Cheng Changsheng has basically been designated as a disciple of the southern school. Almost all the young talented doctors in China are the object of contention between the north and the south. Even the ancient school and the hidden school pay much attention to these talented doctors. Although Cheng Changsheng ranks tenth, he is also a gifted doctor. How can the southern school let go?

With a smile on his face, Cheng Changsheng is confident.

His assessment was to treat a boy.

The boy is about seven or eight years old. At the moment, he is shivering all over his body. His face is very pale. His body is wrapped tightly. He has some strange red spots on his hands. He looks like a red rash.

Cheng Changsheng asked the boy to sit on the chair. After a brief look, he took out the silver needle and pricked it. At the same time, he smashed the medicine and smeared it on the boy's body.

Whether it's acupuncture or medicine, Cheng Changsheng seems to be flowing water, his actions are particularly free and easy, and his perception alone is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The rest of the examinees showed an incredible look.

Is this the strength of a genius doctor?

Many of the older examinees are deeply moved.

I'm afraid they won't achieve it in their lifetime.

Everything is going on in an orderly way.

Many people also feel bored. After all, it is too easy to treat such a child as Cheng Changsheng.

But just as the ointment was applied, the boy's body suddenly jerked, and his breathing began to flounder, even interrupted.


There was an uproar at the scene.

The four examiners also looked in unison.

Yu Wenmo and Bixian shake their heads in secret.

"What's this... What's going on?" In the audience, a group of Cheng's family members were stunned.

"Isn't this child a cold rash? How could this happen? " Cheng Changsheng's calm appearance disappeared in an instant, replaced by panic and consternation.

"Often born, don't mess up, you still have a chance, there are five minutes, quickly find out the disease, quickly suit the medicine to the case!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit stood up in the audience and drank seriously.

This voice is particularly loud.

Many people are looking at it.

I thought that this person's sudden voice would cause the four examiners' dissatisfaction, but the four examiners did not say a word.

Hearing this, Cheng Changsheng looked at the man, calmed down and began to make a serious diagnosis.

He pinched a silver needle and pricked it in the child's chest. He kneaded and kneaded the silver needle with his fingers. It lasted for 30 seconds before he pulled it out. However, he saw that the silver needle showed a very strange light.

Cheng Changsheng is stunned.

"Is this... Poisoned?" He cried out.

The scene is boiling again.


That would be trouble!

If we say that in 10 minutes to identify what kind of poison in the child, and the right medicine, it is definitely time, but Cheng Changsheng misdiagnosed, delayed so long, now only 4 minutes less than time.

It's impossible for you to come to the detoxification room for four minutes.

For a while, Cheng was in a hurry.

He quickly picked up the silver needle and tied it up in a hurry, trying to know what poison the child had in the end?

"What's the matter with you, little boy? Did you eat anything? " Cheng Changsheng asked.

"I... I don't know... Doctor, I feel so bad..." the child trembled, obviously frightened by Cheng Changsheng's appearance.

"You don't even know what you ate? You little bunny Cheng Changsheng grabbed the child by the collar and roared angrily.

The situation seems to be out of control.

Many people are surprised. Maybe some people don't believe Cheng Changsheng's performance.

Liu Rushi over there shook his head.

Southbound can't help laughing.

Until then, a voice came out.

"Because he was naughty, he imitated the alchemy on TV and secretly ground candles, pencils, and a large number of daily necessities into powder and drank them down..."

a simple sentence came out, and the scene was in uproar again.

People looked at the source of the sound and found that the speaker was Yu Wenmo.

"Lead poisoning?"

Cheng also captured an important information.

But the child's symptoms showed that he was not just lead poisoning, but yuwenmo had already told the crucial news. According to the regulations, doctors are not allowed to ask patients any questions during the assessment period, but now Cheng Changsheng not only asks, but even Yu Wenmo provides him with important information.

This is cheating!

This is a violation!

Naked violation!

Many people are furious.

But... That's yuwenmo! Who dares to blame him?And Cheng Changsheng is not an ordinary person. He is a genius doctor!

In fact, Yu Wenmo's behavior is also very well understood. Although Cheng Changsheng made mistakes, his strength is still there. If Cheng Changsheng fails in the assessment, it means elimination. Therefore, Yu Wenmo would rather violate the rules rather than let Cheng Changsheng go.

After hearing Yu Wenmo's words, Cheng Changsheng also reflected that his anxiety had disappeared completely. Instead, he began to cure without delay.

He knew that he would not fail in any case, because the southern faction had acquiesced to him as his own person...

poison identification, dispensing, detoxification... He began to recover, and his movements became light and free.

But a few minutes later, the child's trembling body stopped and a small face returned to its normal color.

Seeing this, Cheng Changsheng is relieved at last. However, when he looks at the time, he is astonished that it has exceeded ten seconds.

Cheng Changsheng looked at the four examiners nervously.

The rest also looked at the examiner.

In this case, according to the rules, Cheng Changsheng has been disqualified from the examination. However, judging from the attitude of the four examiners, it seems that they do not intend to expel Cheng Changsheng. If they were other people, they would have been dissuaded. However, a few people had a good diagnosis of the child. A moment later, Li Ziyun announced: "the examinee Cheng Changsheng has passed the examination and is allowed to enter our South Pie

Many people were greatly disappointed when they said this, and some even secretly gritted their teeth.

"Is that privilege?" Someone lowered his voice and said angrily.

"There's no way. Cheng Changsheng was born well, and he was named a doctor of genius. His talent is really good. How could the southern faction let him go?"

"For people like them, the assessment is just passing the test."

People said in detail.

Yu Wenmo and others frowned.

Don't care if you leave.

But at this time, some people can't see it anymore.

"Mr. Yuwen, teachers, why did Cheng Changsheng violate the rules and you still think he passed the examination?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

People all looked at the sound source, and it was a young man with white skin and beautiful appearance.

The young man is a little thin, but his eyes are very firm. He stares at Yu Wenmo and others.

The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Everyone knows the reason, but there are still people who dare to stand up and question?

Isn't this to make the four examiners down?

Yu Wen was silent, but Bi Xian's face sank. He drank coldly: "what's your name?"

"Hong Jiale!" Man way.

"Do you know where this is?"

"Yes, the Academy of southern school!"

"Since we know that this is the southern school academy, we should also know that this medical King's conference is held by our southern school. We think that whoever can pass the conference will be able to pass it, and whoever can't pass it will not! If you have any opinion on our ruling, you can choose to withdraw from this medical King's Congress! " Bixian cold road.

"You..." Hong Jiale was furious: "this is too shameless! It's not fair! "

"We are fair!" Bi Xian is indifferent.


Hong Jiale was excited.

"This examinee, you have been disqualified from the examination. Go away!" The gold top face beside has no expression way.

Hong Jiale's anger was gnashing his teeth and staring at these people with indignation: "such an unfair examination, I Hong Jiale is not rare!"

With that, he would turn around.

He looked at the examinee's seat and exclaimed, "gentlemen, do you want to continue to take part in this completely unfair examination?"

Only this one, no one answered.

Many people lowered their heads and chose silence.

Hong Jiale was very angry and laughed back. He stopped talking and turned to go.

He didn't want to stay in such a place for a moment.

However, at this time, the gate of the venue was suddenly pushed open.

Then came a cold and domineering voice.

"The style of the southern school is not correct and the medical skills are inferior. What does this school of medicine care about? Hong Jiale! I accept you. Would you like to be my student? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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