

The people of Zhangjia were in a hurry, and they all rushed to support Zhang Zhonghua, who was tottering.

But let love is suddenly a drink: "all get out of the way!"

The people of Zhangjia stopped suddenly.

"This old stubborn, just die! What do you want to worry about? " Let love be angry.

"Mom, please calm down. It's dad after all, and there are guests. Don't make a joke." Zhang Songhong couldn't help it.

"Joke? So what? Do you still think there is not enough shame in our family? If it wasn't for this stubborn old man, we would have offended so many families? If it wasn't for this stubborn old man, we would have become what we are today? Fortunately, the Du family were generous and didn't care about us, so they gave us another chance. If we don't make good use of it and do it like this old stubborn man, aren't you afraid that Zhang Jia will be buried in his hands? " Let love sonorous powerful cry.

Every sentence has its own voice.

People's scalp felt numb. They also understood that the old lady was going to have a showdown this time. They also wanted to show the Du family their determination and Zhang Jia's position.

No one at the scene dared to speak.

Dusen and other Du family members also looked at the old lady.


Master Zhang was angry and could not speak out. His face was flushed to the extreme, and his body trembled like an electric shock.

If he goes on like this, he will not be angry to death!

At this moment, however, there was a sound of comfort.

"Grandfather, you sit down first and ignore these people. Their decision-making is doomed to be a group of short-sighted and profit-seeking people. For such a person, it is only you who are angry with them!"

Zhang Zhonghua was stunned and looked at him. He saw that Lin Yang came over and pinched a silver needle, which easily stabbed Zhang Zhonghua's heart and lung.

In an instant, Zhang Zhonghua's excited mood immediately subsided a lot, and his heart beating violently also stabilized.

Zhang Zhonghua's old eyes brightened: "Xiaoyang, you are..."

"when I'm free, I'll read books about acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine at home. This needle is called the tranquilizing needle. Just as the name suggests, it can make you concentrate. Grandfather, sit down and eat vegetables. Don't pay attention to the rest." Lin Yang light road.

Seeing Lin Yang so calm and self-contained, Zhang Zhonghua is very incredible.

He nodded again and again, and could not help but smile: "I live this age, but not as open as you boy, good, good!"

"The old man flattered me

Lin Yang light way, and then impolitely picked up chopsticks to eat.

"Don't just eat, drink

Mr. Zhang poured Lin Yang wine and raised his glass.

Everything was ignored.

"Here's to you, master." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Come on, do it!"

Mr. Zhang said boldly, and then a glass of wine went down directly.

The appearance of this scene, however, makes many people unbearable, especially Ren Ai.

She was angry, and then suddenly reached out and directly knocked out the food and wine on the table.

Bang when...

bursts of glass breaking sound.

"What else do you want, madwoman?" Mr. Zhang denounced him when he dropped his glass.

"It's up to me to ask you, old coffin, how dare you ignore me?" Ren Ai asked angrily.

"What about ignoring you? My name is Zhang, and your name is Ren. This is Zhangjia. When is it your turn to speak? In a word, the old man, I just said, I'm here. Who dares to move Lin Yang is against me. If you want to move him, move me first! " Mr. Zhang said coldly.

"You... Good! Good! You wretched old man, you are really against you Ren Ai was no longer wordy, and roared at Zhang Songhong and others: "what are you doing in a daze? Do it! Get that Lin out of here! Come on

Zhang Songhong was not polite. He waved his big hand: "drag this thing out for me and put it into Mr. Du's trunk. How to deal with it depends on Mr. Du!"

"Mr. Zhang, isn't that good?" Dawson hesitated.

"It's OK, Mr. Du. Even if Mr. Du doesn't clean up the rubbish, we have to clean it up. If it wasn't for him and his wife, how could we have a misunderstanding with other aristocratic families?" Zhang Songhong hates the way.

As soon as Duson listened, he did not speak again.

Several people in suits, who looked like the bodyguards of Zhangjiakou, walked into the lobby and headed for Lin Yang.

