A mountain of flying stones.


The disciples screamed and ran away.

But it's too late.

The Boulder has fallen. If it falls, at least half of the people will be crushed into meat sauce.

But at this critical moment.


The boulder stopped suddenly and did not fall to the ground.

Lin Yang fixed his eyes.

Chuang Bufan found out.

He did not know when to flash among the disciples of the floating cliff Pavilion, held up the fallen boulders with one hand and stared at Lin Yang coldly.

"Shaft! You are so arrogant and disobedient that you cannot be forgiven! Today, I will not only clean up the door, but also arrest all your father and brother in the next day. I will punish you severely and make an example to others. "

"So you are going to kill me today?" Lin Yang Ning Mu said.

"So what? You killed Su Changlao. Even if you hand in the Jinwu pill today, you must die! "

Zhuang Bufan roared and lifted his arms.


The huge stone flew directly over and hit Lin Yang fiercely.

Lin Yang smashed it with a backhand punch.

No matter what, if you don't want to kill me, you will give me a low price

With the sound of landing, all the people around the Blood Sword villa pulled out their swords.


The sword of terror.

Along with those floating cliff Pavilion people, also all rushed up.

"Good! In that case, I will kill today

Lin Yang roared, no longer doing anything to keep his hands. He took the silver needle and stabbed his arms. At the same time, he pushed the power of blood to the maximum. He rushed into the crowd and danced wildly.

Dang! Dang! Dang! The clear sound of the instrument was heard.

The sharp sword is still unable to penetrate Lin Yang's body.

On the contrary, it was Lin Yang who smashed and kicked in the past. All of them were skin and flesh, bloody, or fainted or killed on the spot! Absolutely no one can stand the second move...

"my Lord, what should we do now? Would you like to come and help me? "

The blood demon clan here is still watching, and a member of the church asks the blood owl carefully.

"What can I do for you? Isn't it good to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? What do you do with this? " The blood owl snorted coldly.

"Your honor... Aren't you interested in jinwudan?" Others asked in a low voice.

"Jinwu Dan? If I'm not interested in it, why do I come here? But it's better to wait and see what happens now! "

"What are you worried about?"

Hearing the sound, the blood owl looked at the other side and pondered for a long time. He said hoarsely, "I always think this guy named Qin Ming... Is very problematic."

"What's wrong? What do you mean People asked in confusion.

"I don't know. But I don't think it's better to do it casually. I'm worried that Zhuang Bufan is not the opponent of Qin Ming! " The blood owl whispered.

"How could it be?"

The crowd laughed.

Although this Qin Ming has the inborn vigorous body, Zhuang Bufan is also the leader of the village at any rate. His strength is extraordinary. This is the Blood Sword villa. There are countless strong makers, but can't break a congenital vigorous body?

No one believes it.

That's exactly what happened.

I saw Zhuang Bufan drinking: "Tiangang Beidou sword array!"


The strong man of the Zhuangzi spread his sword to the four sides and split into a square with Linyang as the center.

There are eight sharp swords on the four sides of the square. The body of each sword is wrapped by strong air flow. The sword body is sharp and the air flow is cruel. No matter who touches it, it will be broken.

They are like four big mouths, once formed, they will be swallowed by Linyang.

Lin Yang's face was calm and fearless. He directly covered his whole body with his own Qi and strength, and raised the strength of his congenital vigorous body to the limit.

But at the moment when the thirty-two sharp swords were killed...

"change! Break the sword array Zhuang Bufan suddenly roared.


Everybody yells again.

The twenty-four suddenly seized the hilt of the sword with the other hand, and gave it a jerk.


All of them pulled out a thin sword from the hilt!

This is the sword of mother and son!

The two swords all come out together, and the sword tip releases his power and pours forward.

Such a sudden variable, even Lin Yang has no time to react.

By the time he came back to God, all the swords in their hands had been thrown out.

Zhuang Bufan's sword was the first to stab Lin Yang's chest.


It's still the crackle of the iron.

Still did not hurt Lin Yang Fen Fen Fen.But this is not the end of the move!

I only heard a succession of sharp swords hitting at Lin Yang, but they did not attack Lin Yang's body. Instead, they hit the handle of Zhuang Bufan's long sword, like a hammer on a nail, and transmitted their own strength to Lin Yang's body through Zhuang Bufan's sword.

Lin Yang frowned and was just about to move. The rest of his swords were made in the same way. They all hit the hilt in front of him!






one is connected with another.

Forty eight swords are connected in a straight line!

All the strength of the forty-eight men was poured into these swords, and along each sword, it was transmitted to the most advanced sword of Zhuang Bufan.

An unprecedented sword force burst out.

This power is definitely not as simple as one plus two!

Its destructive power has exceeded the imagination of the world.


Lin Yang's chest was punctured on the spot.

A column of blood erupted from behind him.

He retreated again and again, and his chest was directly split. He covered the scar on his chest. He was already standing unsteadily, shaking and sitting on the ground.

Blood gurgling over, is seriously injured.


There was a constant uproar.

"Congenitally vigorous body... Was broken unexpectedly?" The blood owl was also surprised.

"Good! Good! Ha ha ha ha, you've done a good job Zhuang Taiqing laughed and was ecstatic.

"This son's congenital vigorous body has been broken! Kill! Kill him

Zhuang Taiping took the opportunity to shout.

The people of the Zhuangzi kept on fighting and killed Lin Yang.

"My Lord, what shall I do?" The blood demon clan here was in a hurry: "if you don't, jinwudan will have to return to the Zhuang family again!"

"Let's do it!"

"My Lord! No more hesitation! "

The crowd yelled one after another.

The blood owl is a little bit excited.

But if you start at this time, I'm afraid it will offend the banker.

What to do?

He thought with a frown.

But when he hesitated...


A strong wind blows, and then see a group of people from the side of the path to kill, straight to Linyang!

Somebody's going to do it first!

"It's from Qing'an clan!" There was a cry.

It's not just the blood demon sect people who are watching and trying to catch the fisherman. There are actually many pairs of eyes in the dark.

Now that Qin Ming is seriously injured, Jinwu pill is easy to get. Who doesn't like it?

It is also reasonable that Qing'an Zong could not live.

Patriarch Qing'an took the lead and rushed to Lin Yang before the Zhuang family. He pulled out a big knife and cut him hard at his head www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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