Driving to Qingyuan City, the assistant next to the collected first-hand information to Lin Yang.

"The Blood Sword villa is a son-in-law! And it's open, so this wedding has a lot of outsiders Assistant Amman said.

She is Ma Hai arranged to bring Lin Yang here, and Amman is from Qingyuan City. She is familiar with this, so she is called.

She is Mahai's confidant, loyalty is not a problem.

"A son-in-law?" Lin Yang was surprised: "isn't it about marriage? Blood Sword villa and floating cliff Pavilion! The son-in-law of piaoya Pavilion intends to move to the Blood Sword villa... "

" yes, it is the marriage between the floating cliff Pavilion and the Blood Sword villa. This move is a form, and it's just a passing scene. The final result has been decided. Doing so is just building momentum for the floating cliff Pavilion! It's fun. " Amman road.

"Build momentum?"

"Piaoya Pavilion is a new powerful clan. It is said that its strength is not weak either. This time, it is a combination of the powerful and powerful. I'm afraid the purpose of building momentum is to prepare for the meeting." Amman said as he flipped through the material.

Lin Yang nodded silently and said, "who are the guests coming?"

"They are all famous potential clans. DUYE palace and leiyinxuan have sent representatives, and even the hidden school has come. What's more...

" and what? " Linyang side head.

"And some people from the Lin family in Yanjing come to attend the wedding ceremony!" Amman road.


Lin Yang was greatly surprised.

"I have never heard of any connection between the Lin family in Yanjing and the Blood Sword villa! Why do they have a share in this wedding? "

"According to the information provided by general manager Ma, it seems that the Lin family is trying to attract Blood Sword villa and floating cliff Pavilion as foreign aid, so this time they have prepared a big gift and come to attend the wedding ceremony solemnly." Amman looks at the source.

"I see. In this case, it will be interesting." Lin Yang squinted.

The car stopped at a five-star hotel in Qingyuan City.

"Mr. Lin, we may have to rest here and wait to enter the villa." Amman road.

"Wait? Do you have to wait for the entrance to the Blood Sword villa Lin Yang is confused.

"Yes, this is the arrangement of Blood Sword villa, because the scale of this recruitment is not small, and there are people from all walks of life. Although the Blood Sword villa has prepared in advance, it is difficult to cope with so many people. Therefore, the people who received the invitation are required to rest in Qingyuan hotel for a while, waiting for the Blood Sword villa to arrange before entering one by one." Amman road.

"I see. It seems that all of a sudden, so many forces are pouring in, and the pressure of Blood Sword villa is also great! If they don't get ready in advance, if something goes wrong, they will lose not only the honor of Blood Sword mountain villa, but also the floating cliff Pavilion. They can't afford the consequences. They can't be careful

"Mr. Lin, are we at ease here?"

"Send some men to inquire."

Lin Yang took out the invitation card and handed it to Amman: "ask people to use this post to enter the Blood Sword villa and collect some useful information. Although Ma Hai has a wide context, it is not reliable to investigate anything on the spot."

"Yes, Lin Dong."

Amman nodded, took the invitation and went down.

The invitation is a pass.

Although Linyang is still unable to enter the villa now, it is possible to investigate the guests and surrounding conditions of the villa with this object.

Lin Yang is here for Jinwu Dan.

Intelligence is the most important thing for him.

Otherwise, I don't even know where jinwudan is when I come here. Isn't that a waste of time and make people laugh?

There is no doubt about Lin Yang's ability to deal with Amman.

To be a confidant of Mahai must be something extraordinary.

So he sat alone in the hotel lobby drinking tea and looking at his cell phone.

From time to time, there will be some unique or odd looking people entering the hotel.

Blood Sword villa also arranged for people to receive in the hotel.

But no matter who it was, he was not interested in the man in the ordinary hat.

But Lin Yang was not idle.

Among the people who entered the hotel, there were also several people who had met each other before.

This trip to Blood Sword villa will not be lonely.

So I waited for an hour.

the mobile phone on the desk suddenly rings.

It's Amman.

Lin Yang immediately pressed to connect.

"Lin Dong, something's wrong, please come and help me, help me..."

Amman over the phone is panting and crying.


Lin Yang suddenly got up and immediately asked, "where are you?"

"The west side of Maichang road! They're after me, Lin Dong. Help me Amman cried.

"You try to hide, I'll come to you right away!"

Lin Yang cheered, and immediately rushed out of the door.

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