Dr. Lin?

Is this Lin Yang?


It must be fake!

It must be this Yang Kaisheng who has identified the wrong person!

The people of Zhangjia trembled and hinted at themselves crazily.

But the reality is cruel.

It is impossible for Yang Kaisheng to admit his mistake...

as a result, everyone was dumbfounded.

Mr. Zhang's hand to take the cup also can't help shivering, but a moment later, he burst out laughing.

"OK, OK, ha ha ha, ha ha. I said that the people in Zhangjia are not mediocre people. OK! Ha ha... "Finish saying, then full drink the wine in the cup.

He doesn't care how much benefit Lin Yang can bring to the family. What he cares about is that Lin Yang, as Zhang Qingyu's son-in-law, will not be wronged as long as Lin Yang is there.

A man can't grow a man's heart? But Zhang's side is also in trouble, he really has no time to take care of it.

Now, it's all right.

And this grandson-in-law has really brought him too many surprises.

All the people of Zhangjia were silent.

Some people have doubts about Lin Yang. We can see the attitude of Xiao Changqing and Mei Yi, and the voice of questioning they want to shout out is also suppressed.

Yang Kaisheng will admit his mistakes. What about these people? I'm afraid they are all doctors?

At this time, Lin Yang got up and helped Yang Kaisheng up.

Yang Kaisheng was excited for a moment, and his muddy eyes were full of tears...

"Yang Kaisheng, I'm not a soft hearted person, but I have to give my grandfather a face no matter what you say. If you don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, I will depend on you and let go of my family." Lin Yang light road.

Thank you very much

Yang Kaisheng quickly bowed down.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. I have conditions." Lin Yang sinks.

"What conditions, you say, I will all agree!" Yang Kaisheng is busy.

But Lin Yang stretched out a finger: "let them paralyze for a year first! A year later, I will treat my family again

Yang Kaisheng was stunned and then nodded: "no problem."

"In addition, I will not open chess, not open horizontal, not open desert..." Lin Yang said coldly.

"This... Is good." Yang Kaisheng sighed. This is really a chess game. What they did was not authentic. He had heard about Kaimo. It was really despotic. Moreover, he started to buy murderers this time. It's really lawless. How can you spare it?

"One year later, I will treat the family members one by one, but I hope you can remember what you said and what you promised, otherwise it won't be so simple next time. I promise that even the gods will not be able to save the family." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Doctor Lin, don't worry. Yang Kaisheng never breaks his promise!" Yang Kaisheng said seriously.

Lin Yang nodded.

That's the deal.

"Come on, brother Yang, come and drink!" Next to the old man Zhang said with a smile.

"Good! Good! Drink! Drink, come on, I'll give Dr. Lin a drink first Yang Kaisheng poured the tea out of the cup and replaced it with Maotai.

But the next second, a hand against Yang Kaisheng's cup.

Yang Kaisheng was immediately stunned.

"You can't drink any more. If you drink three glasses of wine, you will die." Lin Yang road.

"What?" Yang Zhikai was astonished.

"Doctor Lin, is that true?" Yang Kaisheng beside a small young breath, busy inquiry asked.

"Yang Kaisheng is now suffering from senile diseases, including hypertension, diabetes and cerebral thrombosis. Not only that, he also has a very serious heart disease. Once he drinks alcohol, the chance of sudden death will be as high as 90%. I don't want you to die in my grandfather's house, so don't drink this wine." Lin Yang road.

As soon as this word fell, the Yang family who followed Yang Kaisheng were all stunned.

What a miracle doctor!

Yang Kaisheng does have these diseases, and one of them is not bad. His heart disease is the most serious. He has had a major operation...

the miracle Doctor Lin did not even touch Yang Kaisheng, but he was able to show Yang Kaisheng's whole body clearly and truly!

At first, these people also sneered at Dr. Lin and thought that Yang Kaisheng had exaggerated him. Now it seems that Yang Kaisheng did not exaggerate, but underestimated him.

