
Hearing Lin Yang's words, the Dragon hand was furious: "what place do you think this is? You're playing wild here

After that, the Dragon hand directly waved: "catch him! Severe punishment

"What? Are the southerners going to bully others? " Hong Jiale said angrily.

"What about bullying? This is the southern faction. Here, there is no injustice of our southern faction. You say you come to the southern school to fight the doctor! What qualifications do you have to fight against our southern school doctors? Why should we fight against you? We'll arrest you now and deal with you according to the rules of the southern faction! What can you do with us? " Said Joe Mason over there coldly.

"You are going to tear off the face of etiquette completely, and you are not going to consider any consequences?" Lin Yang asked with a faint smile.

That smile has a touch of ferocity.

"Teacher, they know that fighting doctors can't fight you, so they plan to use horizontal. Hum, teacher, don't worry. I'll let friends in the news media send out this matter. By then, everyone in the country will know the style of southern style. Look at their faces!" Qin baisong said angrily.

He is now deeply disappointed with the southerners.

"It depends on whether you can go out of this southern school."

The Dragon hand is cold.

As soon as the voice fell, all the people around him came up.

"You... What do you want? Do you still want to kill? " Hong Jiale shivered, sweating and staring at the Dragon hand.

"It's not easy to settle down a few people's lives with our southern faction's connections?"

Dragon hand light way, spin and side head: "Xi Yuan!"

"Vice President long!"

"Take the guests out, call the security team in, and arrest all these troublemakers! If they dare to resist, break their hands and feet and don't let them die! I want them to thank the whole college in person! Ask him to kowtow to Yuwen and apologize to them in person The Dragon hand is cold.


Xi Yuan immediately ran out to take action. As for those members of the southern faction, they were no longer wordy. Even vice president long sent a message. What else should they be polite to this person?

Here, they don't have to worry about everything.

Even if people's lives are caused, the southern faction will settle for them!

After all, it's a matter of the face of the southern faction. You can't be careless!

For a moment the crowd was like a tide.

Seeing that all the members of the southern faction rushed to Linyang, Qin baisong's face changed greatly.

"Teacher, be careful!"

"Teacher, get out of here quickly! They are no longer reasonable! "

Hong Jiale also quickly dragged Lin Yang, trying to pull him away.

But no matter how he pulled, Lin Yang did not move.

However, his eyes were cold and his mouth was ferocious: "I didn't intend to reason with them either."

"Then be honest with me!"

A man directly swung his fist and hit Lin Yang's head.

They can't stand this man's arrogance for a long time.

Even if he is Dr. Lin, what is he in front of the whole Southern Sect? Can you handle the whole southern faction?

It's just...

just as the man's fist was about to hit Lin Yang's head...

Lin Yang kicked out directly.


It makes a dull noise.

The man was kicked on the spot, smashed into the crowd behind, and overturned a group of people.


Hong Jiale is stupid.

How can Dr. Lin still fight?

The southerners were stunned.

"Asshole! Go on Bi Xian shrieked: "if anyone can break this guy's hands and feet for me, vice president long will let him be the backbone of our southern faction!"

This fell to the ground, and everyone was breathing hard.

Countless pairs of eyes are looking at the Dragon hand, as if waiting for the reply of the Dragon hand.

And the Dragon hand also did not refuse, gently nodded: "Bi Xian teacher said, is my meaning!"

This word, completely ignited everyone!


All the members of the southern faction rushed to Linyang like crazy.

Someone swung a stool, someone picked up a knife on the table.

At this moment, no one can be rational!

That's the backbone of the southern faction!

If you can get this position, no matter who it is, it will be a step up to the sky!

Who can stand such temptation?

At this moment, no one can control himself, like a mad dog toward Linyang.

This momentum directly scared Qin baisong and Hong Jiale.

But Linyang is still motionless, a pair of Taishan collapsed in front of the color does not change the appearance.

"Get down to me!" One yelled and threw a chair directly.

Lin Yang slightly side to hide in the past, and then one hand toward the man's arm, and then kick in the person's chest.Click!

The man's chest sank immediately, and his bones were broken. It was difficult to get up after he fell to the ground.

Lin Yang rushed to the others again.

Although he looked thin and weak, he was fierce and ruthless. He hit those members of the southern faction with one punch and one foot, which was a black and blue face.

After a while, nearly 100 members of the southern faction were immediately cleaned up by Lin Yang.

Members of the southern faction lay on the ground, one by one holding their arms and legs and howling.

The faces of the backbone of the southern faction changed.

Those who have not left are also surprised.

"Teacher, how can you fight?" Hong Jiale was pleasantly surprised.

"Not only can fight!"

Qin baisong said hoarsely.

"What do you mean?" Hong Jiale looked at him inexplicably.

Qin baisong didn't speak, but just looked at the southern faction members on the ground.

Hong Jiale seemed to be aware of something and looked at it in a hurry. However, with just one glance, he suddenly realized that his scalp was numb.

However, the arms of some members of the southern faction began to vibrate uncontrollably, showing the same symptoms as Yu Wenmo, Bi Xian, Jin Ding and Li Ziyun.


All of these members of the southern faction were abolished by Lin Yang.


The South sent six gods.

"My hand... My hand!"

"Oh, my God, we're all dead!"


"Vice President long, help us!"

The members were so scared that many of them stood up and looked at the dragon's hand.

Yu Wenmo and others are also looking at the Dragon hand.

Now the Dragon hand is the last hope of these people. If the Dragon hand can't be cured, then they will be really finished.

But the Dragon hand didn't let them down.

"You don't have to worry about the burning and silence injury. If you have to deal with this person, I will diagnose it for you one by one."

"That's good!"

"Thank you very much, vice president long."

People are all relieved.

Yu Wenmo several people in the heart of the big stone also fell down.

But at this time, Lin Yang gave a faint smile and said, "OK, dragon hand, since you say you can cure the burning and silence injury, then I'll let you do it. You can treat them on the spot and see if you can cure it!"

As soon as this word falls, the dragon's hand eyebrows are tight.

"What do you mean?" Jinding stares at Lin Yang and asks.

"The meaning is very simple, the Dragon hand is deceiving you! He can't cure you at all Lin Yang road.

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