Everyone in the lobby was shocked and looked out of the hall.

However, several family representatives headed by Mei Yi, the leader of the Mei family, came in.

The arrival of these people, let Ren Ai, Dusen and others all look silly.

Good guy, these family members are good enough to represent half of Guangzhou.

"This... How did it happen?"

"Gentlemen, why are you all here?"

The people of Zhangjia are in a panic.

With so many great people gathering in Zhangjia, this scene is extremely rare! What day is this? What are they doing here?

The people of Zhangjia are puzzled.

However, a more shocking scene appeared!

Mei Yi and a group of family members are walking towards Linyang over there.

Everyone looked serious and unsmiling. Everyone was upright and solemn.

Seeing this scene, Ren Ai, Zhang Songhong, Dusen and others all have a bad premonition in their hearts...

sure enough.

However, Mei Yi and others bowed to Lin Yang and apologized: "Mr. Lin, please forgive our stupid behavior! I'm sorry! "

The sound is neat and loud, like the tide.

This remark has already scattered the only bit of rationality of Zhangjia people.

Everyone is stupid.

Zhang Zhonghua was also like this. He broke away from his long wooden bodyguard, looked at Mei Yi and others, and looked at Lin Yang. He was stunned and said, "boy, what's the matter with you

"Nothing, grandfather. Sit down and have a drink." With a faint smile, Lin Yang greets Zhang Zhonghua to take his seat.

Zhang Zhonghua looked puzzled, but he sat down.

He gave me a glass of wine, but he gave me a glass of wine

"Oh, good! Good

Although Zhang Zhonghua is at a loss, he does not want to think about it any more because of his forthright temperament. He is directly bored with a mouthful of wine.

At this moment, no one dares to disturb him, no one dares to stop him.

Even if it is love, at the moment is also standing in place, dare not act rashly.

Zhang Zhonghua sighed.

For some reason, he felt that the wine was full of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, and could not drink it.

And in the moment that he put down his glass, Lin Yang spoke again.

"Grandfather, although today is not a memorable day, but you are not happy today, I'll let you have a good drink and get drunk to relieve your worries! How? "

"Oh? Do you want to drink with your grandfather Zhang Zhonghua asked with a smile.

"Whenever my grandfather wants to drink, Lin Yang can accompany you. Let them accompany you today."

Lin Yang said, with a big wave of his hand: "go and toast my grandfather to a bar!"

As soon as the words fell, Mei Yi, Huang Mao and other leaders of the aristocratic family all felt relieved. They hurriedly looked for a cup to pour wine, and then they all gathered around.

"Here's to you, master." Mei family is the most powerful and powerful family. He is the first one to walk past and say with a smile.

"This... How does this make it?" Zhang Zhonghua is stupefied, busy is to get up a way.

He knows that Mei Yi is very energetic in Guangliu province. He belongs to a person who will shake three earthquakes when he stomps his feet. Although Zhang Zhonghua has a large family, other people's Mei Yi cares about this. It is impossible to toast him.

But today, Mei Yi is full of smiles and hopes to propose a toast to him, which is totally afraid that he will not drink.

"What? Grandfather, don't you like his toast to you Lin Yang here asked lightly.

As the words fall, Mei Yi's face is extremely pale, and her tears are about to come out when she looks at Zhang Zhonghua.

"Nothing." Although Zhang Zhonghua was confused, he was very happy in his heart and drank it down in one gulp.

"The old man is a good drinker." Mei Yi was so grateful that he quickly drank the wine out of his glass.

"Mr. may, sit down and drink together." Zhang Zhonghua said with a smile.

Mei Yi listens and looks at Lin Yang in embarrassment.

"My grandfather asked you to sit down. You can sit down." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Yes, yes, thank you, grandfather... No, no, thank you, Mr. Zhang!" Mei Yi is so excited that he sits down.

Then Huang Mao of the Huang family also stepped forward, holding a cup and saying, "master, it's not the first time we've met, but it's the first time we've had a drink. How about if you drink one and I'll have three? Here, to you

Finish saying, it is Gulu three cups, without ambiguity.

"Good! Good! Sit down and drink, sit down and drink The old man laughed.

"Master, I'd like to propose a toast to you, too!"

"Master, I did it!"

"Master, slow down and take your order! I did it


these great figures in Guangliu province respectfully toasted one by one, and then sat down around the table.After a while, the whole table was full.

None of these people is worse than Zhang Zhonghua...

Zhang Zhonghua laughed and was in a good mood, but he felt dizzy. He did not know whether he had drunk too much or how.

It was the first time he had seen such a show.

You know, these people, who used to drink with him? Can call him to say that the old man has given a great deal of face, but now it is a regular sitting around the old man.

This is a dream scene!

The old man is a little unbelievable.

Don't say it's him. It's the same with other people in Zhangjia.

At this time, Zhang Songhong did not dare to say a word.

That Dusson is also shocked by this scene!

Mrs. Ren fell into silence.

"Mom, what's going on here? What are these people doing? " Cheng Ping is confused and shakes Zhang Aiqi's arm.

"I don't know..." Zhang Aiqi said.


Zhang Zhonghua put down his glass, breathed his breath, and looked at Lin Yang with a smile on his face.

"Boy, should you explain to me what this is all about?"

"Grandfather, there's nothing to explain. I'm just a friend of these people." Lin Yang is eating dishes.

"Friend?" Zhang Zhonghua was stunned.

"Yes, yes, we are all friends of chairman Lin."

"We are all his friends!"

Mei Yi and others are busy.

"Chairman Lin?" Zhang Zhonghua was stunned: "have you become the president? What kind of association are you President? "

"Don't you know? Mr. Lin is the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association Huangmao road.

"What?" Zhang Zhonghua was shocked.

When did he become the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association?

Isn't that weird?

But... With just one president of the Medical Association, will these people be like grandsons?

Zhang Zhonghua looked at Lin Yang seriously: "boy, what identity do you have?"

"Grandfather, I have already confessed to you, you just don't believe it."

"Confessed to me before?"

The old man was a little confused. He drank a little too much wine. As he got older, he had a bad memory. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't remember what Lin Yang had confessed to him.

"It's all right. Come on, drink!"

The old man was in a good mood and didn't want to think about it any more. He raised his glass and said with a smile.

People around him responded and laughed.

As for the Zhangjia people here, they have long been ignored.

Zhang Songhong, with a gloomy face, went to Dusen and said in a low voice, "Mr. Du, what should I do now? It seems that Lin Yang is not easy to deal with! I don't know what kind of enchanting soup he poured into these people. If we take Lin Yang by force, it will be more troublesome. "

"Well, trouble? What's the trouble? Do you think these cats and dogs can still be my Du family's opponents? Don't forget that my Du family comes from Yanjing, not from Guangzhou and Liuzhou! " Dusen snorted coldly, obviously not convinced.

Zhang Songhong's eyes brightened slightly and nodded.

Yes, the Du family is from Yanjing, and there is yaokong group behind it!

As long as Zhangjia's back is close to the big tree Du's, it will be invincible in Guangliu!

At this time, however, an old and hoarse voice sounded outside the hall.

"Brother Zhang... Are you there?"

When the sound fell to the ground, people were stunned and looked out of the hall.

"What a familiar voice."

Dusen was stunned and turned his head. However, he was shocked and almost fell to the ground.

"This... How did this one get here?" 'cried Dusson, trembling.

"Mr. Du, who is he?" Zhang Songhong, next to him, asked.

"Big man, big man!" Said Dusson, trembling.

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