten minutes, Su Yan's face was obviously better, and she no longer vomited blood in her mouth, and even the almost broken breath continued.

God needle!

The real needle!

Luo Qian's scalp was numb.

She believed that even if her grandfather practiced for another ten years, she would not have such terrible needling skills!

For a while, Lin Yang stopped, but he was sitting on the ground, gasping.

This injection seemed to have hollowed him out.

"What is this... This?" Luo Qian asked subconsciously.

"You long needling..." Lin Yang said weakly.

You long needling?

Luo Qian murmured, but he had never heard of it. He had to ask again: "how is Xiaoyan? Is she OK? "

"Fortunately is the first time to rescue, temporarily is stable..." Lin Yang difficult to climb up.

Luo Qian quickly helped him up.

At this time...


There was a knock on the door.

Lin Yang's eyes slightly coagulated, pulled up the curtain to cover Su Yan, and then said to Luo Qian, "I'll give you Xiaoyan. You can take good care of her. I'll go outside and have a look."

"Good." Luo Qian was worried, but still nodded.

Lin Yang opened the door and went out.

Outside are two comrades in uniform. The driver is still standing beside the car. The ambulance has arrived, but Lin Yang and Su Yan are there. As long as the situation is stable, it is not necessary to take them to the hospital at the first time.

"Hello, are you a doctor here? How are the victims? " A comrade inquired.

"The man who was in the accident just now is my wife. I have rescued her just now. It is not convenient for you to enter for the time being." Lin yanghan looked at the driver's road.

"It turns out that you are the victim's husband. That's easy." The comrade nodded and asked about the cause and effect of the matter.

The accident was quickly identified as a simple traffic accident. At present, Su Yan's life is not in danger, and the driver did not drink driving and drug driving after the test, so the next thing to do is to discuss the compensation.

But in Lin Yang's opinion, this is not a simple traffic accident.

He looked at the license plate of the Chevy car, and then looked at the driver. After a few simple conversations, he felt cold in his heart.

The license plate comes from Guangliu, and the driver has a Cantonese Liu accent.

Early in the morning, how could this happen? And the road is so narrow, who would drive so fast like crazy?Lin Yang closed his eyes and was silent for a moment. "Two comrades, can I have a simple talk with this gentleman?"

"No way." They refused directly.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything impulsive, what's more, my wife's life is not in danger, I don't need to touch him, so I can't get the compensation?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

They hesitated and finally nodded.

Lin Yang went straight to the man.

The driver is still a little afraid, people can not help but step back.

"Don't be nervous. I won't move you." Lin Yang light way, spin and low voice: "at least not here."

"What do you want to do?" The driver frowned.

"Did you send it home?" Lin Yang asked.

The driver was relieved and lowered his voice? Lin Yang, I tell you, this is just the beginning. You are the person who will be cleaned up by kaishao in the end

"Where is the Kaimo man?" Lin Yang asked coldly.

"What does it have to do with you? Soon you will be a cripple. " The driver said with a faint smile.

"I don't know if I'll be disabled, but I'm sure you'll soon be a dead man." Lin Yang road.

As soon as this word falls, the driver facial expression side, coldly asks: "what do you mean?"

Lin Yang didn't speak, just stepped back a few steps, staring at him ferociously.

"Hello! You make it clear to me! What do you mean

The driver was in a hurry and immediately stepped forward to ask Lin Yang.

But at this time...


There was a blast of trumpets.

Then a car rushed into the crowd and hit the driver directly and accurately.

Bang Dang!

It makes a dull noise.

All the people around were startled and retreated.

The driver's body was directly hit by the car, and pushed it to his car. He was sandwiched on the spot and died.

The two comrades in uniform rushed to control the driver immediately.

The driver immediately got out of the driver's seat and crouched on the ground with his head in his hands.

People at the scene immediately contacted the ambulance.

But the driver who knocked down Su Yan had been pretended to be a lump of mud, and the ambulance came just to collect the corpse.

Lin Yang, staring at the mud with a gloomy face, turned and walked towards the hospital.

"Lin Dong." A man came out next to Gong Xiyun.

"Well done, I'll search the whole city for the people who have opened and crossed their homes." Lin Yang said coldly, "although I don't have much feelings for Su Yan, she is my wife in the end. This time, I don't want to be soft hearted. Anyone who catches a family with a Yue family will be scrapped, and none of them will stay!"


"In addition, ask Gong Xiyun to get ready. I'll open a house to visit them in a few days." Lin Yang cold road.

That person hears the voice, breath is tight, but dare not refute, busy is nodding: "good Lin Dong."

Gong Xiyun's people left in a hurry.

Lin Yang returned to the house.

"Lin Yang, what happened outside?" Luo Qian in the room asked in some panic.

"Nothing. It's OK."

Lin Yang smiles and comforts.

Luo Qian eye dew confusion, but did not ask more, also did not go out.

Two people simply for Su Yan to deal with the next wound, then put on clothes for her, sent to the city hospital convalescence.

Of course, this time Lin Yang directly gave Gong Xiyun an order to go to the hospital to see his wife.

Gong Xiyun immediately led his own people in hospital round the clock.

But Lin Yang did not relax his vigilance.

He knew that he would not be at peace for a day if he did not solve the threat of Guangliu.

He is not a person who likes to be passive. The other party has come to Jiangcheng. If he is still indifferent, he will just wait for his death.

However, when Linyang was ready to act, Ma Hai's phone call came at this time.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"Lin Dong, something happened to Xu Tian." On the phone, Ma Hai mumbled her lower lip and said solemnly.

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