"Can I help you?"

In a small courtyard next to the southern faction, Qin baisong frowned at the intruders in black.

At the same time, a wealthy lady in gold and silver came in.

This is the mother of Zhaojiang, Li sixu!

She roared at Qin baisong with a full face of anger: "Qin baisong, look at what your good granddaughter has done!"

Qin baisong's brow sank.

He listened to Qin Ning about today's affairs. Although Qin Ning's practice is very impulsive, there is no way to do it in that case.

Just hear people say to Qin Ning according to Jiang, let Qin baisong feel something is wrong.

Now seeing the arrival of this rich lady, Qin baisong seems to have realized something.

"Mrs. Wen Ren, I already know the process of the matter. We Qin family will be responsible for this matter, but once you say it, your son is really too unsophisticated. What does he want to do? Shouldn't you give us an account when you hear about the family? " Qin baisong said in a deep voice.

"My son is just joking with your granddaughter, but what about your granddaughter? Does she want to kill my son? " His wife was angry and asked.

"Is your son dead?" Qin baisong hums coldly.


"Rescue?" Qin baisong is stunned.

"No way. His injury is just a skin injury. How could he be rescued? What's more, it was in the college, so many doctors were there. He had hemostasis treatment at the first time. How could he be sent to the emergency room for rescue? " Qin Ning in the room came out and said in disbelief.

"Stinky girl, do you dare to come out? Yes? Do you think I'm lying to you Wen Ren's wife snorted coldly.

"I want to see the injury report of Wen Renzhao Jiang." Qin Ning road.

"What are you? What can I show you? " Heard the person wife angry way.

"You come here to blame us. Don't we even have the right to see a report?"

"You are wrong! Do you dare to mention this or that? Are you doing the opposite? " His wife was angry that her chest was constantly fluctuating and her face was flushed.

Qin Ning did not speak.

Qin baisong pondered and said in a low voice, "Mrs. Wen, what are you going to do with this matter, madam Wen?"

"Easy, go, be my daughter-in-law and wait on my son, and you'll be fine." Wen Ren's wife chuckled.

Sure enough!

Qin baisong and Qin Ning both have their faces showing their color.

People who heard of others still put forward this request.

They have already guessed that all this may be a trick. Hearing that people Zhao Jiang is to force Qin Ning to make a move.

Now Qin Ning has fallen into this trap, and the initiative has been in the hands of the Wen family.

"Mrs. Wen Ren, isn't that appropriate?" Qin baisong's eye setting road.

"Don't you agree?"

"I will never marry Wen Renzhao Jiang! You can persuade your son to die, Mrs. Wen Qin Ning was serious.

That little face is full of firmness.

"Oh, good! Good! Good! The little girl is hard tempered and stubborn! Like me! Unfortunately, this has the final say. " I heard his wife sneer, her eyes showing a trace of fun.

Qin baisong's heart thumped and felt that things were getting worse.

"Mrs. Wen Ren, if there is nothing wrong, please leave!" He hastily ordered to leave.

"What? In such a hurry to get us out? If I leave now, you Qin family will suffer! " Hearing this, his wife said with a smile.

They were breathing hard.

"What do you mean?" Qin Ning gritted her teeth and asked.

"Oh, don't you understand? The story of my baby son's injury has spread. We heard that people were very angry. His father said that he must seek justice from him. If I hadn't been there to persuade him, you Qin family would have suffered a lot! "

As soon as he said this, Qin baisong's old face turned black.

Compared with the Wen family, the Qin family is not a bit worse. If the Wen family is in trouble, the Qin family can't stand it.

However, if the Qin family fought hard to resist, even if it was heavy, the Wen family was definitely not good.

"Of course, in fact, I heard that the aristocratic family is OK. We will not attack the Qin family until we have to. Qin baisong, don't be too nervous." Wen Ren's wife spoke again.

But this is not a good thing to hear from Qin baisong.

"Wen Ren's family? What's on the other side? " Qin baisong asked.

"His teacher's side."

"A teacher who hears people from Zhaojiang?"

Qin baisong is stunned.

Wen Renzhao Jiang's teacher has always been a fan in the southern school. No one knows who his teacher is. Some people say it's Yu Wenmo. But Yu Wenmo claimed that he was only given a name. In fact, he was not responsible for teaching wenrenzhaojiang. He claimed that his medical skills could not teach wenrenzhaojiang.

This really shocked many people.

Some people want to know who the tutor of Zhaojiang is.But no one dares to say so.

"Zhaojiang's teacher was very angry after hearing about Zhaojiang. He said that he would ask us to seek justice in any case. My son Zhaojiang is intelligent, and he is a miracle of traditional Chinese medicine. His teacher loves him very much. This time, the teacher can't sit still. If we don't stop him, I'm afraid it's not me who is standing here If you were Qin Xiaodan, he would be finished Wen Ren's wife sneered.

"Who is Zhaojiang's teacher..." Qin baisong asked.

"You know this man. He is the vice president of the southern school, Mr. long Shou!" Wen Ren's wife said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, Qin baisong was struck by lightning.

"What... What? Dragon hand? Vice President long Qin baisong's body swayed, almost standing unsteadily.

Qin Ning's back was also a roar of brain, a blank...

"Mr. long Shou specially asked us to come here. Qin baisong, if you can't give us an account, then your Qin family is facing not only our family, but also Mr. long Shou's anger. Are you sure you want to fight against us?" Hearing this, his wife said with a smile.

With the support of vice president long, she believed Qin baisong would certainly compromise.

When things get to this point, if we hold on, we will only bury the whole family.

But to her surprise, Qin baisong's temper was even bigger than the rumor.

"So you mean... Do you want me to sacrifice my granddaughter for the stability of my Qin family?" Qin baisong recovered from shock and bit his teeth.

"What do you mean?" His wife's smile was gradually restrained.

"I refuse." Qin baisong hummed.

"Are you crazy?" His wife was stunned.

Qin Ning is also looking at her grandfather.

"Grandfather, if vice president long intervenes, we... Our Qin family... Can't be because of me..." Qin Ning cried bitterly, but she couldn't say anything.

"Ning'er, do you want to marry that wenrenzhaojiang?" Qin baisong asked sternly.

Qin Ning shook her head in pain.

"That's OK. Don't worry. Grandfather won't kowtow to these people. Even if I'm Qin baisong, I won't send you out!" Qin baisong said excitedly, with a look of blowing his beard and glaring eyes, as if to fight with these people.

"Good! Good! Good! Qin baisong, this is what you said. In this case, don't blame me! "

Finish saying, Wen person wife a shake hands then turn to leave.

"A bunch of bastards! Is the old man afraid of you? It's a big deal. I won't stay for this southern school! " Qin baisong said angrily.

Qin Ning is sitting on the stone bench in the yard, alone.

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