"Young man, hand in Dan, or you won't get down the mountain! It's not worth the loss to die for such a useless pill. " Old Su Changdao.

"I have no injustice or hatred with you, and I have been merciful to you for many times. Now it is you who are ungrateful. Do not blame me." Lin Yang said calmly.

"Well, what a crazy boy! Don't you think you can deal with our two powerful families alone? " Su Changlao hums coldly.

Lin Yang looked at the scene of the people, light said: "not too difficult."


Su Chang was impatient and nodded: "OK! Good! Good! In that case! Then don't blame me for not reminding you. You asked for it

With that, Mr. Su rushed directly.

His steps leaped to the left and right, and his body method was ghostly and ethereal. Besides, there was a strange opportunity to kill him.

Lin Yang takes aim at Su Changlao with a blow.

However, the fist was clearly hit on Su's body, but it was directly through.

Only then discovered that it was su Changlao's shadow.

He had been around Lin Yang for a long time and took a picture.


Lin Yang took a hard hit.

But the slap didn't do him any harm.

Lin Yang returns with a fist and then bombards elder su.

But the fist smashes, is the shadow again.

Once again, elder Su walked behind him and slapped him again.

Still no threat to Linyang.

Lin Yang's eyes are slightly tight, and he doesn't feel right.

Su Changlao's speed was not fast, but his pace was too strange and wonderful, and he was only able to evade it with enough dexterity.

Even though it seems that his palm is not powerful, it is like a seed, which is buried in Linyang's body. When it reaches a certain number, it is bound to burst out.

The power produced at that time was not something that could be ignored by the inborn vigorous body.

It can't go on.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold. Suddenly, he stopped attacking Su Changlao with his fist. Instead, he roared and hit the ground.


As soon as Su Chang's face changed, he retreated in a hurry.

But when we want to dodge, it is not as good as...


the earth trembles violently.

The mountain vibrated.

A terrible shock wave rippled.

Su was caught off guard and was directly attacked by the shock wave. He was shaken back several steps and his body was shaking.

Lin Yang locked his position, immediately rushed to him, one hand to his neck.

"Flying flowers, picking leaves, floating!"

Su Changlao danced with both arms, and a large number of concealed weapons like flying leaves, flying stones and darts burst out of his hands and hit Lin Yang like a storm.

When Lin Yang approaches, Su Changlao has already urged his body method to dodge Lin Yang's attack.

But he just moved, Lin Yang stamped on the ground.


The ground trembled again.

The shock force of terror was like a big wave, which shocked Su Changlao.

Su Changlao, who was constantly dodging, was added by the impact force. His body immediately trembled and his footwork was disorderly. After waiting for someone to stabilize his body, Lin Yang had already killed him.


Su Changlao breathed and quickly raised his hand to resist.


Lin Yang's iron fist knot was firmly applied to Su Changlao's arms. The power of terror seemed to tear his arms.

Elder Su immediately fell backward like a bullet shot out and fell heavily on the ground. When he got up, he was covered with blood and was ferocious.

"Mr. Su, I have no malice towards the floating cliff Pavilion, but this does not mean that I am afraid of the floating cliff Pavilion. I hope you stop in time, or I will kill you! Mie piaoya Pavilion Lin Yang said coldly.

If you really want to kill the elder Su, Lin Yang must destroy the floating cliff Pavilion!

After all!

He doesn't like future trouble!


Su Changlao's face changed suddenly.

Lin Yang just showed the strength, he can also know, this person is extraordinary!

Keep fighting. The odds are slim!

Su Chang frowned and looked at Zhuang Bufan over there.

At this time, he can only rely on Zhuang Bufan!

"It seems that elder Su hasn't given up yet?"

Lin Yang sinks into the road, and then steps a little.

Br >

, Su's face turned pale.

But he just quit...


The violent spirit came like a storm.

Old Su almost didn't stand firm, so he was approached by Lin Yang and pinched his wrist. Then he swung it!


Elder Su was thrown into the abyss."Ah

The shrill cry resounded through the sky.


Floating cliff Pavilion people crazy rushed to the edge of the cliff, looking down.

But it soon disappeared.

"Asshole! Return to me, elder! "

Floating cliff Pavilion people mixed with grief and indignation, shrieking, have rushed to Linyang.

"Looking for death?"

Lin Yang roared and stamped his feet.

The earth burst directly.

All of them fell to the ground. Lin Yang stabbed the ground with both hands, buckled out a huge stone, and smashed the fallen disciples of piaoya Pavilion fiercely www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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