Dr. Lin?

These three words are like a thunderbolt, which is hard to chop on the top of people's heads.

All the people felt was the hum of their ears.

Everyone thought it was a mistake or a dream.

After all, these three words are really shocking!

"He... He is Dr. Lin?"

"The Doctor Lin who defeated the king of Han Medicine?"

"Not only this, but also Lin Dong of Yanghua group! Lin Dong, who has worked out a prescription for curing cerebral infarction and rhinitis

"My God, he is a legend of China."

"Is this man here?"

"And he's going to challenge the south!"

"My God!"

Voices of consternation came and went.

No one expected that this man was the famous doctor Lin!

"Originally, it was you Yu Wenmo was stunned.

Liu Rushi's autumn eyes are wide open, looking at Lin Yang unexpectedly.

Did she remember that Dr. Lin's face was not like this?

But it doesn't matter.

After all, Dr. Lin is more beautiful than before!

It's no wonder that when you see him for the first time, there will be a sense of familiarity. Is this his true face?

Liu Rushi's mouth rose, showing a smile.

Next to the southbound is the eye dew hot, the thick jealousy fills in the face.

He had the same air as the talented doctors.

After all, Dr. Lin is too young!

Even younger than some of them!

Such a person has such attainments in traditional Chinese medicine! How wonderful!

"I'm afraid that this person will become a big mountain in front of us, and a mountain we can't cross." Yan Xiaoyue said anxiously.

"No later, he is now... A big mountain in front of us!" Feng Xiaohong, who ranked seventh, was hoarse.

The rest remained silent.

Cheng Changsheng clenched his fist.

Once Dr. Lin's identity was revealed, everyone's eyes were full of fear when they looked at him again!

After all, this is a man that can be defeated even by Han Yi Wang!

Moreover, since the end of the Sino Korean Medical War, there have been countless rumors about Dr. Lin, and the more they spread, the more far they go. Some even spread the rumor that Dr. Lin is Hua Tuo's reincarnation.

At least this rumor can only be looked up to by doctors.


At this time, Lin Yang looks at Yu Wenmo.

"Dr. Lin came here for the Jiangcheng incident?" Yu Wen murmured.

"Yes, I have given a warning to situ Jing, but you are not honest in the south. I can't blame it!" Lin Yang said quietly.

"No wonder you? Hum, do you mean that our southern faction has to bow to you? " Yu Wenmo looks cold.

"You won't bow your heads?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, we never bow! It's you! Are you ready to bow down? "

Yu Wenmo roared.

"Oh? How are you going to make me bow? " Lin Yang asked.

"That's too simple! This is the southern school. It's not easy for us to bow your head? " Bixian face twisted, ferocious to the extreme roar: "all to me, give me to press him on the ground, I will personally waste his hands!"

This remark shocked the members of the southern faction.

"Teacher, this..."

"snapshot!" Bixian roared.

At this time, she did not want to pay attention to too much!

She just wants revenge!

Crazy revenge on this man!

No matter who this man is!

No matter what energy this person is!

The members have no way but to bite their teeth and rush to do it!

The meeting place was in chaos.

The situation is out of control!

But it was just then.

Bang Dang!

The gate of the meeting hall was pushed open, and a group of people came in.

"Stop it all!"

The roar came out, and the people on the scene were breathing.

However, Qiao Meisong, Ku Zhiming, Zhang Xiaoyan and Xi Yuan, the backbone of the southern school, entered the meeting hall.

At the head of the group was a middle-aged man with a goatee and eyes like torches.

The man was dressed in a black Tang suit with white temples. His expression was extremely serious and there was an unexplained anger in his eyes.

As soon as he arrived, many southerners were shocked and bowed their heads.

Some of the big names in the audience were also excited.

"Dragon hand! It's Mr. Longshou! "

"Here comes Mr. Longshou!"

"Great! Ha ha... ""Mr. dragon hand is here. Do you dare to fool around here?"

Many people clapped and laughed.

Famous Southern dragon hand! At last!

Yu Wenmo and his group are excited and get up in a hurry.

"Hello, Mr. Longshou!"

People say hello, excited, everyone's eyes are full of admiration and worship.

This is the top Chinese medicine of southern school!

This is the spiritual pillar of the southern school!

In the whole country of China, few people dare to say that they surpass this person in terms of traditional Chinese medicine.

Doctor Lin is a legend! Isn't it true that others are dragon hands? When the Dragon hand became a legend, I don't know if there is any doctor Lin!

As soon as the Dragon hand arrived, the panic of all the southerners was stabilized, and they were no longer afraid and full of confidence.

Lin Yang also turned around and looked at the Dragon hand.

"Are you here at last?"

He spoke faintly.

The Dragon hand stares at Lin Yang coldly, the anger on the face is extremely strong.

Standing next to him was Wen Renzhao Jiang.

Qin Ning's stab was just a skin injury. She was a doctor. Although the situation was flustered, she also knew the severity.

Qin baisong is here.

He trotted to Lin Yang and bowed slightly: "teacher."

This even surprised many people around him.

At the same time, his move also means that he is on the side of Linyang.

"Qin baisong, are you with Dr. Lin?" Kuzhiming here said coldly.

"You old pickpocket

"Traitor of the south!"

"No shame!"


The rest of the southerners hurled accusations.

But Qin baisong was old-fashioned and angry: "eat inside out? traitor? The old man would like to see Nanpai die! "

The old man's ferocious appearance frightened many people.

"Qin baisong, our southern faction treats you well. Why should you do this?" The Dragon hand sank.

If the southern faction lost Qin baisong, it would be a great loss! If he were to join the north, it would be a big blow to the south.

"Dragon hand, you still have the face to ask me? Would I have been like this if you and your students hadn't forced my granddaughter to death after hearing from others? " Qin baisong cried out angrily.


There was an uproar around.

"Qin baisong, what do you mean? Is Xiaoning dead? " I heard that the river was changing color.

"You use despicable means to kill Xiaoning, and then use the name of your family and dragon hand to force Xiaoning. Xiaoning can't bear the pressure. She doesn't want to involve the Qin family, so she takes poison and kills herself! You made all this. Do you expect me to work for the southern faction? Don't think about it Qin baisong yelled angrily.

When the voice dropped, the brain of the people at the scene was buzzing...

the Dragon hand's expression was not natural.

He probably didn't expect it to be so serious.

"Dragon hand, Qin baisong is my student. I heard that you are very protective of the short. Coincidentally, I am more protective! If you hurt one of my students, I will abolish one hundred of your southern students. Is it not too much? "

Lin Yang said with awe inspiring eyes and walked towards the Dragon hand.

A cold breath rose from him.

"Today, I want you to be restless in the south!"

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