Facing the tide of criticism and curse, Lin Yang is particularly calm.

Qin Ning's silver teeth clenched, and his eyes were filled with resentment.

She can't allow these people to desecrate her brother Lin.

Whatever he did.

What's more, these people are confusing black and white!

Especially that girl, standing here are all doctors and traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, there are a few famous ones. They can't tell whether the girl's lung heat is good or not?

But everyone knows that the reason why girls do this is to save the face of Mao Aiqin, and more importantly, to preserve the face of the southern school!

Because... Mao Aiqin is a southerner.

So at this time, no matter who will admit Lin Yang!

Lin Yang naturally understands this.

However, the reason why he insisted on comparing with Mao's was that he wanted to know the means of the southern faction, and the second was to test the nature of the southern faction.

Now it seems that there are only four words to sum up.

In vain!

"I want to see your Dean."

Lin Yang said faintly.

"You don't deserve it!"

Mao Aiqin sneered.

"Is it?" Lin Yang's eyes were cold.

"You're not kneeling, are you?" The dog legs around Cheng Changsheng rushed to Lin Yang's head with a fist.

But the next second, a hand accurately grasped the blow of the fist, and burst into force.


The sound of bone breaking.


The man screamed bitterly, and his whole fist changed shape.


"What are you doing?"

"Hit! Kill

People around him screamed and yelled.

"Security guard, security guard, please call the security guard and arrest this man!"

The girl yelled out, too.

"You dare to be reckless in Nanpai? Good! Good! The southern faction has been established for so many years. No one dares to make trouble here. You are the first one. I don't care who you are. You are finished! " Mao Aiqin was very angry, pointing to Lin Yang and yelling.

Lin Yang didn't speak, but walked towards the girl.

"What are you doing?"

The girl shivered all over her body and hurriedly stepped back.

"Get out of here!"

Before that fat man rushed over to stop Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang slapped his back.


There was a bright red palm print on the fat man's face. He was dizzy. After two rounds of rotation, he sat on the ground.

People were once again awed.

At this time, no one dares to come forward to provoke Lin Yang.

Lin Yang grabbed the girl's arm and rolled up her sleeve.

I saw her white arm slightly red, and it was very unhealthy red.

"You say you have recovered. Can you explain what this is?" Lin Yang asked.

"This... This?" The girl hesitated for a long time and there was no sound.

Everyone around him was silent.

This is the symptom of lung fever.

The girl students don't let us look at the thermometer, many people are tacit, but Lin Yang's move is undoubtedly to pierce that layer of window paper...

"who said it was lung heat, i... I just wore too much! It's you. Do you dare to be so arrogant after beating people in our southern faction? Catch him, everybody The girl broke free of Lin Yang's hand and screamed.

"Yes, let's go together and catch him!" This is not the time to talk to Lin Yang.

"Everybody up!"

The fat man on the ground covered his face with grief and anger, and then rushed to Linyang.

The rest of the crowd came in.

The academic hall is boiling with a crash.

In the face of this tide like crowd, even if Linyang is strong, I'm afraid it can't cope with it?

But Lin Yang is still very calm.

Qin Ning's palms are sweating.

The scene is out of control.

At this moment, however, an angry shout rang out.

"Stop it all!"

This voice is very loud.

All the people looked at the sound source.

But the crowd split.

An old man in a Tang suit came quickly.

The old man's hands were back, his face was angry, and he was very serious.

As soon as he appeared, many people on the scene cried out: "it's a living hell!"

"My God, he's here!"

"This is a famous doctor in Jiangnan province."

Many people's eyes are bright and excited.

"Master Qin!""Hello, master Qin!"

"I've heard so much about you, master Qin!"

People are saying hello, and others want to get close to each other.

But Qin baisong's face was black, staring at these people and shouting angrily, "what are you doing? This is the southerners. Is this where you live

"Mr. Qin, you've come just in time. Let's get rid of this man. He's beating people in our southern faction. What's the system?" Mao Aiqin goes to the front.

"It's not like that, grandfather." Qin Ning immediately went forward to explain.


Many people were in uproar.

Mao Aiqin was also stunned.

Who could have thought that the beautiful girl beside Lin Yang was actually Qin baisong's granddaughter...

the faces of those dogleg children who were born by Cheng Changsheng were very ugly.

Qin Ning simply said the general situation, Qin baisong's face immediately difficult to see the extreme.

He looked at the girl who said she was OK and said in a deep voice, "you... Come here!"

Girl slightly a Leng, spin and carefully walked past.

However, Qin baisong took her arm and started to pulse directly.

After a moment, he looked angry and said, "you still have lung fever. Why do you say you are OK?"


the audience was in an uproar.

How could Qin baisong say that?

Doesn't that mean that Mao Aiqin didn't cure the girl? Is that not to say that the southern school's medical skills are not as good as this young man?

Qin baisong, is this going to hit the South's face?

Lin Yang slightly side head, looked at Qin baisong, did not speak.

"Mr. Mao, what's the matter with you? Did you encourage the child to lie? " Qin baisong stares at Mao Aiqin and asks.


Mao Aiqin is also dumb.

"If you can't compare your medical skills with this young man, you have the ability. If you can't, you should seek truth from facts and be incompetent. If you want to rectify these dirty means, you deserve to be a Chinese medicine doctor?" Qin baisong scolded rudely.

He was older than Aegean Mao. When he joined the southern school, he had not begun to learn medicine. In front of him, Mao Aiqin was nothing.

"I... I was wrong..." Mao Aiqin lowered her head and secretly clenched her teeth.

"Write a review and post it on the bulletin board of the southern school! I'll report it to the top! " Qin baisong cold road.


Mao Aiqin was in a hurry: "master Qin, please give me a break. If you reflect to the above, I will certainly be expelled from the southern school. Master Qin, you can let me go!"

"Do you think you can hide it when so many people look at it?"

Qin baisong said angrily.

Hearing it, Mao's face turned pale.

In addition, all those who participated in this incident and those who participated in the riot were disqualified from attending the doctor King's Congress

Qin baisong snorted angrily.

Countless people are scared to scalp numbness, pale face.

"Mr. Qin! Give me a break


"I struggled for the qualification to come to the southern faction..."

the scene was filled with grief.

But Qin baisong did not care.

"Teacher, let's go."

Qin baisong whispered to Linyang.

Lin Yang nodded and followed Qin baisong out of the academic hall.

"Young master, Qin baisong is involved." The dogleg clenched his teeth and called Cheng Changsheng.

"Forget it. Come back." Cheng Changsheng said with a smile.


Soon, the affairs of the academic hall spread all over the southern school.

The southern faction sent people to deal with the matter at the first time. However, because Qin baisong appeared, no one dares to protect Mao Aiqin. What's more, this kind of fraud is indeed shameful. The southern faction is a black spot. It is impossible for the southern faction, which attaches great importance to reputation, to ruin its reputation for the sake of an Aegean.

Of course, after this incident, Lin Yang has received much attention, and many people are also discussing the sanctity of this young man who has brought down Mao's downfall.

But the hero is not interested in it.

At the moment, Lin Yang is following Qin baisong towards the hotel.

"It's serious."

Qin baisong sat in the passenger seat and said hoarsely.

"What's serious?" Lin Yang asked.

"South party action of Yanghua group." Qin baisong said: "they will integrate the affairs of Nancheng tomorrow. Five days later, the action against Yanghua Group officially begins. Teacher, Nanpai is not Shangyu group. You can't be their opponent!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Yang asked.

"Give them the recipe, now!" Qin baisong looked at him cautiously and said seriouslywww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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