"Dr. Lin, you can develop a prescription for treating cerebral thrombosis and rhinitis. You must have a prescription for heart disease, right? Please think of a way to save my grandfather. As long as you can save my grandfather, we will agree to any conditions you propose! " The young man said excitedly.

"The heart is the capital of human beings. It's not so easy to treat this. Although I have a method, I don't have any medicine. I can't cure it here. When I go to Yanjing some day, I'll show it to your grandfather." Lin Yang light road.

"Really? Thank you very much, doctor Lin. we are waiting for him. " Several members of the Yang family were busy.Yang Kaisheng drank tea again, but he was surrounded by the table and chatted happily.

As for those Du family and zhangjiaese, no one has paid attention to it.

They are comfortable eating and drinking in the sea. Zhangjia and others are sitting and not safe.

Especially love.

Finally, Zhang Songhong can't help it.

He glanced at Zhang Kun, and then looked at Zhang Aiqi, and whispered, "sister, you used to serve wine."

"Ah? "Me?" Zhang Aiqi was stunned.

"Or? We all offended Linyang. It's not very suitable to toast. It's better for you to go. "

"Do you want me to serve Linyang wine?" Zhang Aiqi asked carefully.

"What is the wine for jinglinyang? Is he great doctor Lin? Is he still my father's grandson-in-law? He saw us, or did he have to call uncle and aunt? What is he afraid of? I want you to pay to that yangkaisheng! " Zhang Songhong sinks.

"That's right!"

Zhang Aiqi's eyes are bright.

How about this Lin Yang even if suddenly became a Golden Phoenix? He is still his elder generation. He is now out of breath. These people should be happy. Why fear him?

Thinking of this, Zhang Aiqi also confident up, directly bring up a glass of wine to the table.

"Mr. Yang, come on, I'll give you a toast. You can eat and drink well!" "Zhang Aiqi said with a smile.

Yang Kaisheng was surprised to look at Zhang Aiqi and held the cup and didn't know if he should touch her.

But at this time, there drink wine eating food Lin Yang suddenly eyebrow slanted, swept his eyes open love Qi way: "who are you?"

Zhang Aiqi was shocked by the drop of this.

Meiyi and others also instantly understood what Lin Yang meant.

"Who am I? I'm your aunt! " Zhang Aiqi said in a big rage.

"My aunt? I don't remember I had your aunt? " Linyang road.

"What do you say? You little rabbit, you're a bad day? You know, you are Zhang's son-in-law! " Zhang Aiqi was shaking all over.

No one expected Lin Yang to say this kind of words...

I am indeed Zhang's son-in-law, but is Zhang Zhonghua, my grandfather alone Lin Yang asked.

Zhang Aiqi's face changed: "what do you mean?"

"This should be my question. You are all family. Since you are from any family, how can I give Zhangjia a toast? What do you mean? " Light road, Linyang.

As soon as this is said, Zhang Songhong and others immediately understand the meaning of Linyang.

Everyone is in a state of annoyance.

Lin Yang is blaming these people for their only obedience to love and disobeying Zhang Zhonghua...

Lin Yang, are you going to settle the account with my old lady now Let love stand out, and drink.

"I have nothing to do with you." Lin Yang calm road.

"What are you doing? I'm not allowed to make a toast to elder brother Yang from zhangjiaese? " Let love angry voice question.

"Well, I'll allow you to toast. You'll go and respect it." Light road, Linyang.

"You..." let love be in a hurry.

Lin Yang this attitude, Yang Kaisheng will be able to manage zhangjiaren? Isn't that a crime against Linyang?

Zhang Aiqi holds the glass, some of which is at a loss.


At this time, Lin Yang shouted.

"What's wrong, boy?" Yang Kaisheng asked at the side.

"Now these people are in charge of their own, Zhangjia is your own?" Linyang road.

Zhang Zhonghua was a little shocked, nodding and nodding: "the lonely or the poor, after all, are unfilial children, do not care."

"Now that's the case, then divide the property!" Linyang road.

This word, like a bolt from the blue, was severely split on the head of all zhangjiaese.

Zhangjiaese in the whole field have been petrified...

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