It was a surprise to many people.

There was no sound at the scene.

Everyone's eyes moved at the first time and looked at the sound source.

But saw a very beautiful appearance, just like a god like man came in.

The man is dressed in a suit, with a cold look and a very awe inspiring look, which is very aggressive.

However, such momentum and temperament, coupled with the superb beauty, immediately conquered the hearts of many women present, and even the fairy like Liu Rushi couldn't help looking more.

The four examiners were all stunned.

"Who are you?"

Yu Wenmo said.

But the visitor didn't answer. He just stared at Hong Jiale and said, "Hong Jiale, are you willing?"

Hong Jiale was stunned by this man's words. He hesitated for a long time, but could not answer.

You're kidding!

Who is this man?

What makes him say that? This is a southern school!

He is just questioning the fairness of the southern school. How could this person directly question the southern school's medical skills? Is he crazy?

Hong Jiale swallowed her saliva, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

As for the southerners, they were already angry.

"Who are you?"

"Somebody, get this troublemaker out of here!"

"Get him out of here!"

The shouts go on.

All the members of the southerners rushed in.

But as they approached, the visitor suddenly raised his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh...

a large number of meteor like beams flew out of his hands, and then they were accurately pinned on every member of the southern faction.

In an instant, all members of the southern faction did not move.

"Silver needle sealing points?"

Liu Rushi stood up and exclaimed.

"What? Does silver needle seal acupoints? "

"This can only be achieved by high-level air acupuncture!"

"And release so many silver needles in an instant... Who is this man?"

In the auditorium and the examinee's seat, there were a lot of startling voices, all of which were made by old TCM doctors. They had rich experience and naturally had heard of this miraculous technique.

And this one hand also let those four examiners realize the extraordinary.

As for Hong Jiale, he was even more astonished. He looked at the visitor carefully and asked with trembling, "Sir, is your medical skill very good?"

"At least better than these people who are fishing for fame and reputation!" The visitor said without expression.

"Well, can you teach me that move?" Hong Jiale asked again.


"Good! I'd like to be your student. Good teacher

Hong Jiale was so nervous that she didn't know what to do, so she bowed in a hurry.

The purpose of his joining the southern faction was to seek medical treatment. Naturally, he didn't care about his identity.


The visitor nodded, and instead of going to see Hong Jiale, he looked at the four examiners.

"Who are you, my friend? Why did you come to our Southern Sect to make trouble? " Yu Wen said in a silent voice.

Since this person has such means, it should have some origin, so Yu Wenmo also dare not mess around.

"I'm not here to make trouble." It's a light way to come.

"What are you here for?" Asked Jin dingshen.


The two words came out without expression.

As soon as the words fell, all the people's breath froze in an instant.

"From now on, I'm going to challenge all of you from the southern faction, whether it's medical or acupuncture... You'd better invite dragon hands." Let me know.

Many people's brains trembled.

From the audience to the examiner, they were all dumbfounded.

Who could have thought that at the meeting of the medical king, someone came to challenge the medical skills of the southern school?

Is this person's head abnormal?

Doesn't he know where this is? Doesn't he know what he's facing?

Bi Xian frowned.

"Is this man from the north?"

"But beipai has never seen this man!" Li Ziyun said.

"What now?" Jinding asks carefully.

"Well, what else can I do? If he wants to fight a doctor, fight him. Today so many people are here, we can't lose face. As for the Dean, we will send someone to inform him and investigate the identity of this person. No matter who he is, since he wants to beat the face of our southern faction here, we must not let him feel better! " Bi Xian was angry.

"Good!" Jin Ding nodded and explained to the southern faction members beside him.

A member of the southern faction immediately ran down.

"Due to an accident in the assessment, the medical King's meeting was suspended temporarily!" Yu Wenmo said.

There was a constant uproar at the scene.But this man has already come here. If the southern faction refuses, it will only become a laughing stock. What the southerners care about most is reputation, so they can't refuse this man's medical fight request.

"Please leave here for the time being, all the unimportant people." Li Ziyun cried.

People got up and wanted to leave the meeting.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, someone called again.

People stopped.

Yuwenmo four people look at the man.

But listen to that person light say: "everybody stay, I come today is to defeat the southern school medical skill in public, so you stay here to be a witness!"

"What do you say?" Bixian's eyes are ferocious.

"Don't you dare?" Come to ask.

"How could it be? Stay and stay! " Bi Xian said angrily.

The people in the seats were excited.

Since they can witness such medical duels with their own eyes, they believe that it is an extremely valuable opportunity for anyone.

"It seems that this trip to the South will have an unexpected harvest." Liu Rushi said with a smile.

"Yes, I didn't expect to kill such a man on the way, but he didn't seem to know much about the southern faction, did he? The southern faction is not something he can challenge. Let's see how many southerners he has dealt with! " The southbound next to him hummed.

People took their seats again.

The atmosphere was even hotter than before.

Yuwenmo is angry, and those members of the southern faction are also gnashing their teeth.

No one has ever dared to challenge the southerners!

"Tell me, what do you want? Than what? We all depend on you Yu Wenmo said coldly.

"Since they are fighting doctors, naturally they are doctors. There are 100 patients sitting on the patient table over there. We will divide them into 50. Whoever can cure them in the shortest time will win." Lin Yang light road.

"How simple it is

Jinding chuckled.

"Let's talk about it first. What should you do if you lose?" Li Ziyun said lightly.

"Tell me."

"I want you to kneel in front of the gate of our Southern Sect ten days! And then I'm going to sweep the south for a year, isn't it too much? " Li Ziyun said.

The other three nodded. This condition is not excessive. If they ask too much, others will think that the southern faction is bullying others. This condition is enough to protect the face of the southern faction and to show its dignity.

But the visitors shook their heads.

"That's boring. Let's make a bigger bet."

As soon as the words fell, several people's hearts sank.

"Bigger? What do you mean? "

"If one of you loses, I'll abolish your medical skills. I'll use my silver needle to stir up your tendons and make your hands look like Parkinson's disease. You can't give any more injections, you can't prescribe medicine, and you can't practice medicine all your life. How about that?" It's a light way to come.


Countless people gasped.

"What if you lose?" Yu Wen asked silently.

"I die!"

Two words came from the visitor.

All of a sudden, there was no sound in the meeting place again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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