Who could have thought that the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association was so cruel, and who could have thought that this was just a little son-in-law of the Su family?

One by one, their brains trembled, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

Lin Yang shook off his hand and went to open chess.

"Come, protect the master, come and protect the master!" He yelled at Lin Yang and roared: "Lin Yang, stop! You're committing a crime, you know? You're going to jail! Do you know what you're doing? "

"I know, I know all about it." Lin Yang said coldly: "but you hurt my father-in-law and my mother-in-law, and my wife will be killed, and I will be the next one. You are totally trying to destroy the rhythm of my family. In this case, why should I be soft on you? You don't give me a chance to survive? What do you expect me to worry about? Expect me to let you go? "

"Are you crazy?" He opened his eyes wide.

"Open chess, I'll give you one last chance. Listen, it's the last time. Call me right away and call back the people who have opened their homes in Jiangcheng. Otherwise... You will lose everything." Lin Yang said calmly.

That tone is full of ferocity and ferocity.

Playing chess, his eyes were cold, his face did not have much expression, his hands behind the quiet looking at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's performance was amazing. He threw Kaijiang out with one hand and put down three big men in the blink of an eye. It is obvious that Lin Yang is a practitioner.

However, he is not afraid of the practice at all. Can he deal with the bullets even if he is more powerful?

There is no talk and no action in chess.

He refused Lin Yang in silence.

He can't promise Lin Yang, because he has no reason to be afraid of Lin Yang.

"All right."

Lin Yang nodded, but his eyes were flashing with excitement and cold: "in this case, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance to open a family."

"Chop him up and feed the dog!" Just listen to open chess suddenly drink.

Around immediately rushed out dozens of home owners, each holding a variety of long knives and short daggers, directly rushed to Linyang, all of them were eager to cut Linyang.

However, as soon as they got close to Linyang, Linyang quickly moved them.

He suddenly raised his hand and threw it at the two chopsticks on his table and the two nearest family members.



The two chopsticks actually like two knives, directly and mercilessly into the two people's chest.

They fell on the spot.


"Chop it for me!"

The sound of panic alternated with the roar.

Eight shining knives fell straight down.

But Lin Yang was quick in his eyes and quick in his hand. He pointed at the wrist of the fastest falling knife.

The fingers of the man holding the knife suddenly loosened, and Lin Yang buckled it with his hands. His backhand whirled, which was extremely fast and astonishing.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew! Wheeze...

the shrill sound came out.

I saw that the knives that cut to Linyang suddenly fell down.

At first glance, it turns out that all their wrists have been cut off...


The world was shocked.

No one can believe what they see.

Those people didn't see Lin Yang using a knife...

however, this is not over yet. The wrists of the big men were cut off, but Lin Yang stabbed them again.

Cruel, running water.

Every big man's chest was pierced by him, and all of them were unable to get up.

In a flash, more than a dozen family members were put down by Lin Yang.

One blow and no more!

This technique is simply to solve the problem!

The rest of the people who wanted to rush over all stopped and looked at the scene in horror.

"It's a practitioner!"

An old man beside Du Shao lowered his voice and said, "and his attainments are not low."

"It's really not easy for Lin Yang to be so young and have such means! My Lord! We're in big trouble starting our house A small, thin man with a goatee beard and a hunched back looks like he is about forty or fifty years old, but he is very old-fashioned and listless, just like a drug addict.

"If you can't get rid of him, I'll have to sift him." Open chess light says, but the facial expression already is extremely gloomy.

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed, but you'd better prepare for it. After all, I'm afraid the boy will run away!"

"I hurt so many people who started my family. If I let him run away, how can I get a foothold in the future?" The chess player waved his hand, and the one at the back retreated with his teeth clenched.

After a while, a lot of family members in suits appeared in all directions. They put their hands on the inside of their coats, all staring at Lin Yang, all ready to go.Du Shao and others were invited to the side hall to avoid being injured by accident.

Linyang has been surrounded, like a turtle in a jar.

"Boy, two moves!"

The thin man over here called out.

"Is it really like this? It looks like you've gone some way. "

Lin Yang swept his eyes to show humanity.

"There's nothing wrong with martial arts. As long as you can defeat people, it's good martial arts. Let me have a look at your accomplishments."

The thin and weak man said lightly. Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head, stepped on his legs, and leaped to Linyang. His fist was like an eagle pouncing on a rabbit and buckled to Linyang's abdomen.

If this claw is buckled by him, Lin Yang's intestines will be caught by him.

But Lin Yang was fearless and sank with his backhand, trying to open the attacking claws.

But at this time, the thin and weak man suddenly quickly closed the move, the other hand more vigorous Bang to Lin Yang's chest.

This move is more rapid, more ferocious, and more sudden, as if it is a man's long-standing move.

Obviously, that's the trick.

That shot was just a feint!

The family is very happy, and they are all attracted by this move.


just in the middle of this move...


A crisp sound came out.

The thin man breathed, looked down, but saw Lin Yang's hand did not know when accurately pinched his wrist.


The man breathed a shudder, that rickets body suddenly straight up, and immediately out of the legs, to attack Linyang's footwall.

But it's still useless.

Lin Yang's legs also moved at the first time, completely intercepting his legs.


The man bit his teeth and suddenly hit his head.

This time, Lin Yang has no defense.

Maybe... He didn't plan to defend.


The strength of the man's head was so terrible that when he hit Lin Yang's chest, he made a very heavy dull sound.

If I were a normal person, I'm afraid all my ribs would be broken.

However, to see Lin Yang, it is completely ignored.

The thin man raised his head and looked up at Lin Yang, who was also overlooking him. There was only indifference in his eyes.

That look, as if looking at some ants...

"you just... This strength?" A husky voice sounded.

"No! shoot! Shoot now

The thin man finally realized that it was wrong and screamed bitterly.

But it's too late.


It's just a crackle.

Lin Yang's hand, which held his wrist, suddenly made a force and directly crushed all the bones of his hand. Then he took his whole person and suddenly waved to the ground.


The earth shaking explosion broke out.

The whole house seemed to vibrate.

The men in black all around took out guns from their arms. They wanted to shoot, but because of the vibration, many people were not able to stand still.

When they had stabilized their bodies to shoot, a scene of panic appeared in front of them...

I saw that the rickety man had been carried by Lin Yang like a dead dog, his body was full of blood, and his skin was full of flesh and blood. In front of him, there was a deep pit with cracks on the ground. There was no doubt that it was smashed by the thin man's body...

how much strength does it take?

Everyone can't believe their eyes.


This side of the open cross can no longer help, issued a hoarse scream.

But just as the sound fell.

"Wind Xuan needle formula!"

The sound of a powerful voice.

Lin Yang's hands are straight and straight. After a circle of rotation, a large number of silver needles are flying between the palms, spreading around like pear needles in a rainstorm.

The silver needle darted away and ran directly into the bodies of those people in black. In an instant, all the people in black could not move, nor could their fingers tightly pressing the trigger.

"What are you doing? Do you want to shoot soon? " He yelled.

But no one responded.

Everyone seemed frozen and motionless.

What's going on?

It's stupid to start a family.

Du Shao's eyes were frozen over there.

However, Lin Yang abandoned the thin man and walked towards the open chess with great strides www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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