No one expected that the fight would end in such a strange way.

But the fact has been put here, no one can question.

Looking at the masked man, Qin Ming realized that the situation was beyond his imagination.

He calmed down from hesitation, took a deep breath, and nodded: "OK, OK! Dr. Lin really deserves his reputation. Today I'm really open-minded! admire! Since my dog is dead, I will not harass Xiaoyan again according to the previous agreement! Farewell

Then he turned to go.

This is the time to slip.

But he wanted to go now, and it was obviously late.

"Did I let you go?" Lin Yang's cold voice came out.

Qin Ming was stunned and slightly turned his head.

"What else can Dr. Lin give you?"

"I seem to have told you before? You... Come here Lin Yang said without expression.

Qin Ming mumbled his lower lip and turned pale.

"Dr. Lin, what do you want to do

"I won't say it three times!" Lin Yang's voice suddenly chills.

In the cold... There are still ferocious.

Qin Ming had already guessed what was going on. He swallowed his saliva and said in a low voice: "Doctor Lin, I advise you not to do anything. It's good. I may have been reckless today, but I don't think it will hurt much! I'm afraid you'll regret it if you're going to do me a disservice! "

"I have nothing to regret in my life."

"If you are reckless this time, you will! Do you know who is behind me Qin Ming gnawed his teeth.

"I don't care who is behind you. What I care about is what you did here today."

Lin Yang hoarse way, and then walked in the past, a slap hard fan in Qin Ming's face.


Qin Ming's half face was immediately fanned out of shape. He fell to the ground and spit out several bloody teeth in his mouth. His appearance was miserable.

Su Yan breathed.

Qin Ming was even more frightened. He covered his face and crawled slowly on the ground. His whole body was shaking and his eyes were full of panic.

"Young master!"

The rest of the bodyguards rushed to come and stood trembling in front of Lin Yang.

But how can they stop Lin Yang?

After a few silver needles passed, the bodyguards were stopped.

Lin Yang leaped over the bodyguard, then took out a silver needle and went to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming is not an idiot.

He also heard the rumor that Doctor Lin had a needle in his body, and he knew that most of the time he was going to die.

"Doctor Lin! no No! You can't do that! I'm from Blood Sword villa! If you dare to touch me! Blood Sword villa will not let you go! I will never let you go! " Qin Ming couldn't bear it any more and could only shout hysterically.

"Blood Sword villa?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

Seeing this, Qin Ming was overjoyed and thought that the name of the family was useful. He immediately called out: "yes, it's Blood Sword villa! I think Dr. Lin has heard of the name of my family! It's easy to say that, Dr. Lin, today's matter is a pure misunderstanding. If you make a friend, you let me go and I will repay you in the future! How about it? "

However, Lin Yang ignored his words and directly asked, "the Blood Sword villa you mentioned is not it? The banker in Qingyuan

"Yes, it's the banker." Qin Ming was busy.

"No, the family name of the Zhuang family is Zhuang, and your name is Qin. How can you be the Zhuang family?" Lin Yang frowned.

Qin Ming's face changed slightly. He hesitated and said in a low voice, "that's because I... I'm the illegitimate son of the master of the Zhuangzi family. I'm... My mother's surname!"

"Is it?" Lin Yang frowned slightly, but still went forward.

"Dr. Lin, what are you doing Qin Ming panicked and yelled.

"You want to hurt Xiao Yan even more when you come to my territory. How can I let you go so easily? Just a bloody sword villa, I can't be shocked yet Lin Yang hums coldly.

"Doctor Lin, spare your life!" Qin Ming was almost about to cry.

Indeed, how can a blood sword villa deter Dr. Lin? He is a man who even destroyed Yaowang village.

All of a sudden, Qin Ming seemed to think of something and hurriedly called to Su Yan over there: "Xiaoyan! help me! Tell me a good word! Please, you have to believe me, we are classmates, I did not intend to hurt you at all! Xiaoyan

Su Yan is his only hope.

After a few words, Su Yan was moved.

She was a soft hearted person, not to mention a classmate's fight...

Su Yan murmured her lower lip and struggled for a long time before calling carefully.

"That... Lin... Lin Dong..."

Lin Yang looks at her.

Su Yan was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice, "don't make any more trouble for Lin Dong. Su Yan is also very sorry...""Well, I'll take your advice."

Lin Yang, however, was very straightforward and agreed directly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. thank you, Dr. Lin!" Qin Ming was overjoyed and did not kowtow.

"Thank you to your classmates." Lin Yang road.

"Yes, yes, thank you Xiaoyan." Qin Ming was excited.

Su Yan didn't say anything, but looked at Lin Yang gratefully.

"By the way, why did you come here? Why force Xiaoyan to marry you Lin Yang asked.

"I... I..." Qin Ming opened his mouth.

"Don't tell me that you are really in love with Xiaoyan. I'm not such an idiot. What's the purpose of your coming this time?" Lin Yang drinks cold.

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and said directly, "yes, I want to marry Xiaoyan, but I really don't like her. My purpose... Or my wedding of Blood Sword villa..."

"wedding of Blood Sword villa?" Lin Yang was stunned.

What does Su Yan have to do with the wedding? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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