"Get out of here!" Zhang Zhonghua roared.

The bodyguards trembled.

"Just do it, and don't care what the old man says!" Let love be cold.

"Try to move Zhang Zhonghua, have another drink.

That old face is full of dignity.

Seeing the scene, the bodyguard was in trouble and looked at Zhang Songhong in unison.

Zhang Songhong's face was not very natural.

Looking at Zhang Zhonghua's appearance, I'm afraid it's not really necessary to take his life to protect Linyang, as he said. If so, it's obviously not good to use strong.Zhang Songhong is a bit embarrassed. The rest of us know it is not easy to do, and the scene seems to be in a certain deadlock.

But just then, doosen over there stood up.

"Mr. Zhang, if your people are not good, let's do it!"

Zhang Songhong listened to it, and suddenly relieved his voice, and smiled on his face: "if it is like this, it is no better!"

Other people in Zhangjia are also smiling.

Zhangjiainsiders are not moving, and this outsider is different.

They are not afraid to offend Zhang Zhonghua at all.

"Do it! Take that kid in the car. "

Don't be too wordy, don't you drink.

The man sitting next to him immediately rose and walked towards Linyang.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Zhonghua drinks and shouts.

But it is useless. The other party doesn't care about Zhang Zhonghua. Only one person pulls Zhang Zhonghua directly, and the other one grabs him towards Linyang.

"Get out of here! Get out of here! "

Zhang Zhonghua shouted.

But he was only an old man. The whole man was not allowed to go before him.

At this moment, the other man's shoulder has been pressed on Lin Yang's shoulder.

"Go with me!" The man sank and he would be forced to pull up Linyang.

But... No matter how much he uses, he can't shake Lin Yang.

Linyang is as stable as Mount Tai, and continues to drink wine and enjoy himself.


The man was shocked, and then he was forced.

But even if he was using milk, there was no effect.

"What are you doing, Hu Yong? Don't you drag him out soon? " "Duson said coldly with a slant of brow.

"This..." the man named Hu Yong opened his mouth, and I didn't know what to say. Seeing Lin Yang, he burst into a fire and threw his hand back.


Linyang was hit and flew in a moment when he was about to deliver the glass to his mouth.

Linyang moves a stiff, cold eye.

"Dog thing, I asked you to get up, didn't you hear me?"

Huyong said angrily, and then hit Lin Yang directly on the face.

But just as the fist approaches...


A palm was able to hold the fist.

In a moment, it was hard to score half of the fist.

Huyong was stunned, staring at Linyang who stood up slowly. When he returned to God, Lin Yang turned to fan his hand.


The crisp sound came out.

Hu Yong, who was a whirl, fell on the ground.


The whole scene is in a big bang!

"Linyang! What are you doing? "

"What a brave man, you dare to hit people in Zhangjia?"

"Crazy! This guy is totally crazy! "

Zhangjiaese are furious and scold constantly.

Duson stood up coldly.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this going on?" He stared at Zhang Songhong and questioned.

Zhang Songhong's face is also very unnatural, and at this time, he would not want to waste any more words. He drank and shouted: "a Hai! Call me! "


The people who told a hai to get up and drink and shout directly, and then there were more than ten zhangjiaese standing around the table on the spot.

People rushed towards Linyang.

Look at this situation, do not kill Linyang, but also waste him!

"Stop me all!" Zhang Zhonghua roars again.

"Fight!" Love roars.

The person who called Ahai is not as indecisive as those bodyguards, and goes straight and fast.

The situation has changed again and is becoming more and more severe.

Zhang Zhonghua was angry and stared at his beard.

No one can save Linyang at the scene.

But looking at Lin Yang, he was not panicked at all. Instead, he continued to sit on the chair, picked up the glass on the ground, wiped it with a paper towel, and continued to drink wine.

"Damn dog, I'll let you drink!"

A Hai directly grabbed the stool next to the Lin Yang to hit the door.

But at this critical moment, a loud drink came from outside the lobby...


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