Lin Yang can be said to be completely frightening everyone on the scene.

"What are you farting? There are also some diseases that vice president long can't treat well in the world? What do you think stillness is a mystery? For my vice president long is just a problem that can be solved by putting one's hands and feet in his hands! You think everyone is like you a frog! " "Bi leisure immediately shouted.

"Now that's the case, you'll let your deputy dean long treat you! If the treatment cycle is too long, you can let him say the treatment method. All of us are Chinese medicine, all are professionals. If the method can be treated, you can understand it at first. " Lin Yang goes again.

This word, let Bi leisure immediately shift his eyes to stare at the Dragon hand.

Countless eyes gathered around the past.

Everyone's eyes are expectations.

Looking forward to the Dragon hand can give them the answer to be sure, can hit Linyang face hard.

But... The Dragon hand is silent.

About a minute later, he slowly opened his voice: "the treatment... Is indeed, but... The conditions are... Harsh."

People were relieved when this was dropped.

"That is to say, vice president long still has a way!"

"Doctor Lin, do you hear me? Ha ha, what else do you want to say

People laugh at Linyang with a taunt tone.

"Don't worry, don't you listen to what he says is harsh conditions?" Linyang road.

"Don't mind what it is, you can cure it anyway!" I am very busy and cold.

"He can only rule one person, is it called cure?" Lin Yang asked again.

I was in a daze.

Yuwenmo is not a few people are also not a daze.

But listen to Linyang said: "if I guess it is right, the treatment of dragon hand is to combine physical therapy with rare herbs to recover the muscles and veins, right? Physiotherapy is simple! Everyone will, but the condition of rare herbs is too harsh. At present, only one who can have an effect on the recovery of human's muscles and veins is Xuelian. If it is a hundred years old, it is not necessary for me to say how precious it is. But it is only effective for common muscle and vein damage, which is ineffective for burning silence. The only one that has effect on burning silence is snow lotus for thousands of years. It can be called the Millennium snow lotus Priceless, and has not appeared for a long time. Did the last one appear or decades ago, your southern school had the great ability to get hundreds of thousands of thousands of thousands of snow lotus plants? "

As soon as this came down, the whole scene was in a state of horror.

"Vice President long, is he... True?" Bi leisure eager to look at Dragon hand, eager to ask.

People's eyes were again focused on the Dragon hands.

However, this time, long hand did not speak for a long time, and then stared at Linyang coldly and said: "don't worry, even if there is no way, I will find ways to cure you later. The urgent task is to quickly solve this guy who has come to our southern school to make trouble, otherwise our southern school will lose its reputation!"

People have understood everything when they hear that.

Dragon hands... Nothing to do.

Maybe he wants to lie, but Lin Yang is forced to lie. He has no possibility of lying at all.

"What else are you doing? Come on, hold this man down! "

Zhang Xiaoyan shouted here.

But the members of the southern school looked at each other, and no one would like to go forward again this time.

Zhang Xiaoyan saw the appearance, the anger was not light, and he was furious and said, "what do you mean? Don't even listen to our words? Do you want to stay in the south? The disobedience will get out of the south school for me later! "

That's a good deterrent.

These people are trying to get into the south. If they are expelled, it is not a loss?

So a group of people eye contact, a bite, decided to try again.

But the end is still not too unexpected.

They are only a group of doctors, there is no martial arts foundation. Compared with Lin Yang, a monster with great speed and great power, it is just a gap between domestic cat and lion.

In a moment, the southern members were all let down by Linyang.

And Lin Yang also did not have any soft hand, all of them imposed a burning silence.

Everyone's hands began to shake uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, people's faces are as white as paper, and fear is left in every eye God.

"Up! Go on again!! Give me all! He is alone. You have so many people who have no reason to be afraid of him alone? Give me all the flushing! " Zhang Xiaoyan shouted ferociously.

But this time, no one has come forward.

What is it about being expelled from the Nanpai?

If you go to Nanpai, you can at least go to be a doctor and seek a life. If you go on, you will be a waste man!

People are trembling, and no one dare to come out.

"You... Good! You guys will roll me up and go later! " Zhang Xiaoyan said angrily.

"Mr. Zhang, we are not his opponent, or do you look at you?" A southern member gnawed his teeth.Anyway, he was too lazy to be polite.

This sentence can be said to have poked into Zhang Xiaoyan's weakness.

She shivered and stood there for a long time, but she couldn't speak.

"Dragon hand, I think you should do it yourself! Don't sacrifice your southerners any more. " Lin Yang light road.

When the Dragon hand heard the sound, his eyes were cold, and he knew that he had no way back, so he took a step forward.

In an instant, the whole scene was quiet.

Except for the groan on the ground.

But just then...


The gate of the meeting hall was pushed open again, and then many people rushed in.

At a glance, thousands of people crowded the meeting place.

The leader is Xi Yuan, who has just left.

At the same time, there was a voice from the broadcasting station.

"Dr. Lin, you have made trouble in our Southern Sect and hurt the people of our Southern Sect. You have not only violated the law, but also disrupted the order of our Southern Sect, broken the rules of our Southern Sect, and also damaged the reputation of our Southern Sect. Since you want to deal with our Southern Sect, we will try our best to suppress violence with violence!"

The voice stopped here, and then there was a loud roar: "listen to all members of the southern faction, as long as anyone subdues this thug, they will be promoted to the core backbone! And for the lifelong system, enjoy all the conditions and services provided by the southern faction! "

This sentence completely ignited all members of the southern faction.

People are boiling, agitated, fanatical.

Every look at Lin Yang's eyes, all become like beasts.

Hong Jiale was trembling.

Qin baisong's face changed, and he called for help in a hurry, but it was useless.

Who would like to have a hard time with Nanpai?

"Southerners, are you being too deceiving?" Liu Rushi over there couldn't help saying.

"Miss Liu, can't you see who is cheating too much? Others have bullied my southern faction! " Zhang Xiaoyan said angrily.

"If it's poetry, don't worry about it. Let's go to the theater." Southbound chuckle.

He hoped that the miracle Doctor Lin would be abolished by the southerners.

Liu Rushi frowned and did not speak again.

The scene is out of control...

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