"Do you want me to bow to the southerners?"

Lin Yang asked calmly.

"There was no other choice. They had already communicated with people at all levels in various places. Five days later, a large number of people entered Jiangcheng, and Yanghua group could not stop it!" Qin baisong said hoarsely.

"So you just went to contact those backbone members of the southern faction to discuss this matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"I have a great respect for my teacher. I don't want his efforts destroyed." Qin baisong shook his head.

"It's a pity your face doesn't work."

"Teacher, at least I know the seriousness of the situation..."

"but I don't care." Lin Yang shakes his head: "Yanghua is gone, I can build again, but the southern faction wants to compromise by this, that is Arabian Night."

"Teacher, what do you mean..."

"don't worry. If you don't wait for five days, you can help me prepare something immediately. I'll settle the account with Nanpai the day after tomorrow." Lin Yang light road.

Qin baisong sighed and did not speak again.

Lin Yang took out his notebook from his pocket, wrote a list and handed it to Qin baisong.

Qin baisong took it and said, "I'll send it to you tomorrow morning."

"Is there a medicine stove?"

"Where I live is."

"Good! I'll go to your place tomorrow morning Lin Yang road.


"By the way, do you know situ Jing?" Lin Yang seemed to think of this man.

In other words, the resentment between him and the southern faction was also caused by this man. Although there was no such person, the southern faction would still take an eye on him.

"Yes, of course I know. Situ Jing is a favorite student of Yu Wenmo, the backbone of the southern school. He is the sixth genius among the last gifted doctors. His talent is very good and his medical skills are growing rapidly. I think his mental skills are not correct." Qin baisong said.

"There is a gap between me and this man. He has been taught a lesson by me. I think his master, Yu Wenmo, will ask me for trouble."

"No wonder yuwenmo's reaction was so strong when I went to those people before." Qin baisong suddenly appears.

"The day after tomorrow, I will settle this matter with yuwenmo."

Lin Yang closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

Next to Qin Ning has been quietly listening, small face full of worry, but also always silent.

Entering the hotel, Lin Yang went to have a rest early.

Qin Ning did not return to the house, but found Qin baisong.

"Grandfather, is it really so serious?" Qin Ning asks carefully.

"It's actually more serious than I thought." Qin baisong sighed.

"What do you think of brother Lin's chances of success?" Qin Ning asked again.

"I don't know. If the teacher goes to fight medicine the day after tomorrow, it will be no problem to crush most of the southern schools with his medical skills. But I'm afraid that one will show up! " Qin Bai Song Nan Road.

"Which one? Who? "

"Who else? Vice president of course. "

"What? He... Isn't he retired? "

"But last month, he went back to the south." Qin baisong sinks.

Qin Ning pretty face white, people even back, autumn eyes have no color.

A moment later, she closed her eyes.

"Grandfather, is it useful for you to ask someone to help you

"What are you looking for?" Qin baisong blew his hair on the spot and angrily rebuked, "do I still have to rely on my granddaughter to keep my teacher? Ning'er, listen to me. I won't allow you to fool around. Just stay at the hotel for two days. Do you understand? "

Qin Ning bit cherry lip, did not speak.

"I'll be busy first. If the teacher has anything to do, you can call me."

Qin baishen left the hotel.

Qin Ning stands in the hotel aisle, looking out of the window of the scenery, autumn eyes are full of pain and helplessness.

The next morning, Qin baisong bought all the list materials given by Lin Yang, and Lin Yang took the materials to Qin baisong's private pharmacy.

Qin Ning did not disturb, but wandered around the college absently.

She was in a mess in her mind. Although she had great confidence in Lin Yang's strength, she was ultimately a southern faction. It was a colossus. Which individual could contend with?

Thinking of this, Qin Ning felt a burst of boredom.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking the way.

Qin Ning's Willow eyebrows frowned slightly and looked up, but before she met, she was a man in a suit with sword eyebrows and stars. The man was very handsome, but his face was very pale. Although he was bulky, he was also a little flighty, which seemed to be excessive recently.

"Hear people shine on the river?"

Qin Ning lost her voice.

"Xiaoning, let's talk about it!" I heard the sound of the river.

"We're not that familiar. What can we talk about?" Qin Ning came back to her mind and said faintly.

"Who was the man you were with before?" I heard people ask without expression."Did Cheng Changsheng really tell you?" Qin Ning's face was disgusted.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is the man. Who is he?" I heard people question him coldly.

"What does it have to do with you?" Qin Ning hums coldly.

"Nothing to do with me? You are the woman I've heard from Zhaojiang. You are destined to marry me. How can it have nothing to do with me? " It is said that Jiang is a tyrannical president, fan er.

If it is an ordinary girl, I'm afraid that she will be conquered by his overlord. However, Qin Ning turns around and wants to go.

"Xiao Ning, stop for me!"

Wen Renzhao Jiang grabs Qin Ning's wrist.

"You let me go!" Qin Ning struggled.

"If you don't make it clear today, I won't let you go."

"You..." Qin Ning was so angry that she took out a pair of scissors from her bag and said angrily, "if you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude!"

"If you can accept me, I'll let you stab!" I heard that people were shining on the cold road of the river.

"Then you will die! I tell you, the man cheng Changsheng sees is my man. I'm destined to marry him in the future. You're hopeless! " Qin Ning cold road.

As soon as this word falls, it is like a needle fiercely pierced into the heart of the river.

He looked at Qin Ning coldly: "did you sleep with him?"

"Will you let go?" Qin Ning gnawed her teeth.

"Tell me, did you sleep with him or not?" Wen Renzhao River emotional excitement said, the arm can not help but vigorously a lot.

"You pinch me Qin Ning is in pain and some can't stand.

"I didn't expect you to be such a whore! In this case, I don't have to be polite. Get out of here

Smell person Zhao river ice cold road, then want to drag Qin Ning toward the next building.


Qin Ning is in a hurry. Seeing that her strength can't resist Wen Renzhao River, she can't control it any more. In her impatience, she stabs a pair of scissors to wenrenzhaojiang.

Smell person Zhao river whole body tremble, repeatedly retreat, look down, but see that the small part of the scissors has pierced into his abdomen.

The blood drops down...

Qin Ning's small face is slightly white, and the person also retreats a few steps, and her delicate body trembles slightly.

"Ah? Kill

"Master Wen Ren!"

"This... What's going on here?"

People around him were shocked.

And Cheng Changsheng and a group of them come out of nowhere and circle around the river.

"I'm fine."

Hearing a faint smile from Zhaojiang, he looked at Qin Ning and said with a smile: "Ning'er, this time, you can't marry me..."

"what do you mean?" Qin Ning felt something bad.

Where did Cheng Changsheng come from?

And... Today's Wen Renzhao Jiang's performance is too abnormal. Although he is domineering, he will not be impulsive...

"you will know soon." Smell person Zhao River light smile way, then be helped to leave by several people.

No one called the police. No one called the college.

Everything... Seems to be premeditated.

Qin Ning's heart trembled slightly. She felt wrong, so she left in a hurry and went to find her grandfather.

It's night.

A group of people broke into Qin baisong's house.

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