In the eyes of the public, a white haired old man was helped into the room.

The old man was dressed in a clean and old shirt. His legs were shaking and his hands were shaking. His eyes were sunken and his eyes were cloudy. He was at least 70 or 80 years old.

Many people are confused and don't know who the old man is.

But from the voice he called, elder brother Zhang, he should be looking for Zhang Zhonghua.

But... Nobody has seen Zhang Zhonghua have such a friend!

The people of Zhangjia are at a loss.

Zhang Zhonghua over there also stood up.

But Dusen was a brisk step, rushed out, helping the old man, excited: "Mr. Yang, you... How did you come?"

"Xiaosen, are you there, too?" The old man seemed to know Dusson and nodded to say hello.

What are you doing Dooson asked carefully.

"I'm here to discuss something with elder brother Zhang."

"Which brother Zhang?"

"Who else can there be? Naturally, it's Zhang Zhonghua's elder brother." The visitor's mood seemed a little excited.

As soon as he said this, Dusson's scalp was numb.

The people of Zhangjia breathed.

"Mr. Du, who is he?" Asked the man next to him.

"Mr. Yang Kaisheng!" Dusson mumbled his lower lip and whispered.

Simple six words, like thunder on the body.

"Yang... Yang Kaisheng?"

"How could it be him?"

Zhang Songhong and Zhang Kun's heart almost jumped out of their throat.

Ren was dizzy and almost didn't fall on the ground. Fortunately, Zhang Aiqi helped her.

"Well, isn't that a famous calligrapher in Yanjing? It is said that he is still the president of the Calligraphy Association. How did he come here? "

"President of the calligraphy association? Do you think Mr. Yang's achievements are limited to this? You are wrong, this is a real big shot

"What did he come to see grandfather for?"

The younger generations of Zhangjia are whispering to each other.

Zhang Zhonghua was the most confused. He was busy getting up to greet him. He said unexpectedly, "brother Yang, how did you come?"

Zhang Zhonghua went to Yanjing ten years ago and met Yang Kaisheng once. However, Yang Kaisheng's attainments are too high, not only in calligraphy, but also in all aspects. Zhang Zhonghua is not a figure in front of Yang Kaisheng.

Why did the Buddha come to Zhangjia in person?

"Brother Zhang, I'm a few months younger than you. Just call me Kaisheng." Yang Kaisheng sighed: "to be honest, I have something to ask for today. I hope elder brother Zhang can help me."

"What can I do for you?" Zhang Zhonghua said in dismay.

"Please ask elder brother Zhang to plead with Mr. Lin for me, and ask him to let me go and play chess with my son and his family."

Yang Kaisheng said excitedly. When the voice dropped, the old man was choking.


At the scene, people's scalp was cracked, and the brain was like a Hong Zhong crashing in and roaring.

Ask Lin Yang to let go of the chess family?

What did Lin Yang do? Can you alarm Yang Kaisheng to come here from Yanjing to plead?

All the people in Zhangjia are stupid.

Mr. Zhang was shocked, and suddenly turned to look at Lin Yang.

Somehow, he found that he couldn't see his grandson-in-law more clearly.

"Kaisheng, please sit down and speak slowly."

Zhang Zhonghua arranged for Yang Kaisheng to sit down and then poured him a cup of tea.

After drinking tea, Yang Kaisheng was in a better mood, but his old eyes were still cloudy. He looked at Lin Yang and said, "Mr. Lin, I know that playing chess and Kaimo have done a lot of angry things. I know that they deserve what they have done, and their crimes are unforgivable. But... Many of the Kaisheng's family members are innocent. Please give them a high hand, Mr. Lin Let's go! Please

With that, Yang Kaisheng stood up again and bowed to Lin Yang.

It was not easy for his old body to do this.

But it was Lin Yang who had a greater impact on the public!

What's the matter with this legendary son-in-law? Why can he let Yang Kaisheng, the Great Buddha, bow down for him?

All of the people in Zhangjia have lost their thinking.

Let love shiver, want to ask, but do not know what to say.

"Mr. Yang?"

Lin Yang looked at him faintly and said calmly, "since you know this, you should also know what Kaijia has done to me? He is my enemy of life and death. How do you want me to forgive my enemy? "

"I don't ask you to save Kaiqi or Kaimo. They all deserve what they deserve, but they can't just do it like this!" Yang Kaisheng emotional way.

