Into the night.

Mahai's car stopped at the door of the hotel.

In addition to his car, there are more than a dozen cars in front of and behind.

All the people sitting on the bus are Yanghua experts, from Qilin gate, donghuangjiao, forgetful island and ancient school.

Since war has been declared, it is natural to be careful everywhere.

Knowing that Yanghua had sent more than a dozen cars into Qingyuan City, the people of Xuejian villa were very nervous. They immediately sent thousands of people to infiltrate Qingyuan City and monitor the every move of Ma Hai and others.

After all, when Dr. Lin arrived here, the Blood Sword villa still didn't dare to mess around.

The reason why he dared to attack Lin Yang was that the Lin family or hongyangu would stand here. He expected that Dr. Lin would not dare to kill him, but if he was forced to hurry up, the Blood Sword villa could not predict the consequences.

To the great relief of Xuejian villa, Lin Yang and others did not stay for a long time. After getting on the bus, they went straight away and left Qingyuan City.

The leader of Blood Sword villa is very happy.

They didn't attack Lin Yang for the sake of gratitude and hatred, but for expressing their position.

They are also worried about Lin Yang's crazy revenge.

Now Lin Yang leaves directly, they are naturally happy and peaceful. They also show their kindness to the Lin family and hongyangu. Isn't this a beautiful thing?

"Ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect Dr. Lin to go directly! Great! Great Zhuang Taiqing, the leader's brother, was sitting in the main hall, holding up his glass and laughing: "come on, let's have a drink."


At the scene, the Zhuang family directly drank it.

"I also said how good the Doctor Lin was. I didn't expect it was a piece of advice! Tut Tut, it seems that Yanghua is just like this. " A young man nearby said with a smile.

"A long, what level have you reached in your blood Dragon Sword cultivation?" Zhuang Taiqing squinted and asked.

"Report to uncle, it's already the sixth floor." The young man called Zhuang Mo long said immediately.

As soon as he said this, the hall was boiling.

"What? On the sixth floor? "

"My God, the villa master is only on the seventh floor. You have reached the sixth level! You know, many of your uncles may not have your level! "

"Genius! Genius

"Ah long, I'm really proud of myself."

At the scene, many parents of Zhuang gave Zhuang Mo long a thumbs up.

"Brother long, I have to rely on you to help me with this marriage recruitment." At this time, a woman in a long black dress picked up her glass and stood up and said with a smile.

"Well, it's very kind of you, sister Yan! We are a family, how can I stand by? But your husband is no ordinary man! There are so many talents that he can overcome to challenge. Why should I make a fool of myself Zhuang Molong said with a smile, and his face was polite.

After all, this woman is the daughter of the villa master. No matter how talented he is, he dare not make mistakes at will.

"Brother long is modest. Although Ye's strength is extraordinary and he is proud of himself, he is still a man. This time, he has come from many families. He is a mortal. How can he defeat a hundred? At that time, if you don't have enough physical strength and you have any problems, then it will become a joke. " Zhuang Hongyan said with a smile.

"Sister Yan means..."

"do you still need to ask? A long, when you compete for your son-in-law tomorrow, you should go first and clean up all the toads for Yao Ye. After that, Yao Ye will be on the stage to defeat you and take away the Pearl of our banker. Isn't everyone happy? " Zhuang Taiqing said with a smile.

The crowd laughed and clapped.

"All right

Zhuang Mo long nodded with a smile, but there was still something in the bottom of his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't like this thankless and ugly job.

But he couldn't help it.

But just then, a voice rang out.

"Zhuang Molong, it seems that you are not willing to do this. If you are really unwilling, you can not do it. I will remove the obstacles for Yanmei and let her get married successfully!"

As soon as the words came out, people looked at the sound source in unison.

But at the door stood a man with long hair and a sword suit.

The man was thin, dark skin, sharp eyes and a sword in his hand.

"Flying south?"

The old four Zhuangshi suddenly got up and looked at his son in amazement.

"Nanfei, what are you going to do?" Asked Chuang Tai Ching Chen.

"Uncle, I don't mean anything else! I just heard that Zhuang Molong will have a chance to practice martial arts in piaoya pavilion after it is finished! I want to have this chance! " Zhuang Nanfei said calmly.

"Opportunities are for people who are ready and talented, and obviously you are not." Zhuang Mo long said with a smile.

"Then try it." Zhuang Nanfei cheered coldly.

"Nanfei, you are presumptuous Zhuang Taiqing was very angry, turned his head and looked at Zhuang Shi and said, "old four! How did you teach your son? How dare you behave here

"Flying south! Come back to me Zhuang Shi also drank sternly.However, Zhuang Nanfei didn't comply. Instead, he looked at his father and cried, "father! Are you willing to do so? To be a nobody in the market maker

Zhuang Shi heard this and was stunned: "Nanfei, what do you mean?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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