"Doctor Lin knows about the wedding of my villa? Have you been invited, too? " Qin mingleng asked.

"You seem to have a lot of questions?" Lin Yang's eyes are cold.

Qin Ming shivered all over and said, "I won't ask, I won't ask. Doctor Lin, don't be angry."

"You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Well, it's nothing. It's just me. I want my father to look at me differently. I want my brothers and they... Dare not look down on me any more. I want these low looking guys to know that even if I'm an illegitimate child, I'm better than them!" Qin Ming secretly gritted his teeth, his eyes full of resentment.

"Better than them? You married Su Yan, which means you are better than them? What is the reason? " Lin Yang can't understand.

"People all over the world know that Dr. Lin has a crush on Su Yan, but so far you haven't married her. If I can marry Xiaoyan, it will be robbing people from Doctor Lin's hand? I even dare to rob Doctor Lin's woman, and I also got the hand. This is a great skill. Naturally, they will look at me with great respect. It happens that Xiaoyan and I were classmates before, so I want to use this relationship to take Xiaoyan and prove myself! " Qin Ming lowered his head and said cautiously.

Lin Yang a listen, some can't laugh and cry.

Is there such a stupid person in the world?

Su Yan beside is also speechless, I don't know what to say.

"It seems that I have implicated Xiaoyan... In this case, what's the matter with this person? Is he from the Blood Sword villa? " Lin Yang points to the mask man on the ground.

"He's a prisoner of the villa!"


However, the doctor in the forest would not be able to get rid of the evil medicine Forgive me, forgive me Qin Ming quickly flattered.

"Do you have a recipe for making this immortal body in the ancient books of Blood Sword villa?" Lin Yang was surprised.

"Yes! Of course! Our blood sword villa is an ancient family that has existed for hundreds of years, and it has a great momentum in ancient times! All the prescriptions we have mastered have been handed down from ancient times to the present. It is said that this prescription was obtained from the ancient demon sect. Although the side effects are great and the sequelae can not be dealt with, the power brought by it is unimaginable Qin Ming said, taking off the mask of the man on the ground.

In an instant, a face full of pustules appeared in people's eyes.

This face is full of abscesses, which are the side effects of the medicine.


Many people just look at it, then disgusting directly vomit.

Su Yan screamed with fright. She closed her eyes in a hurry. Her face was pale and she almost vomited.

"This guy is a spy sent by the enemy to our villa. He was caught by our villa and kept in prison. I lied to him and said that if I married Su Yan for me, I would let him go. I secretly fed him this medicine and promised to give him the antidote. I didn't expect that he was no match for Dr. Lin in the end." Qin Mingdao.

"Who sent him?"

"I don't know. I've been in our dungeon for years. What can't be judged! I set up a plan to get him out Qin Ming gave an honest account.

Lin Yang nodded in silence and said in a low voice, "I understand. Since you are only for this purpose, I will spare your life."

"Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Doctor Lin, I'll go first. Goodbye, goodbye..." Qin Ming said excitedly, turning to go.

"Stop, did I let you go?" Lin Yang spoke again.

Qin Ming wanted to cry without tears: "Doctor Lin, what else do you want to do?"

However, Lin Yang looked at the man beside him and said, "take him down, lock him up first, and then deal with it when I come back!"

"Yes, sir."

Qin baisong nodded and immediately arranged for Qin ming to be carried away.

"In addition, ask someone to keep an eye on him. I'm going to visit the Blood Sword villa now. I'll ask this person about the Blood Sword villa! Don't let anything happen to him, understand? "

"Don't worry, teacher. I will take good care of it."

"Well, have someone clean up here."

Lin Yang said, then toward the shivering Su Yan over there.

"Xiao Yan, how are you? Are you all right? " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Nothing... Thank you, Lin Dong." Su Yan was careful, but her face was still a little pale.

"It's OK. I think you're still not very healthy. You need more conditioning. I'll give you some medicine later. You can take it on time." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan looked at him, and his eyes were complicated.

She bit her thin lips as if to say something.

Lin Yang didn't notice that he was ready to leave.

"Mr. Lin, wait a minute!" Su Yan suddenly called out.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked."Why are you so nice to me? What do you... Think? " Su Yan bit her teeth and summoned up the courage to ask directly.

As soon as this word fell, Lin Yang was stunned.

He did not expect that Su Yan would ask this question. His eyes were locked on Su Yan immediately. Half a sound was heard, but he did not know what to say.

Su Yan is a little nervous, but can't tell where it is.

But now she was very afraid of Lin Yang's opening up and quickly called out, "Lin Dong, if you don't want to say it, don't say it!"

"I can say that." Lin Yang road.

"I don't want to hear it all of a sudden. I'm sorry!" Su Yan panicked.

Lin Yang was stunned, but soon he realized.

Su Yan is afraid that Lin Yang will burst the window paper.

If so, she did not know how to face Lin Dong and Lin Yang.

But already to this point, Lin Yang also wants to know Su Yan's attitude towards Dr. Lin.

"In fact, you don't have to stay with Lin Yang all the time. If you want a divorce, I believe Lin Yang will agree!" Lin Yang road.

"Lin Dong, what do you mean Su Yan suddenly raised his head, autumn eyes some complex, but also some anger.

"I'm just saying that you have a better choice." Lin Yang light road.

Su Yan was silent, her hands clenched tightly.

No one knew what she was thinking. She just lowered her head as if thinking.

A moment later, she took a deep breath and turned away.

She chose to escape.

Perhaps, she has no answer.

Lin Yang's words, in fact, in any woman's ears, are almost in the confession.

Lin Yang himself knows.

He also wanted to know how Su Yan would choose.

At this time, the door opened and a car came in. Ma Hai stepped out of the car and walked quickly to Lin Yang. He whispered, "Mr. Lin, the car is ready!"

"All right, let's go to Qingyuan now."

Lin Yang said, directly into the car.

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