Kang Jiahao? Jiwen? Fang is the people?



This is the hottest barrister right now!

Fang Shimin is needless to say, one of the three lawyers in Yanjing, with authoritative certification, is a household name!

Ji Wen and Kang Jiahao have become famous all over the country recently. Some people say that their joint efforts have already been comparable to those powerful lawyers in Yanjing, especially Ji Wen, who is already a talented lawyer. With Kang Jiahao, his growth can almost be described as taking a rocket. Some big cases in Jiangcheng will be handed over to him.

If these three forces are twisted together... Only relying on his one Xu plan, it is completely hitting the stone with an egg!

"Mr. Lin, are you... Are you serious? Can you please move those people? " Xu Ji's face was very unnatural. He got up and asked trembling.

"Shall I call them now?" Lin Yang light road.

Speaking of this, Xu Ji also understood Linyang's confidence.

After all, he doesn't have to lie, otherwise Panlong is the best choice.

Xu Ji's face was very unnatural.

However, at this time, Yang Kaisheng said again.

"Dr. Lin, would it be better if I asked Pan Long's lawyer team to help?"

As soon as this word falls, Xu Ji's scalp almost explodes.

It's like four two plus kings!

Who can shake this invincible team?

Xu Ji retreated again and again, his face was red and blue, and the whole person was shivering.

He believes that the whole province of Guangliu... No, it's the whole country. No one dares to move such a team, right? Unless Qiu Xuansheng comes here in person!

Xu Ji couldn't bear it any more. He suddenly turned around and said, "Mrs. Ren, I'm afraid I can't handle this case. Please ask someone else..."

with that, Xu Ji turned and left.

"Lawyer Xu! Lawyer Xu! "

Let love cry.

But it is useless, Xu Ji has been on the car directly left Zhangjia.

This kind of lawsuit is a case that must be lost. Of course, for a new lawyer, no matter whether he wins or loses, at least his reputation can be earned, but it is different for Xu Ji. He already has a good reputation. This will not only make his reputation stink, but also offend several big lawyers, and even the lawyers in Jiangcheng and Yanjing.

This is not worth the loss.

As soon as Xu Ji quits, Ren Ai has no idea.

She sat down on the chair with an ugly old face.

"Mom, what should I do now?" Zhang Aiqi is eager to ask.

"What? What can I do? It's not the old man who has the final say. Let love hoarse said, said, then can not help crying.

She lost, she lost in a mess.

Her last trump card can't cure Zhang Zhonghua. What else can she do?

looking at Ren Ai, Zhang Zhonghua said faintly: "old lady, in fact, there is no need for the whole family to do this. I know that you are also good for Zhang Jia, but I don't need to flatter others to seek development. Some people, far more than you can see, some things should be quite good I want a clear conscience, not glory and wealth

Let love not speak.

"Dad, what do you mean..." Zhang Kun asked carefully.

"I will take Xiaoyang's advice and divide the property. Whoever owns the money is who owns it. I won't ask you for a point. You can't take another point from me!" Mr. Zhang said.


All the people of Zhangjia howled.

But it didn't work.

This time, Mr. Zhang is determined.

He was also cold hearted by the family!

This time, he will not be soft hearted.

"Zhangjia... It's gone when it's gone!" Mr. Zhang drank another glass of wine, then got up and said to Lin Yang, "Xiaoyang, my grandfather has drunk a little more, so I'll go back and have a rest first. You can drink slowly."

The old man is tired.

I worked for my family all my life, but I didn't want to get such a result...

"grandfather, I should go too!"

Lin Yang also got up.

"It's getting late. You've drunk too. Don't go back. Stay here for one night." Zhang Zhonghua Road.

"It's OK. I'll find a valet." Lin Yang laughed and went outside.

"Doctor Lin, I'll see you off!"

Mei Yi, Xiao Changqing and others get up in a hurry, and even Yang Kaisheng stands up to catch up.

"No, what are you going to do! I can go back by myself, but before I leave, I have one more thing to tell you. I hope you will remember, including the people of Zhangjia! " Lin Yang said faintly.

"Doctor Lin has something to say, but it doesn't matter." Yang Kaisheng road.

"It's not something that makes you very embarrassed. I just hope you don't tell me that I am Dr. Lin." Lin Yang road."Why?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"I don't like to be in the limelight, I just want to live quietly, understand?" Lin Yang looks at the humanity.

The man shrank his neck and did not dare to speak.

And a lot of big man of Guang Liu province is nodding again and again, busy is to agree.

After all, no one wants to repeat the mistake of starting a family...

Lin Yang didn't speak any more, so he called for a substitute driver and went back to Jiangcheng.

This night, Guangliu was destined to have no sleep.



at the moment.

On the national road from Nancheng to Jiangcheng.

A black Ford Mondeo was speeding forward at a speed of at least 150 yards, scaring many passing private cars.

However, behind Mondeo's butt, there are several Mercedes Benz cars.

The speed of these cars is so fast that they are biting Mondeo.

"Quick, faster, faster!"

On the car, Xu Tian in the co driver's seat shouts at the driver.

In the back row are Xu Nandong and Xu Yaonian.

The driver was sweating and nervous, and his hands shaking at the steering wheel.

Suddenly, there is a sharp turn ahead and a car overtakes.

"Be careful!"

Xu Tian cried out.


The driver was shocked and turned the steering wheel.

In an instant, Mondeo was out of control, drifted a few laps on the ground, and then rolled to one side.

Several people in the car were injured and bleeding.

One of the most seriously injured is the driver. The whole person has fallen into a coma. Xu Tian is OK, but his head is also in severe pain at the moment.

But he knew it was not the time to cry out for pain.

He quickly climbed out of the car and pulled Xu Nandong and Xu Yaonian out of the car.

"My God, you go first. I'll fight with them with this old bone..." Xu Yaonian said with a gnash of teeth.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Their target is me, you go first! I'll stop them

Xu Tian looked at those Mercedes Benz coming towards this, and said in a deep voice.

"Brother..." Xu Yaonian clenched his fist.

"You go, go to Jiangcheng, and invite Lin Dong. Only Lin Dong can save me! If we're all caught, it's all over! Let's go Xu Tian screamed and ran to the side path.

"My God

Xu Yaonian is in a hurry.

But Xu Nandong knew that Xu Tian's current choice was right. Once he bit his teeth, he could not control his obstinacy, so he took his arm and ran to another road.

Those people did not come after Xu Yaonian and Xu Nandong.

They went to the main road and immediately took a taxi.

"Gentlemen, are you going to the hospital?" Startled, the driver asked.

"Don't go to the hospital, take us to Yanghua group right now. We can arrive in ten minutes. I'll double it again!"

Xu Nandong took out a stack of money from his pocket and fell into the car, screaming bitterly.

The driver looked upright and said coldly, "remember your seat belts, please."

After that, Lin Yang went back to Jiangcheng and went to the company for a sleep.

Now the matter over there has been solved. The people who opened the family and sent to Jiangcheng by Yue family have also withdrawn. Luoqian and Su Yan are safe.

However, Lin Yang still dare not relax his vigilance. After all, the southern faction and the Shanghu Hua family are not good at fighting against each other. If these people are not cleared, Jiangcheng will not be peaceful.

However, before he had a long sleep, Ma Hai rushed to knock on the door of his office.

"What can I do for you so late?"

Lin Yang looked at the clock on the wall and couldn't help asking.

"Lin Dong, Xu Tian has been arrested again!"

Ma Hai said in a deep voice.


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