Four people join hands, actually are not this person's opponent!

Isn't it horrible?

In acupuncture and moxibustion, these four southern backbone can be said to be a total failure!

There was no sound.

The candidates were shocked.

Wang Gang and other talented doctors all had huge mouths and wide eyes.

Liu Rushi and southbound also stood up in amazement.

"I'm afraid grandma can't do that, can't she?" Liu Rushi laughs bitterly.

Southbound murmured darkly, the eye dew is unwilling.

As for Hong Jiale in the rear, he was too excited to find the north.

"What a wonderful teacher! Ha ha, the teacher won, won! Ha ha ha... "He clapped his hands and cried.

Yu Wenmo here quickly pinches the silver needle on his arm, gently kneads and spins it out. Then he takes the silver needle and quickly stabs it on his body, as if he is saving himself.

The other three people see this, also suddenly react, immediately learn to start self-help.

There are big and small dead points, fixed and hidden.

It is recognized that the 36 dead acupoints will not change. Of course, they will not die with a single stab. For example, after puncturing some small dead acupoints, the human body will produce various reactions and discomfort. If not treated in time, life will be in danger.

The acupuncture points in several people's hands belong to the same place, and they are small dead acupoints, so if handled properly, there will be no life-threatening.

After some twists and turns, several people were relieved.

"You lost."

The man called to yuwenmo.

"You are really extraordinary. I didn't expect that we are not your enemies together! It's because we're not as good at it. " Yu Wen was silent.

"So you're willing to take the gamble, won't you?" Said the bearer.

"Willing to gamble and admit defeat? Well, you won by a mean means. Who will take the gamble and admit defeat Bixian gnaws his teeth.

"Mean means? What mean means? " The man asked Bixian.

Bi Xian's eyes shook, and he waved his hand and said angrily, "how can I know? In any case, it's a mean means. In short, this battle is not counted. "

"Oh? You don't admit it? " The visitor said with a smile.

"We didn't lose. It's just that you used a mean way to get this result. Where did we lose?" Li Ziyun said coldly.

"But how can you deny it when everyone sees it in public?" Asked the man.

"Tell me, then, who saw it?" Jinding asked calmly.

The man looked around.

There was no one around.

"Have you seen our denial?" Bixian, with a smile on her face, cried out.


A lot of people are shouting.

"Did anyone see him cheating?" Li Ziyun also followed.


The sound was louder than before.

These four people actually want to deny the result of this battle!

Liu Rushi, Liu eyebrow light frown.

Southbound sneered: "this fool, don't you know that the people here are all towards the southerners? Does he expect these people to notarize him? It's ridiculous

The candidates also laughed.


In this southern faction, yuwenmo and others deny the result. Who will redress the injustice for this uninvited guest?

This is an unfair contest!

The so-called fighting doctor is just a joke.

Hong Jiale was angry and resentful.

"Mean! How mean! I don't admit it when I lose! How mean He hurled abuse.

But no one paid attention to him.

"So is the so-called Southern faction." The man shook his head, but there was no sign of panic on his face.

"Young man, your medical skills are really good, but you are not good at heart. You come to our southern school to make a big fuss! And want to harm us with despicable means! Now, I'm going to blow you out of the southern faction. You should have no problem! " Yu Wenmo said coldly.

Since the doctor can not fight each other, we can only take tough measures.

But the man shook his head.

"If you lose, you lose. This will not change. Moreover, I don't intend to let these people be referees. I just let them be witnesses and let them have a look. You southern school is not the top medical skill in China. You are just a group of quacks!"

"What do you say?"

Bixian was furious and pointed at the man and roared, "get him up!"

"Catch him!"

"Go on

Members of the southern faction couldn't help it any longer, and rushed towards them with shouts.

But at this time, the man suddenly said, "look at your hands."

As soon as this word falls, Yu Wenmo and others subconsciously look at their hands.

Hands are nothing!Many people also looked at the hands of the four.

But slowly, the four people seem to know something, one by one pale to the extreme, pupil is full of fear and despair.

"This... No! no No

Bi Xian sits on the ground and cries out in despair.

This voice scared all the members of the southern faction.

People stop and look at Bixian.

But Bi Xian's arms trembled violently.

is as like as two peas, and the arms of Yu Wen Mo, Jin Ding and Li Ziyun are all shaking up, completely uncontrolled, just like the Nin chart before.

"This is... Burning silence?"

Yu Wenmo Na Na Dao.

There was an uproar.

Everyone's brains are blazing blank.

"How could that happen?"

"Have all four teachers... Been hurt by burning silence?"

"That is to say... Their medical skills have been abandoned?"


Screams, panic sounds like firecrackers!

This man actually abolished the four backbone members of the southern faction!

What a blast this is!


Members rushed to the past, surrounded four people, one is very anxious.

Jinding and Li Ziyun looked at their arms as if they had lost their souls.

"I will kill you! I will kill you

Bixian is shouting, crying and scolding like a shrew.

"How did you do it?" Yu Wenmo raised his eyes and looked at the man hoarsely.

"When I stabbed you with a silver needle just now, two needles came out! A needle is used to burn silence, and a needle falls to the dead hole Said the man.

"Two... Two needles?"

Yu Wenmo's eyes trembled wildly.

In that case, how could this person get two stitches?

That is to say, in the room of the electric light and flint, this man gave a total of eight needles!

Eight needles!

In such a short time, it must be so accurate and so fast!

This is no longer within the scope of acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine?

Yuwenmo trembled, this time not only his arms, but also his body.

And the talented doctor beside him and Liu Rushi and others were shocked by that man's words and couldn't think.

"Who are you

At this time, Bixian on the ground stopped crying and yelled at the man.

The man stared at Bixian without expression and opened his mouth calmly.

"My name, you must have never heard of it, but I have a nickname that you should all know!"

"What nickname?" Yu Wen Mo trembles to ask.

"Doctor Lin!"

The man said calmly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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