"What is this?"

Lin Yang frowns, dare not go up.

Next to the cliff, straight to the mountain villa, the other side is the abyss.

It is difficult to go down the mountain without going on the road.

He picked up the stones on the ground and threw it towards the terrible air over there.

Oh, yeah, yeah!

Fist sized stones are crushed directly by air flow into powder.

What a terrible power.

If ordinary people break through hard, they will die and hurt.

But Lin Yang is not afraid.

He took a deep breath, directly launched the blood, activated the innate vigorous body, and stepped forward to the terrible air blast.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang...

the air blows on him, and it is like a sword, and it makes a sound like an iron impact.

It was not the case.

Although the air flow is sharp and scary, it can not tear the skin and meat of Linyang.

But the impact of the air flow can not be avoided, and it is very difficult to step forward, and it is also very slow to walk.

In a moment, Linyang was close to the middle of the air flow.

But at this point.


The air flow stopped abruptly and disappeared.


Lin Yang was stunned, but he had not yet been able to respond. The ground centered on him was split directly in all directions. A large number of bloody red sword flew out and hit him straight.


"No, this is the sword array!"

Lin Yang suddenly reacted.

This is bound to be the mountain protection array of the Blood Sword mountain villa!

He dodged in a hurry.

The power of this Blood Sword must be stronger than that of the air flow. If it is strong, though it is not dead, the consumption of Linyang is absolutely unprecedented.

Lin Yang gave up silver needle with a cold eye, and hit these blood swords, trying to slow down the speed of their attack.

But the blood sword is invincible and terrible. Even if Lin Yang has put in the silver needle with full strength, it is difficult to change the speed of their attack and killing at half.

Good is a wonderful sword array!

Linyang tightened his eyes, stared at the bloody sword, or jumped up, or bent to flash.

Since it can't be stopped, we can only try to avoid it.

However, the blood sword is too dense, and he still eats the damage of the sword blade.

Dang! Dang! Dang! After a loud noise, Lin Yang stumbled out of the sword array.

The blood sword was slanted on the ground, and there were a lot of red silt marks on him.

It's all left by the blood sword.

If another round, Linyang's flesh and skin will be torn open.

Is this the sword array of Blood Sword mountain villa? It was a terror!

If not born vigorous body, Linyang had been divided into five horses by the blood sword for a long time...

Linyang breathed and turned to go down the mountain.

But saw a dozen cars suddenly from the mountain, and at the same time, there are also a lot of figures under the mountain.

Linyang has a good eye.

"Qin Ming traitor! You want to escape? I think it's beautiful! Give me a quick shot! "

As soon as the car stopped at Linyang, Zhuang Taiqing jumped down and shouted when the door was about to open.

The rest of the strong villa should be surrounded by him.

Lin Yang's eyebrows were locked.

But he didn't panic much.

In fact, he didn't feel like he could leave the Blood Sword villa so easily.

But he has been avoiding dealing with the people at the Blood Sword mountain villa.

It is not that he is afraid, but he doesn't want to waste time...

the people in the cliff pavilion are here.

In addition, blood lords and other blood demon people also rushed to the scene, but they did not go up, but far away, it seems that they are sitting in the mountain to watch tiger fighting.

"Master, your mountain protection array is really extraordinary. Even if he has a vigorous body, he can not go down the mountain in time! It seems that this golden udan can not be lost today. " Su Chang's eyes were bright and she smiled in a low voice.

"This is the site of our family. If he leaves easily and things come out, will our family face to face all the damage?"

Walking in a peaceful way, he attached his hands back and walked up to the front.

"Qin Ming! Listen, give jinwudan out quickly. So, the villa leader can forgive you! Otherwise, don't blame the villa leader for his ruthless and ruthless! You hear me? "

"Ruthless and spicy?"

Linyang looked up at him: "zhuangfu! I take suyao ye away, not afraid of you, but do not want to kill! If you let me go, your villa, you can still die a few less! "

"What do you say?"

"A crazy tone!"

"What do you think you are, you little boy?"

The villa people were furious, pointing to Linyang one by one, and Qi was a smoke of seven tricks.

"Kill me! Kill! Take this stinky boy down eight! Bring his head to me! "Zhuang Taiqing couldn't stop it any longer and roared at once.


The banker next to him rushed over.

"Big brother, don't be impatient!"

Zhuang Taiping cried out.

But... It's too late!

These people pulled out their long swords from their waists, urged the swordsmanship of Blood Sword villa, and chopped at Linyang.

More than a dozen swords were so dense that he did not give Lin Yang any room to dodge. He seemed to kill him.

However, Lin Yang didn't dodge at all. He just stood there and looked at him coldly.

Dang! Dang! Dang! The sound of dang...

came out again.

I saw that more than a dozen swords were chopped on Lin Yang's body, just as they were on the body of diamond iron plate, and they could not hurt him at all.

"This..." Zhuang Taiqing breathed heavily, and he was stunned on the spot.

"You're looking for death!"

Lin Yang hums coldly. He grabs a sword that has been cut on his shoulder. Then he breaks the sword and sweeps it with his fingers.


A round sword light is generated.

The Zhuangzi people around Linyang stopped immediately.

Then, their necks began to appear a line of slit, blood gradually spilled, slowly, these people's heads one by one all slipped off the neck, and finally the human head separated, died on the spot.


The shrieks went off immediately.

It was the voice of fear of the Zhuang family.

"How could that happen? How could... "

Zhuang Taiqing's face was extremely pale and retreated one after another.

"Elder brother, this man can't even kill the mountain protecting array left by his ancestors. Why do your people hurt him? If you send someone to move him, it's just death. Congenitally vigorous body is not as simple as you think! " Zhuang Taiping said in a deep voice.

"So... What should I do now?" Zhuang Taiqing is busy.

Zhuang Taiping didn't say a word. He just glanced at Zhuang Bufan with his eyes.

Zhuang Bufan understood the meaning and said to elder Su: "elder, Jinwu Dan is on this son, but the inborn vigorous body is extraordinary. Please kill this son! My family is willing to help you! "

Elder Su frowned.

Although reluctantly, but if he does not hand, this gold Wudan he took is also a name is not right, not smooth.

"Well, since the Lord of the manor said that, the elder will go and take it in person. It's just as well to calculate with this boy the account that hurt the son of my Pavilion master and avenge Yaoye!"

Su Chang went straight forward.

Lin Yang raised his head slightly, looked at Su Changlao coldly, and said in a deep voice: "people from the floating cliff Pavilion, are you ready to step in? Are you really afraid of death? "

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