Both Xu Nandong and Xu Yaonian were sent to the hospital for treatment. Lin Yang asked Ma hai to arrange some bodyguards to protect their safety. Then he returned to the company and closed his eyes and thought.

"It's certain that the southern faction did it." Ma Hai said in a deep voice.

"What's the situation in Nancheng now?" Lin Yang asked.

"If Xu Tian is not arrested, it will take at least three years for the southern faction to stabilize the situation in Nancheng, and there will be at least hundreds of lawsuits. This will cost an astronomical amount of manpower and financial resources, which is hard to please the southern faction. But if Xu Tian is captured... It will stabilize everything in three days." Ma Hai said seriously.

Since Xu Tian cooperated with Yanghua group, Yanghua group has also begun to develop the market of Nancheng. Xu Nandong can provide sufficient convenience for Yanghua group. However, this kind of thing has happened. The market of Nancheng can basically be declared to be over, and Mahai is also in a state of anxiety...

Lin Yang frowned: "is Nanpai really fighting against Xu Tianxia just to deal with me?"

"In the past, I thought it was just a simple revenge. Now I'm afraid it's far from here. The ambition of the southern school must be there. Otherwise, they can't have such a great influence. Of course, the most outstanding thing of the southern school is their medical skills, which is a famous school of traditional Chinese medicine in our country." Ma Hai sighed: "and I'm afraid that once Nancheng is captured by the southern faction, I'm afraid the next one will be our Jiangcheng, our Yanghua group..."

"no, I'm afraid, it's certain."

Lin Yang closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said, "do you know where the general address of the southern school is?"

"What do you want to do, Lin Dong?" Ma Hai's face changed suddenly, and then he said quickly, "don't mess around. That kind of place is not a place where we can come here, or it will be bad for everyone."

"Oh? How expensive is the southern school? We can only let them do it in the south city. We can't move him? " Lin Yang cold road.

"Lin Dong, you don't know much about the southern school." With a helpless face, Ma Hai began to explain to Lin Yang about the southern school.

"The southern school is one of the major schools of traditional Chinese medicine in China. In fact, there are several schools of traditional Chinese medicine in our country. The more famous schools are the southern school, the northern school, the ancient school, the hidden school, and so on. Both the southern school and the northern school are more active at present. They are called the so-called faction. In fact, it is a place similar to the Medical Association, but this place is more authoritative and has more energy than the Medical Association."

"It has been nearly 100 years since the establishment of the southern faction, and in this century, the southern faction has accumulated a huge amount of energy. You have to know that people get sick, and when they get sick, you have to see a doctor. You will get sick, and those big people will also get sick. But some big people get rich diseases, or some strange diseases, and these diseases are ordinary hospitals or doctors Health can't be cured. Only the southern school can cure it. But there is a rule in the southern school. They hardly accept money for medical treatment. They only accept human feelings. "

"Human feelings?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"Yes." Ma Hai solemnly said: "they seldom see doctors for ordinary people. Only high-ranking officials and dignitaries or powerful people go to the southern faction. You know, the southern faction has been operating for hundreds of years by virtue of this policy. Who can know how many people they have gained and how many contacts they have managed in the past 100 years? But one thing can be understood is that if you want to move the southern faction, the end will be extremely miserable! Lin Dong, I know you have a lot of skills, but it's not easy for Yanghua group to achieve today's achievements. You are still young. If you go to the South faction, you are afraid that all of us will be destroyed... "

speaking of this, Ma Hai sighs and is helpless.

Lin Yang was stunned. He never thought that the southern faction had such huge energy.

"Xutian, I will try to redeem him. Their purpose is only Nancheng. I don't think it will embarrass Xu Tian. But I'm afraid the Nancheng side will have to give up. What do you think, Lin Dong?" Ma Hai asked.

"Just do as you say. The most important thing now is to keep people, and nothing else matters."

"Well, I'll send someone to the South City as soon as possible." Mahaido.


Lin Yang nodded.

All of a sudden, he thought of something, and he said, "you haven't answered my question. Where is the headquarters of the southern faction?"

"Changling Nanpai Academy." Ma Hai hesitated and said.

"Changling city?"

Lin Yang frowned, turned on his mobile phone, flipped it a few times, and said, "I remember what kind of medical King's conference is held every three years in Changling city. Is it the southern school that makes it?"


Ma Hai nodded: "the medical King's Congress is an important assessment method for the southern school to recruit new members. As long as you can complete the tests of the backbone members of the southern school, you can join the southern school. Every three years, the doctor King conference is more lively than the college entrance examination. Many students who graduated from medical schools and some people who have made little achievements in traditional Chinese medicine will try their luck. Once they join the southern school, they will not If anything happens in the future, the southern faction will come forward to solve the problem. It can be said that if you join the southern faction, you will have no worries about food and clothing all your life! ""Is it?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Isn't it? Yes, the man from Yan bailuo, who knows you from Lin baisong Ma Hai patted his head.


Lin Yang was greatly surprised.

"I just don't know what position Mr. Qin baisong is in the southern faction. Otherwise, we can ask him to come forward, at least to ease the relationship between our two sides." Ma Hai shakes his head.

Lin Yang touched his chin and thought for a moment. Then he raised his head and said, "Ma Hai, go and help me to get a name."

"Sign up? What's your name? "

Ma Haiwei Leng.

"Medical King's Congress." Lin Yang road.

Ma Hai looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, and then said happily, "Mr. Lin, are you going to join the southern school? If so, that would be great. With your medical skills, you can at least become a backbone of the southern faction. In that case, the crisis of Yanghua can be eased to some extent. Good, good, good! "

Ma Hai's mood suddenly relaxed countless.

However, Lin Yang shook his head: "I didn't intend to join the southern faction."

"Why?" Ma Hai's smile froze.

"Backbone? It's just a tool of the southern faction. If I join the southern faction, the Yanghua group will not be named Lin, but belong to the southern faction. Don't you understand this truth? " Lin Yang light road.

Ma Hai opened his mouth and did not speak.

"Of course, it's not just for this reason. There are many reasons. I won't tell you one by one. In short, you can arrange it as soon as possible." Lin Yang light road.


Ma Hai did not persuade him any more. His head was full of fog. He didn't know what Lin Yang was going to do at the doctor King's meeting.

"The doctor's Congress will be held in five days. If you want to go, you should leave tomorrow. If it is convenient for Mr. Qin baisong, you can ask him to take you there. He knows more than you. Some rules and regulations of the southern school can also be read to you to avoid making mistakes. There are too many rules and regulations in those places. Once you break the rules, you may not be able to attend the meeting. Every year A considerable number of people will die on these rules... "

" I will call Qin baisong. You can deal with Xu Tian's affairs, arrange Xu Tian's family members and protect their safety. " Lin Yang road.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. I know what to do."

Ma Hai finished and left the office.

Lin Yang picked up the phone and dialed Qin baisong.

At noon the next day, Lin Yang took a flight to Changling city and met Qin baisong at the airport.

"Teacher, why do you suddenly want to go to Nanpai?" Qin baisong is elated, treat others, Qin baisong has been a long face, only in the face of Lin Yang, he is laughing.

"It's said that there is a doctor King's meeting in the southern faction. I want to see it." Lin Yang light road.

"Ha ha, good! Good! The teacher, also let the southern faction that old stubborn insight, what is called people outside the people, heaven and earth! Ha ha... "Qin baisong looks forward to it. He seems to have thought of the expressions of those people.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go."

Lin Yang went to the car parked by the road.

Qin baisong also rushed to the car.

Start the car and drive directly to the academy to the south , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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