Play with your life!

This man is completely playing with his life...

where the hell is this crazy boy?

What did the southerners offend him? As for the spelling?

Many people whispered and talked.

The talented doctors in the examinee area were also stunned.

"Who is this idiot?" Cheng Changsheng asked.

"No, he should be about our age." Yan Xiaoyue said.

"Oh, I don't know the height of the earth. I come here to die! I'm afraid that even the first doctor of genius dare not speak to the southerners in such a tone? " Ranked sixth Wang Gang sneered.

"Number one?"

Several people's faces suddenly changed, as if thinking of something very terrible...

yuwenmo and Jinding all frowned.

Why is this man so sure?

Several people are old-fashioned, in the face of this confident tone of visitors, they dare not promise casually, but others are stepping on the top of the southern faction. If they continue to be indifferent, will not the people on the scene watch jokes?

Helpless, Yu Wenmo can only cold hum a way: "since this friend is so confident, well, then according to you said to come! Do you want a written document or a contract? "

"No need."

"First of all, I won't die. Second, I'll abolish you. You can't stop me!" he said

How arrogant!

The members of the southern faction were cold in their eyes and clenched in their fists, as if they wanted to be swallowed alive.

"Which of you will go first?"

Someone looks at yuwenmo.

Several people looked at each other secretly, and their eyes seemed to be communicating.

But a sinister looking member of the southern faction has come out.

"How many teachers are needed to deal with you? It's enough for me to deal with it! "

As soon as this man appeared, many people's eyes lit up.


"He has been awarded the title of excellent southern Chinese medicine for three consecutive years!"

"It is said that he will be included in the list of the next batch of promotion backbones."

"This man, be steady!"

Voices of discussion came from the crowd around.

Bi Xian several people's eyes slightly loose, looking at Ning Tu's eyes are also more than a few points of appreciation.

Several examiners don't know the strength of the comer. In addition, the skill of sealing acupoints with silver needles shows that he is not a general person. If they do, they may not be able to win. At this time, someone is needed to test the depth of the visitors. It is better to stand up and help them.

As for winning or losing?

That doesn't matter at all!

Even if they lose, are these people still unable to keep the disciples of the Southern Sect?

That's not a joke?

"Ning Tu, be careful. This man is not simple. Since he can seal acupoints with silver needles, he is not a simple person. Don't take his way!" Jinding reminds me.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jinding. I know it in my mind." Ning Tu said with a smile.

"Do well, you have a good future!" Yu Wenmo also read a sentence.

Ning Tu Da Xi, also heard the meaning of Yu Wenmo's words.

"Thank you, teacher."

He is busy to Yu Wenmo way, and then squint at that person: "want to let you prepare?"

"Don't waste time." It's a light way to come.

"Well, please come over to all the patients over there. I'll take care of them one by one." Ning Tu said with a smile.

Soon, a hundred patients came out there, but all of them rushed towards ningtu, and no one was willing to lean towards him.

"Oh? It seems that people don't trust you When the southerners saw this scene, they just burst into laughter.

No one said anything.

"In fifty." Yu Mo has no facial expression.

So fifty patients were forced to come to the man.

Although each of them is very anxious, very reluctant to let this unknown guy cure.

"Is this boy OK?"

"He's not from the south, is he?"

"What shall we do if he can't cure it?"

People said with concern.

"You don't have to worry. Even if this person doesn't cure your disease, we Southern faction will give you free diagnosis and treatment." Jinding said aloud.

Hearing this, these patients look much better.

The visitor was still calm and not angry at all about it.

"May I begin?"

Ning Tu over there is already sitting in front of the table, ready with silver needles and herbs, smile asked.

"You can start at any time." It's a light way to come.

"Well, I'm going to announce the beginning of the battle." Yu Wenmo shouts.As soon as the words fell, Ning Tu immediately pulled up the arm of the person in front of him, began to diagnose the pulse, and then quickly pulled out the needle and began to apply the needle.

But the next second...


a large number of strange air breaking sound.

Then I saw that the man's silver light flickered constantly. With a wave of his arm, he actually spilled hundreds of silver needles from the needle bag on his waist. These silver needles were precisely punctured on the bodies of 50 patients in front of him like throwing knives.

All of a sudden, everyone trembled.

Just look at the man's step, like a dragon, shuttling through it.

After a while, all the silver needles he had pinned on these people were taken back, and they stood in their place again.

"The victory has been decided." He spoke faintly.

Ning TU was stunned.

"Datong needling technique!" Liu Rushi from the seat in the distance cried out again.

"What?" Yuwenmo, Jinding, Bixian and liziyun here are all stupid.

The audience was also confused.

"What is that?"


"That's it?"

The crowd was stunned and pointed.

Only a lot of senior Chinese medicine practitioners in the examinee's seat had a clue.

"All right, I'm all right?"

"My waist doesn't hurt any more!"

"My chest doesn't hurt any more."

"Why? When did my hand recover? "

Those patients have exclaimed, are in their own this sudden change and joy.

And the voice of these people, also let the heart of the whole city rush to the throat, difficult to calm down.

"Two stitches! Two injections per person

"Are these patients... Cured?"

"No way?"

"I don't even care about the first patient!"

"It's only about ten seconds before and after that?"

The cry of surprise is one after another.

Every eye that looked at the man was full of shock.

Is that what Hua Tuo is going to be like?

Yuwenmo several people look dignified, want to go forward to diagnose, but was stopped by that person.

"Your diagnosis is not fair enough. I will ask Miss Liu Rushi to diagnose the results of these people's diseases."

"What do you mean?" Bi Xian denounces.

"It's very simple. You can't even keep your own assessment fair. Do you think I'll trust you?" To be humane.

As soon as this word falls, a few people speak suddenly.

"Is it convenient for you, Miss Liu?" The man asked Liu Rushi.

With a faint smile, Liu Rushi rose slowly and nodded: "this is my pleasure."

With that, he walked on the lotus steps.

She raised her jade finger, flicked her finger, and a thin thread like spider silk flew out, encircling a patient's wrist, and then closed her eyes for diagnosis.

"Hanging silk to check pulse?"

Someone exclaimed.

This is enough to show that Liu Rushi's medical attainments do not need those talented doctors. It has been said that if she was selected, she would be at least the top three.

Liu Rushi is worthy of being the descendant of the king of Medicine...

Liu Rushi did the same thing and passed by one by one.

Ning Tu over there did not diagnose again, but looked at this side nervously.

If someone's disease is not good, it means that the person lost, he does not need to be treated, if they are really all cured, then there is no need to cure.

It's just that fifty people have been cured in ten seconds?

You're kidding!

Is this man a God?

No one will believe it!


when Liu Rushi finished the last person's pulse, she opened her autumn eyes and said with a smile.

"These 50 people have recovered at the moment. None of them is injured. The winner is the doctor!"

The bright sound fell and the meeting place was silent.

Ning TU was extremely pale.

And the man turned directly, holding a silver needle toward Ning Tu, a cold voice came out.

"As promised, you are qualified to practice medicine... I am deprived of it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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