Huangtao, a famous city in Guangzhou and Liuzhou, is not the provincial capital, but its economy is no worse than that of the provincial capital.

What's more, the scenery here is pleasant, the environment is clean and tidy, the climate is comfortable, and it is suitable for living. The permanent resident population once exceeded the provincial capital.

Fengtao stopped at Fengtao's residence in the suburb of Fengtao.

This house is newly built, which is just a big one.

It is said that Kaijia cost 500 million yuan to build. It covers a large area and has all kinds of facilities. However, all the buildings are modeled on the style of the Republic of China, which is very impressive.

Today, I opened my house like a guest. Several luxury cars were parked at the gate, and there were servants at the door.

Lin Yang stopped the car at the door and walked in directly.

The servant at the door was slightly stunned. He thought that Lin Yang's face was fresh. He wanted to stop him. He looked at 918 behind Lin Yang. He immediately squeezed out a smile and said, "Sir, please come in."

Lin Yang was curious. Some of them didn't follow him.

At the moment, several middle-aged men came out of the room inside. They were all dressed in tuxedos. They looked gentle and noble. Everyone put on a smiling face and reached out to welcome them.

"Welcome, welcome, friends from afar, welcome!"

The owner of the house opened a chess game and walked forward with a smile and shook hands with the first person.

Kaijiang and Kaiheng are also there, but they are standing behind this man.

"Hello, Mr. Kaiqi. I've long said that Mr. Kaiqi is the first wise man in huangtao city. Today, I'm afraid it's true. You are so wise that you are deeply awed!" A man with a comb on his back said with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, nephew Du Xian is really funny. Come on, your uncle Kai has already prepared food and wine. Let's sit down and have a chat." He said with a smile.

"Uncle Kai, I'm not very good at drinking."

"Well, just have a drink." He said with a smile.

The man had no choice but to follow his family into the inner hall.

However, when they were about to enter the inner hall, Lin Yang called out.

"Who is the owner of the house?"

This word falls, the scene person is all a Leng.

Everyone looked at the sound source in unison.

Many of the people who opened the house frowned secretly. They thought that the speaker was from these guests, so they did not speak.

But Kaijiang is different.

He had met Lin Yang and recognized him at the first time!

"Is it you?"

Kaijiang cried out.

"Second, who is this?" Ask with a frown.

"Lin Yang! Zhang Zhonghua's grandson and son-in-law. " Kaijiang said, a touch of malice flashed in his eyes: "it's this man who made Kaimo seriously injured."

People around him were stunned.

When I play chess, I suddenly realize.

"Is it him? I've heard the third one say that he seems to be the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association? "

"Not bad." He said coldly.

He also told the previous events to Kaiqi, which can be understood.

But this time it's different.

This is opening a house! Not Zhangjia!

How did this guy get here?

Is he here to die? Or who is he speaking on behalf of?

But Lin Yang seems to have no influence behind it? With the president of the medical association? After all, the president of the medical association still can't manage to open a family...

"Linyang, how did you come here?" Ask lightly when playing chess.

Although many people want to open a house, they can't be so rude when there are guests.

However, Lin Yang did not care.

He walked straight ahead.

Those guests have made way for the road, but the family's face sank and tried to stop Lin Yang.

But playing chess is a wave to show them not to move.

After seeing what happened to the family members, they scattered.

However, Lin Yang didn't go to play chess. Instead, he went into the inner hall and directly found a place to sit down. He picked up his chopsticks and held the table full of delicacies. He ate and drank without ceremony.


As soon as the family was very angry, they wanted to rush up and beat them.

"Amin, let him eat."

Playing chess and drinking the family.

"Master of the house!" Ah Ming is in a hurry.

"It's a guest. Can't my family even have a full meal?" He said with a smile.

"Yes, eat more. After all, after one meal, who knows if there is another." The Kaijiang River over there also made a sound, and the voice was strange, which seemed to imply something.

"Tell the kitchen to make another table of dishes with the freshest ingredients for Du's family to enjoy. If the boy touches these dishes, they will not be used." Make a crossing.

"Mr. Heng, what about the dishes at other tables?" Asked the man next to him."No more." Open the horizontal light track.


The man ran down.

"I'm sorry, dushao, we didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. You should sit in the side hall first, and then entertain you when we finish solving the matter here." "I said with apology on my face.

"Need our help?" The young man with his back smile asked.

"No, you are welcome!" Swing your hands on.

"I think it's better that you don't refuse his request, so that you don't have to call them up later!" At this time, Lin Yang over there drank a sip of wine, and laid down the glass of calm way.

"What do you say about the mischievous?" The family can't help but scold directly.

"This fried meat is good." Lin Yang still eat slowly.

"You..." br >

all the family members are furious.

But playing chess is still a few people.

They are big people. They have seen many worlds and will not get angry without any reason.

"Linyang, our patience is limited. Now there are guests here. We are not very inconvenient. We can't make it difficult to see you as president of Jiangcheng Medical Association. We will not be in trouble with you. Please go quickly by yourself." Playing chess said with a smile.

It's especially good tempered.

But Lin Yang knows that the more such a person is, the more dangerous it is.

The smile is hidden in the knife, describing him.

"Call back all the people who sent you home to Jiangcheng!" Linyang swallowed the wine in his mouth and said calmly.

"Oh? You came for this? " Kaijiang suddenly, but squint: "if we don't call?"

"Then it makes it difficult for me." Linyang whispered: "after all, you have guests here. Later, you have a foreign look... This face is not good to protect..." br >

foreign style? "

Kaijiang smiled and asked, "what kind of foreign image? What kind of look can you make us open our home? "

Lin Yang is alone, dare to say this kind of words? Don't you think it's ridiculous?

And this is the home, first not to say that people are numerous, the only open family network enough to let Lin Yang out of huangtao City, what does Lin Yang take to open family fighting?

But this is a drop...


A burst of broken air sounded.

All people breathed, and they were shocked to find that the Linyang, which was supposed to be sitting at the table, disappeared suddenly, and then a gust of wind hit the river.

Kaijiang pupil shrink, only see a shadow passing by, people have not yet reacted, their neck is like a clamp like hand to be pinched, then the whole person was raised.

The great power almost choked him.


"Master Jiang!"

"Stop me!"

The people around the home were shocked and cried out, all rushed towards Linyang.

However, in the moment they were near, Linyang raised his feet as fast as lightning and kicked it.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The three people rushed out on the spot, fell into the courtyard ten meters away, one by one, the chest was depressed, the ribs were broken, and it was difficult again.


Playing chess and playing horizontal is hard to keep calm.

Even Du Shao was changed in face and retreated.

But see Lin Yang face like frost, eyes ferocious stare at the open river in hand, cold way: "open home, you touch my bottom line!"

"What do you want to do? Kill... Kill? " The river screamed hard.

"You think I dare not?"

Linyang pupil rose, suddenly drive arm to open river to the side of a throw.


The body of over 100 Jin of Kaijiang flew out like a bullet and hit those tables.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

several eight immortal tables were smashed directly and smashed. Kaijiang stopped until it hit the wall. When the others rolled on the ground, the walls were already cracked and debris peeled off. As for Kaijiang himself, he had been lying on the ground still, and I didn't know whether death was alive.

Family members are shocked and lose their colors...

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