"Ning'er, don't worry. My grandfather will deal with this matter. I'll call your parents later and ask them to come to pick you up. You can go back to Jiangnan province first. I'll have a good talk with this famous family and see what they want to do." Qin baisong said angrily.

"Grandfather, I know something about vice president long." Qin Ning murmured.

"What do you know?" Qin baisong looked at her immediately.

"Although Mr. long Shou seldom appeared in the southern faction, his deeds have been circulating in the southern faction. As far as I know, this man is very protective. Once a director of the association of the southern school offended him, he was removed from his post, and another injured a student of the southern school. The man had a great head. Originally, the southern faction could not move him. At most, he was asked to make an apology. As a result, the incident spread The next day, the man went to the gate of the Southern Sect and knelt down. This man knelt for three days before he left. Moreover, he was badly punished when he went back... "Qin Ning whispered.

Long Shou is a legend of the southern school. Although he was named vice president, his influence and power over the southern school were totally superior to the president.

In front of such people, the small Qin family is basically the difference between feimays and big trees.

Moreover, with his protective character, this time he hurt people Zhao Jiang, and the Qin family was afraid to bear the anger of Mr. long Shou.

Qin baisong was also restless, and his old face was flustered.

Half a day later, he made a few phone calls.

However, after several phone calls, they all hung up after knowing that the other party was a dragon hand.

Qin baisong also knows that no one can help him at this time.

He heaved a few severe sighs, and his old face was full of anxiety.

"Grandfather, it's late. Go to bed. I'll take care of it." At this time, Qin Ning suddenly began to smile.

"Ning'er, what do you do with it?" Qin baisong asked.

"Don't you think it's over if you marry Wen Renzhao Jiang?" Qin Ning road.

"How can this be done? Do I have to rely on my granddaughter when I am old? " Qin baisong said angrily.

"Is there anything else we can do other than this?" Qin Ning wry smile: "grandfather, I can't implicate the family."


"well, grandfather, I've decided. In fact, it's not as bad as I thought. If I don't have a choice at this point, I won't refuse." Qin Ning directly interrupted Qin baisong's words and said with a smile.

"Well, forget it. You can decide for yourself, but you have to remember that if you don't want to, no one can force you. If you don't want to, you will be protected." Seeing Qin Ning's calm face, Qin baisong sighed and turned back to the room.

Qin Ning raised her head slightly, looked at the vast starry sky, then closed her eyes, sighed slightly, and turned back to the room.

Qin baisong had no sleep all night.

He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

If it's just a famous family, Qin family still has the capital to play chess, but now there are more dragon hands... Too difficult!

How deep is the collection of Wen Ren's family!

They still have a big card.

Just... Will Ning'er really compromise?

Qin baisong felt something was wrong.

With his understanding of his granddaughter, Qin Ning is stubborn, and what she believes will not change.

For example, she clearly knew that Lin Yang was married, but she still loved him without turning back. Although she did not go to Lin Yang to confess, she proved it with various actions.

For this reason, Lin Yang is also a headache.

This kind of woman is a road to the end, as long as she is sure, no matter what is ahead of this road, she will not change direction.

How can Qin Ning suddenly compromise?

Qin baisong's head was in a mess, but because he was old, he finally fell asleep.

The next morning.

"Ning'er, it's time to get up! Let's go to the college to have a look. If it doesn't work out, you don't have to attend the doctor's Congress! "

After washing, Qin baisong shouts at Qin Ning's room.

But after a few shouts, there was no movement.

Qin baisong was slightly stunned.

In the past, Qin Ning got up earlier than him. Why hasn't he got up yet?

Did the girl go to bed late last night?

Qin baisong was confused, but he went to make breakfast.

After eight o'clock, the breakfast is ready. Qin baisong knocks on the door again.

"Ning'er? Up for dinner, Ning'er? "

Mr. Qin yelled.

There was no reply after a few shouts.

A sense of foreboding sprang up at once.

Qin baisong immediately opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, she saw Qin Ning dressed neatly and lying on the bed with her eyes closed and a piece of paper in her hand."Ning'er!"

Qin baisong's old eyes turned red and rushed to him.

Cut the pulse.

There is no pulse.

Qin Ning... Dead!


Qin baisong screamed bitterly, but he could not wake Qin Ning.

He picked up the paper in Qin Ning's hand, which was a suicide note...

there was only a simple sentence in the note:

"if I die, I think Mr. long Shou and Wen Renshi family will not do anything to the Qin family, will they? Tell brother Lin, I'm sorry, I love him very much... "

there are tears on the will, such as cuckoo weeping blood...

seeing these words, Qin baisong was unable to stop crying. The whole person knelt down on his knees and cried like a child.

How could he have thought that Qin Ning was so resolute that he would end all this in this way...

Qin baisong was sorry to die.

"Qin baisong, are you there? When are we going to the southerners! "

At this time, outside the house came the cry of Lin Yang.

"Teacher, I'm here..." Qin baisong hoarse cry, almost hoarse.

Outside Lin Yang's heart congealed, immediately rushed in. Seeing Qin Ning, who was already lifeless on the bed, his face changed greatly.

He rushed to Qin Ning's neck. After a while, he reached out and pulled out a silver needle.

The silver needle was... Smeared with poison!

"She committed suicide!"

Lin Yang turned his head and stared at Qin baisong coldly. He asked coldly, "Qin baisong, what happened? Why did Qin Ning commit suicide?"

Qin baisong, with tears in his eyes, said everything about last night.

"What do you say?"

Lin Yang's pupils are dilated, his breath is frozen, his fists are pinched, and his eyes are red with blood.

A moment later, he laughed, the smile was extremely pathetic and desolate...

Qin baisong had never seen Lin Yang show such a laugh.

His expression was... Too ferocious...

"it seems that I was wrong. I have been wrong all the time, so I should not hide anything. Maybe my mother's decision is not correct...

" teacher... "

" she has been dead for about five hours. Qin baisong, go and get me a silver needle! Take as many as you have, quick Lin Yang suddenly turned his head and glared at him.

"What do you want a silver needle for?" Qin baisong is stunned.

"Just go!"

Lin Yang roared.

Qin baisong did not hesitate and ran out immediately.

When Lin Yang took off the silver needle from his body, he raised Qin Ning's pale arm and pricked it down one by one...

a moment later, Qin baisong came in with a large number of needle bags.

See Lin Yang for Qin Ning, Qin baisong Leng.

"Teacher, Ning'er, can she... Still be saved?"

"Have you ever heard of Shennong's needle formula?" Lin Yang's path is grim.

"Shennong needle formula? Isn't that a rumor? " Qin baisong was stunned and suddenly took a breath: "teacher, do you...

" go out and let me have a try. " Lin Yang drank heavily.

Qin baisong immediately turned and ran out and closed the door.

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