"What does that have to do with me?" "I can forgive everyone, but I can't forgive you for starting a family! Because it's me who runs the house. It's my wife! If he wants to kill my whole family, what's the matter if I kill him? "The word spread and the whole room was silent.

The people of Zhangjia understood this time!

It's clear!

Why did Xiao Changqing, Mei Yi and Huang Mao come here to ask for Lin Yang's forgiveness?

Why is Yang Kaisheng so old, but he took the trouble to fly from Yanjing to Guangliu to meet Linyang!

It's because Lin Yang has just... Destroyed the whole family...

Zhang Songhong's Three Outlooks have been smashed.

Dusson was also unbelievable.

At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated.

Dusson quickly pulled out the connection.

"Young master!" Dutson said respectfully.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Zhangjia, young master. The contract has been settled." Dusson said.

"Don't talk about the contract in advance. You should leave Zhangjia and come back right away. Do you know?" Du Shao over the phone said in a hurry.

"Young master, what happened?" Dusson asked, puzzled.

"Don't ask me if you said that, and go quickly!" Du Shao was angry.

"It's... Young master, i... I'll leave right away, but there's a little trouble in Zhangjia." Dusen glared at Lin Yang over there and bit his teeth.

"What little trouble?" Du shaoleng asked.

"It's Lin Yang who runs a family! He's here, too. I don't know what means Lin Yang used. He forced all the influential figures in Guangliu to bow their heads and toast to him... Du Shao, Lin Yang is very arrogant! It's still so rampant that we can't suppress his spirit? " Dusson said.

"What? You... Who do you say is there? " The voice on the other side of the phone seemed to tremble.

"Lin Yang, what's wrong with you, young master?" Dawson is puzzled.

"I'll beat your mother! Run! Run for me, don't provoke that Lin Yang! Run Du Shao on the other side of the phone suddenly let out a shrill roar.

"Ah?" Dooson was stupid.

"I'll tell you, Duson, if you provoke that Lin Yang! Don't say you belong to Du family! My Du family has nothing to do with you! "

Du Shao roared again, then directly hung up the phone.

Dooson stood in the same place stupidly, and couldn't get back to his senses.

"Young master... What's the matter?"

This one.

As Lin Yang's cold hum rings, Yang Kaisheng has no voice.

He had no choice but to sigh at his age?

But this time it's different!

This time not only Lin Yang, but also the one in Jiangcheng sanatorium!

Even that one was startled. How about Yang Kaisheng's low head?

It's just now... He's out of his mind and can only sigh.

Mr. Zhang couldn't look down.

He looked at Yang Kaisheng, then looked at Lin Yang and said, "Xiaoyang, don't forget it. It's not easy for your grandfather yang to come to beg for mercy from you at such an old age. It's not easy to look at Buddhist faces and monks' faces!"

"Grandfather, the key to starting a family is your granddaughter and your daughter. If it wasn't for me, maybe your daughter and granddaughter would be gone. Are you sure you want to plead for him?" Lin Yang asked.

"This..." Mr. Zhang was stunned and sighed: "injustice has its head, and debt has its owner. Who did it, you should punish the one who did it. Don't hurt the innocent..."

"I can't guarantee that other family members will retaliate against me because of this, so it's the best choice to take root." Lin Yang sinks.

However, Yang Kaisheng suddenly raised his head, his old eyes were clouded, and he said hoarsely, "Mr. Lin, I am willing to guarantee for other family members that they will not take any action on this matter. If any of them commits any crime, I will punish him in person. If Mr. Lin is willing to promise me! Let those family members go. I, Yang Kaisheng, are willing to do anything for Mr. Lin unconditionally! Thank you, Mr. Lin

With that, Yang Kaisheng's knee bent, which was to kneel down.

The whole world has changed color.

"Kaisheng, how does this make it? He's such a jerk, he can't stand your kneeling! " Zhang Zhonghua stops Yang Kaisheng in a hurry.

However, Yang Kaisheng was full of tears, shivering and hoarse: "I can bear it, I can bear it... After all, he is a miracle Doctor Lin!"

For a moment, the hall of Zhangjia is as quiet as time, and there is no sound at all...

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