Such a marvelous scene has long been a fool to see the family.

Especially open horizontal, a mouth open huge, as if able to swallow eggs raw.

Playing chess makes the scalp numb.

What is this?


How could it be?

But if it's not magic, why can't these people around you move?

His breath is frozen, his scalp trembles and numbness, and his brain is already a blank?

"Old Nie, how did this happen?"

Du Shao of the partial hall was also shocked and suddenly turned to ask the old man beside him.

However, the old man also just returned to God. He was awe inspiring and said in a deep voice, "it's a silver needle!"

"Silver needle?"

"The young master's eyesight is not good, and he can't understand his technique. When the man was spinning just now, I clearly saw the silver needle flying out of his finger. If I guess it's right, it's a method of acupuncture with silver needle in ancient Chinese medicine."

"I think you're crazy. Do you want a silver needle? Do you think this is a martial arts film? " Du Shao squeezed out a smile, as if disbelief, but his breath was too short.

This old NIE is an extraordinary expert. He is an outstanding expert. His father spent a lot of money to dig him up. It is said that all the disciples under his knees have excellent martial arts skills, and the worst ones are all national Wushu champions. With his attainments, his eyesight is naturally correct.

But what kind of thing to use a silver needle to point a acupoint is too much?

Du Shao could not accept it.

"Lao Nie, can you get rid of this man?" Du Shaoning asked in a voice.

"I'm not sure. Although this man is very young, he is certainly not an ordinary person. Young master, you should leave here and call you after I have dealt with the matter here." The old man said.

Du Shaoheng measure again and again, finally is no longer adhere to, only heavy nodding: "you yourself more careful."

With that, he took people away.

Walk towards the old man and walk out of the hall.

"Stop it, young man!"

He yelled.

Lin Yang slightly side head, glanced at the old man: "I know you will hand."

"Oh?" The old man was very surprised, and then glanced at Lin Yang and nodded seriously: "you can notice me. I've hidden it well. In this way, you are not ordinary!"

"You are wrong. I didn't notice you because of your high level of martial arts. In fact, I don't know martial arts. I can notice you because I have seen you before!"

"Have you seen me?" Old Nie a Leng: "where?"


It's actually the Lin family.

But it was when Lin Yang was very young. At the beginning, Lao Nie only came to the Lin family to study. His stay was not long. However, he had an impression of everyone Lin Yang met in the Lin family.

"It seems that your Majesty's origin is not simple."

Lao Nie's eyebrows were wrinkled tightly and his expression was heavy.

He suddenly had some regrets. If he left directly with the young master, he might have saved a lot of trouble.

"Do you want to start a family?"

Lin Yang asked.

"It's already a friend of the Du family. This little friend, if you are willing to make friends with my Du family, let's just forget about it. How about it?" Lao Nie said in a voice.

"I'm afraid not?"

Lin Yang lost his voice and said with a smile, "he wants to kill my whole family. If it is you du family, will you just forget it?"

"Is it so serious?" Nie frowned and looked at the chess player: "master, what are you and this little friend's deep hatred and resentment? As for that? "


I don't know where to start playing chess.

In fact, if it's just a quarrel between Kaimo and Lin Yang, he doesn't have the heart to take care of it. But what's the reputation of opening a family?

"It's no use saying anything now!"

Lin Yang said faintly. Suddenly, his eyes showed his killing intention, and he jumped directly to open chess.

"Big brother, be careful!"

Open horizontal shout, immediately rushed to the past, to block Lin Yang.

But the old NIE is faster than he is many, the moment appeared in front of two people, the old withered and thin mercilessly blows to rush to Lin Yang.

This fist is very powerful. It seems that it has the flavor of internal skill. I'm afraid it can blow through the marble like tofu.

Lao NIE is an orthodox kung fu master, but Lin Yang has no Kung Fu in fact. His time is spent on studying medical skills. The reason why he has such a means is just acupuncture.

Therefore, in the face of this blow, Lin Yang is very aware of the current situation and dodges away.

But Nie's fist just hit the air, but suddenly a swing, hard hit Lin Yang's shoulder.

The torrent of power instantly lifted Lin Yang.

Lin Yang fell to the ground and nearly fell to the ground. At this time, Nie rushed over again. His speed was very fast. His hand was like an eagle's claw trying to grasp Linyang's shoulder.Looking at his vigorous fingers, I'm afraid he can crush Lin Yang's shoulder.

This is going to waste Lin Yang's arm.

You're welcome!

But I think it's also true that Lin Yang doesn't dare to keep his hand at all. Naturally, he doesn't leave room for his moves.

But just as the paw was about to hit Lin Yang's shoulder...


A slap in the face.

It was Lin Yang's palm.


Lao Nie was stunned.

Lin Yang's palm is flat and unexceptionable. He doesn't have much strength at all. What he has is just speed!

It's impossible to block his slap at all. What is this?

Forget it!

Since this boy wants to die, don't blame me!

Old Nie Leng hum, strength also used the biggest, want to live will Lin Yang's palm to pat fracture.

And the fact is not unexpected.


The crackle came out.

It's a bone fracture.

Lin Yang's five fingers were directly broken by this claw, and Lin Yang was shaken back more than ten steps. His right hand was bloody at the moment, and none of his fingers was complete.


Kaiheng shouts with excitement.

"It's the Du family. It's really unusual!" He nodded his head again and again when he played chess. His eyes were full of brilliance.

It's exciting to have a family.

When the old Nie has solved Linyang, they will take good care of it. Let's see how arrogant Lin Yang is later!

"Boy, stop it. You are not my opponent. If you stop now, I can let you leave here safe and sound." Lao Nie sank.

Lao NIE is afraid of Lin Yang's identity. He doesn't believe that young people with such means have no background. Since he knows nothing about this person, he will not kill him. At least he has to leave a way for himself.

However, Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly: "this sentence should be said by me!"

"Well?" Old Nie a Leng, seem not to understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

At this time, however, he suddenly realized something. He suddenly raised his hand and saw a silver needle in his palm.

It turned out that Lin Yang's palm was not to resist the attack of Nie, but to prick up the silver.


Lao Nie's face changed suddenly, and then he pulled out the silver needle without thinking about it.

But when the silver needle was pulled out.


Lao Nie felt as if something was broken in his body, and then the whole person fell to the ground powerlessly, as if paralyzed, unable to move.

"You really don't have any common sense. Don't you know that silver needles can't be pulled randomly?"

Lin Yang took out the needle from the needle bag pinned to his waist and stuck it on his broken palm. He walked towards it with cold and indifference on his face.

"You... What have you done to me?"

Lao Nie asked tremblingly.

"That needle is linked to your meridians. If you don't pull it out, it's OK. If you pull it out, it will break your meridians by force." Lin Yang light road.

Lao Nie's face turned white several times.

Lin Yang expected that he would pull out the needle at the first time, so he did it!

Now that Lao NIE is paralyzed, Lin Yang cannot be stopped.

"You... You ruined me?" He asked, trembling.

After practicing martial arts for decades, he has become a disabled person. No matter who is, can't bear such a blow?

"Don't worry, you are still saved!" Lin Yang light road.

"Please help me, I will not be the enemy of you, I will not be the enemy of you, please help me, help me!" Lao Nie screamed eagerly.

"I can't save you. You'd better find someone else."

"Who?" Lao Nie asked.

"In the yaokong group that your Du family cooperates with, maybe someone can save you." Lin Yang light road.

As soon as the words fell, Nie's face changed and the man was silent.

Lin Yang turns around and goes toward the chess and the horizontal direction.

Now... No one can stop him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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