Lin Yang's words, as if to these people sentenced to death.

People's eyes widened, their bodies trembled slightly, and their hearts were filled with fear.

Finally, in the spirit of Linyang, these people let go.

Amman quickly broke away and came running unsteadily.

"Lin Dong!"

She hid behind Lin Yang, trembling.

But Han and others had already knelt on the ground and said in a hurry: "Dong Lin, let us go, don't kill us... We are just servants, acting according to orders..."

"if I wanted to kill you, you would have died. I just want to ask you a question and hope you can answer it truthfully!"

"Mr. Lin, please tell us what we know."

The crowd was busy.

In order to survive, they can only do so.

After all, this famous doctor is also a killer without blinking an eye.

They have all heard that this master has destroyed the valley of medicine King...

"I remember the invitation letter I sent to my assistant. In principle, she and I are friends of your blood sword villa. Why do you want to attack us? Is this the way to treat guests in Blood Sword villa? " Lin Yang received the invitation from Amman and asked without expression.

"This..." the big man was embarrassed, hesitated but did not speak.

"What? Is it inconvenient to speak? If that's the case, I'll have to find another way to find out Lin Yang stepped forward with narrow eyes.

His four words "another way" are very unique.

At least some of them were scared.

Dr. Lin's method must be different from that of ordinary people.

I'm afraid I can save my life, but I'm afraid that life is better than death.

"Mr. Lin! No, no, no, I said, I said Han is busy.

"My patience is limited." Lin Yang said quietly.

The big man mumbled his lower lip and said in a low voice: "Lin Dong, in fact, our blood sword villa means to capture you and your people... We Blood Sword villa... Want to live..."

"catch me?" Lin Yang was at a loss: "I don't have any enmity with you. Why do you want to catch me?"

"There are two reasons... First, it's for the Lin family in Yanjing...

" Lin family? Have they made an alliance with you

"Yes, the Lin family sent a representative. The friendship and hatred between you and the Lin family are well known to the world. The villa master wants to use you to express his position to the Lin family."

"So? Hum, the pattern of your blood sword villa is too small. Although the Lin family is strong, I am not weak. Is it not worth the gain to add an enemy to the Lin family for no reason? " Lin Yang shook his head.

"Mr. Lin, if you think so, it's a big mistake. The main purpose of catching you is not to make a statement for the Lin family, but the second reason."


Han hesitated, slowly spit out three words.

"Beauty Valley!"

Hearing these three words, Lin Yang suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the purpose of Blood Sword villa is to show kindness to hongyangu...

" the story of hongyangu has been spread. Compared with Lin family, our blood sword villa naturally tends to form an alliance with hongyangu! The meeting is about to be held, and the Blood Sword villa is in urgent need of foreign aid. Although there are piaoya Pavilion and the Lin family as foreign aid, it is far from enough. If we can get the full support of hongyangu, the Blood Sword villa will be invincible! Therefore, the villa master immediately blacklisted you after he learned that you and hongyangu had a grudge. Not only you, but also the people around you! If you find out, take it immediately. If you have any resistance, you will be killed! " The great man said in a deep voice.

Lin Yang's eyes were calm and there was not much anger in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "I see. I didn't expect that the matter between me and hongyangu would lead you to the end of the bloody sword villa. Good!"

"Mr. Lin, that's all I know. Can you let us go?" Said the big man.

"Of course I can, but some people can't Lin Yang shook his head.


Han asked.

Lin Yang did not speak, just slightly side.

Then a large number of patrols rushed up and surrounded Han and others.

"Hands up!"

The cry came out.

The great man was stunned and raised his hand with a sad face.


when a group of big men were taken away, Lin Yang found a small hotel to take Amman to rest.

He took out the silver needle and healed Amman.

After a simple treatment of the wound, Amman lay in bed with her eyes closed.

"I'll tell Ma hai to send someone to pick you up." Lin Yang draws the curtain, calm way.

With her eyes closed, Amman suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"What about you, Mr. Lin?"

"Me? I have to stay here. "

"How can that work? Mr. Lin Dong, it's too dangerous for you to be here alone. If something goes wrong, how can I explain it to Mr. Ma? " Amman rush."Things have changed and all the plans have been disrupted. It's useless for you to stay here. On the contrary, it will add to the trouble. I originally meant to take advantage of Yanghua's people to collect some information and find out the whereabouts of jinwudan for me. Now, it seems that it is no longer feasible! Yanghua people who appear in Qingyuan City will be destroyed by the people of Blood Sword villa! So you have to leave. " Lin Yang sinks.

Amman opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

A moment later, she asked carefully.

"What are you going to do, Mr. Lin?"

Since there is only one way to get in the invitation! Pretend to go in

"Disguise? Who? "

"Isn't there a perfect identity for me?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

When Amman was stunned, he suddenly realized: "Lin Dong, do you mean Qin Ming?"

"Good! There is no way out of heaven. If I disguise as Qin Ming, I think it will be easier to get Jinwu pill. "

"That's what it says, but... How can you dress up perfectly? You don't look like Qin Ming, Lin Dong! "

"It's OK to change my appearance. Amman, you can go to the vegetable market and buy me some skin."

"What skin do you want?"

"Pigskin will do!"

"OK, Dong Lin, I'll go."

Amman immediately got out of bed and left the room.

In the evening, Amman came into the hotel with a bag of pigskin.

Lin Yang immediately began to clean, handle, and take out a large number of bottles and cans, began to smear on the pig skin.

Good looking is concentration.

What are you doing Amman asked carefully.

"Make a mask!"

"What mask?"

"Human skin mask!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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