
Zhang Zhonghua breathed and stared at Lin Yang in disbelief: "what are you talking about? What a shock.

"I said I was Lin Dong of Yanghua group." Lin Yang repeated again, with an extremely serious look.

Zhang Zhonghua was staring at him, his brain was obviously shaking.

But a moment later, he was dumbfounded.

"Boy, don't make such a joke. I know everything about you. I know exactly how many kilograms you have. Can you be Lin Dong? How could it be? "

Everyone knows that Lin Yang is just a waste to Su's family. Zhang Zhonghua has heard of it. Moreover, Su Yan is his granddaughter. How can he not understand Su Yan at all? How can you know nothing about Lin Yang?

He had heard for a long time that Lin Yang had not gone to work in the past three years. He was just a lazy waste. How could such a person be the old manager of the sun rising Yanghua group?

"Grandfather, I'm telling you the truth." Lin Yang said again.

But Zhang Zhonghua raised his hand and interrupted him.

"Boy, I know what you mean. You lied to me just because you didn't want me to worry, right?"

Lin Yang frowned and didn't know how to say it.

"In fact, I know that, I can see that from the time you beat Kaimo for Xiaoyan, I know it clearly. Although you can do nothing and depend on your wife to support you, you are not a person who likes to eat soft food. I believe you will have a promising future!" Zhang Zhonghua patted Lin Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Lin Yang slightly a Leng, spin and bitter smile, did not speak.

So is it.

After all, the image of waste in the past three years has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...

"Sir, dinner is ready, madam, please go to the banquet hall."

At this time, a servant came into the study and said.

"Good! This time I'll give that dead old woman a face! Come and have a drink with me Zhang Zhonghua was very happy and took Lin Yang's arm out.

Lin Yang did not refuse.

But the housekeeper at the door frowned and said in a low voice: "master, you are so old lady, they will be very unhappy."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Zhang asked with a frown.

"This man is also the man to be dealt with by the Du family. The Du family is there..." the housekeeper stopped.

"What is it to do with me? His Du family wants to fight with the heaven. That's all his Du family's business. Can it affect my family's eating? " Mr. Zhang said angrily, and he took Lin Yang to the hall.

The housekeeper sighed in silence.

At the moment, the hall is full of people. Several tables of eight immortals are full of people. The servants of Zhangjia are shuttling among the tables with piles of delicacies. Around the tables are red faced people pushing cups for drinks.

"Is there a happy event today?"

Lin Yang asked.

"What else can be happy? That's what I told you before. The old woman cooperated with the Du family. Today, she just signed a contract. This contract can help Zhang Jia earn a lot of profits. Of course, the profit is the second. The main reason is that Zhang Jia has built the big tree of Du family. Now these white eyed wolves are celebrating! "

Mr. Zhang said coldly.

"It's a good thing for Zhangjia." Lin Yang road.

"Good? What a fart! Integrity is gone, sell their relatives to others? If this is the case, I would rather that Zhangjia will decline forever! " Mr. Zhang was so angry that his face turned red.

Lin Yang knew he was talking about Su Yan, so he didn't say anything.

"Oh, here comes the old man!"

At this time, a man in a suit stood up with sharp eyes and called.

The rest of them looked at it.

"Dad, are you here?" Zhang Kun looked happy.

"Dad, please take your seat, please." Zhang Songhong is also busy to help Zhang Zhonghua.

The rest of the elders and children of Zhangjia also got up to say hello to Zhang Zhonghua.

All the people were smiling and smiling.

The old lady Ren Ai, who was sitting above, chuckled. She took a sip of tea and said faintly, "old man, are you willing to come out at last? Hehe, did you see it? What you can't do, I'll do it for you! "

Zhang Zhonghua, with a gloomy face and no words, dragged Lin Yang to the corner table next to him.

"This rubbish Lin Yang unexpectedly also came?"

Cheng Ping pointed to Lin Yang and screamed, "you bastard, you still have the face to come to my family?"

"Who let you in

"Get out of here!"

"My family is a piece of rubbish you can come in?"

The people of Zhangjia scolded.

"Mr. durson, this man is Lin Yang! It is he who has harmed Mr. ran Zaixian! " Zhang Gan stood up, pointing to Lin Yang and denouncing.On the front table, several strange faces turned to look at the old man.

Lin Yang looked at the man named Dusen and frowned slightly.

"Mr. Dusen, this is my grandson's son-in-law, ran Zaixian. It has nothing to do with him. I hope you can look on my face and don't pursue this matter for the time being. It's not too late for you to make a decision after you find out the reason." Zhang Zhonghua says coldly, old face is very ugly.

However, the man named Dusen shook his head: "we are willing to cooperate with Zhang Jia, which has given you great face. Mr. ran Zaixian has a strong relationship with Du family. Now that he has an accident, how can we be indifferent? The man named Lin Yang must give us an account, otherwise we will not be able to go back. "

"Then I tell you, Du family, if you want to move Linyang, you should first step over my body!" Mr. Zhang also knew that the argument was useless, so he clapped the table and yelled loudly. He was very excited.

If he dares to bring Linyang here for dinner, he is ready to protect him.

"Old coffin, don't you think it's enough to harm Zhangjia?" Let love also angry, suddenly rose to blame way.

"Zhang Jia? What Zhangjia? I don't care about this kind of people. They are a group of animals who eat everything from inside to outside! " Mr. Zhang swore.

People's faces changed.

"You..." Ren Ai looks particularly ugly.

The atmosphere of the scene changed instantly.

"Well, well, old lady Ren, forget it." After taking a sip of wine, Dusson said slowly: "tonight is a rare and happy day. We can sit down to eat and drink in the bar. We can talk about other things after dinner. Don't make everyone have no interest in eating because of such a small role. Old people, we should respect them. After all, respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue."

"Mr. Du has said so. Let this Lin Yang go for the time being."

Zhang Songhong cold road.

As soon as these words fall, people choose to calm down.

The old man snorted coldly and said to Lin Yang, "Xiao Yang, don't pay attention to them. Come here, let's sit down and eat and drink! Take a big bite! Don't worry about the rest! "

Then he would sit down.

Lin Yang nodded, but he was too lazy to pay attention to these people.

But then a figure came up.

Look, it's Ren Ai!

"Put this table away for me, and pour out all the dishes for the dog!" Ren Ai said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the noisy hall became silent.

"Mom, this..."

the people of Zhangjia were stunned.

"What are you doing, madwoman?"

Zhang Zhonghua stood up in anger.

"It doesn't mean that I don't care about you. Old coffin, I tell you, you should let this little beast kowtow to others. Otherwise, don't say it's him. I'll take care of you as an old man!"

Ren Ai pointed to Zhang Zhonghua's nose and scolded angrily.

"You're... On the contrary! On the contrary

Zhang Zhonghua was so angry that his face turned red and his whole body shivered.

"Dad, don't be angry. It's not good if you get angry!" Zhang Aiqi rushed to persuade her.

"Aiqi, you go to my side! If anyone dares to take care of the old man, he will get out of the family Let love shout.

I don't dare to shake all of you.

If they are driven out of the zhangjias, they will have no place in their glory and wealth.

As a result, the people of Zhangjia all stepped back.

Seeing the scene, Zhang Zhonghua's eyes bulged and his veins burst out. He was about to explode.



He opened his mouth and spat out blood.

Zhang Zhonghua was actually vomited by these people www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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