"Yes! succeed! Doctor Lin is finished! Ha ha ha... "

seeing the ten silver needles on Lin Yang's chest, Cheng Changsheng was ecstatic and excited.

"Well done! Often

The father of Cheng outside said with a faint smile.

However, Lin Yang became manic. The strong man who was close to 200 Jin was thrown by his arm and knocked down a group of people.

He immediately swung his arm at another bodyguard.


The bodyguard got a blow in the head and fainted on the spot.

The rest of the people holding the thighs and waist breathed a tremor. Before reaction, Lin Yang had already stabbed by one needle, and all three of them suddenly fainted.

But at this time, Lin Yang could not help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

And the blood was black, and it was completely poisoned.

"Ha ha ha ha, Lin Yang, move! You move! The faster you move, the faster the blood circulation, the more severe the toxicity! You're done! Ha ha ha... "Cheng Chang Sheng laughs.

"Cheng Changsheng! Are you going to kill people? " Qin baisong here is in a hurry and shouts.

"Even if there is a human life, the southern faction will be fully responsible for it!"

The Dragon hand on the chair said coldly.

Qin baisong is dumb.

"Chang Sheng, well done! When it's over, come and learn from me! " Dragon hand light road.

This word but let Cheng Chang Sheng excited words can not say.

Those gifted doctors, including those who heard people taking pictures of the river, were all jealous of their eyes.

In particular, I hear that people shine on the river.

He is the only student of dragon hand!

Now it's Cheng Changsheng. How can he stand it?

This man flattered himself like that before, but now he is equal to himself?

However, Cheng Changsheng is not long satisfied, but Lin Yang over there is laughing.

"Do you want to poison me? Your Cheng family's 13 Life Killing needles are too childish, aren't they? "

"What do you say?" Cheng Changsheng smiles.

"The duck's mouth is hard when it comes to death! Do it! Break his hands and feet Bixian screamed.

People around him came again.

Lin Yang immediately countered.

The fist and foot blow off, incomparably fierce, after kicking a person, can kick a person to fly more than ten meters, the fist hits the person, can hit the person on the spot shock.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people fell to the ground and howled.

And look at Lin Yang's appearance, is also more brave in the war, does not look like poisoning at all.

Within five minutes, 800 members of the southern faction were knocked down by him, and all of them were burned to death by him.

People around me are confused.

"It's impossible!" Cheng Changsheng is also stupid.

"How come our Cheng family's 13 Life Killing needles don't work?" He cried out.

"It's simple."

Lin Yang light said: "because my body's anti drug rate is 100 percent."

"Anti drug rate?"

People around me are in a fog, which is very difficult to understand.

"What do you mean?" Asked Cheng Fu.

"To put it simply, my body is immune to all kinds of poisons." Lin Yang road.

As soon as this word falls, people's brains are shaking wildly.

Invincible to all poisons? And this Constitution?

Is this a martial arts drama?

Who can believe it?

But the scene is too big for them not to believe it...

"this... This... Dad, what to do now?" Cheng Changsheng said tremblingly.

"Come back quickly!"

Cheng Fu is anxious.

But... It's too late!

Lin Yang suddenly steps forward and rushes towards Cheng Changsheng.

Cheng's father's face changed greatly, and he shrieked: "protect young master!"

Five bodyguards rushed out of the crowd to stop Lin Yang.

"Get out of here

Lin Yang roared, and his arms did not know how much strength he had. He knocked the five men who were 1.9 meters tall to the ground.


Cheng Changsheng, who is about to escape, is so shocked that he rushes forward.

"Cheng Changsheng, since you have offered your loyalty to Nanpai, can I not abolish you too much?"

Lin Yang grabs Cheng Changsheng's shoulder, and then makes a swing.


Cheng Changsheng has a big fall and his head is broken and bleeding.

"I'll fight with you!"

Cheng Changsheng roared, and quickly got up and swung his fist to Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang did not move.


The fist hit his chest, but it was like a hammer on a steel plate.

Cheng Changsheng only felt that his hand bones were about to explode. As for Lin Yang, he still didn't move...

Cheng Changsheng was silly. He looked at Lin Yang with no expression on his face. He could not feel the pain from his hand bones.Crackle!

But see Lin Yang extend his hand, a pinch Cheng Changsheng throat, and then slowly lift him up.

"Well... Let go, I can't breathe... Let go..." Cheng often struggles crazy, but he can't break away from Linyang's hand like a pliers.

"Come on, pull the young master back, kill the man for me, kill him!" Cheng father shouted at five bodyguards.

But five bodyguards hesitated.

Lin Yang's fighting power they see in their eyes, which is the human? This is a superman!

"What else are you doing? Come on! " Father Cheng shouted.

The guards bit their teeth and finally rushed over.

But what waits for them is still Linyang's fast lightning like leg.

Bang bang bang!

Five voices came out.

The bodyguards were kicked out, some were syncope on the spot, and those who did not syncope also pretended to be syncope, which was not vulnerable.

Cheng Fu is stupid.

Chengchangsheng was desperate.

All the southerners around were also confused.

No one dare to go!

This man... Is a madman! It's a freak!

"Now, no one can save you!"

Lin Yang stared at Cheng Changsheng Road.

"What do you... Want to do?" Cheng Changsheng asked with a shiver.

"What you don't do is want to give you back your stuff!"


"This!" Linyang light way, then chest that ten silver needle pulled down, then one by one tied on Cheng Chang Sheng's arms.


Chengchangsheng immediately issued a bleak scream, the whole arms were shaking madly, but more intense and frequent than other reactions.

Obviously, Lin Yang imposed on him is far more than just burning silence...

after a while, Cheng Changsheng suddenly stops suddenly, and people fainted and gone, and they are as dead as dead bodies.

"What did you do to my son?" Cried father Cheng, with a bleak voice.

"Nothing, just let your son never use his hands in his life." Light road, Linyang.

"What?" Cheng Fu, like lightning strike, was stupid in his place.

"Cheng family account will not end this way, since we have settled Liang Zi, my purpose is to cut the root, but now, I still have a account to calculate!"

Lin Yang calm way, two eyes directly towards the people over there, the people watching the river.

Wen people according to the river all over a trembling, bite teeth cold way: "Lin Shenyi, how? You want to move me? "

"Can't I move you?" Asked Linyang.

"My family is not Cheng family! You'd better think it out! " The people said cold according to the river.

"Then I'll try where you know the family is better than Cheng family!"

Linyang said, take a direct step towards the Wen people Zhao Jiang to go!

No one can turn back.

The person who hears the river face is horrified and turns, and then retreats, and wants to ask the people around him to help. However, when he turns back, he finds that there is a vacuum around him.

All people... Away from him...

it is stupid to hear people shine on the river!

At this moment, no matter who is afraid of Linyang to the extreme!

No one is willing to help people shine on the river again...

what should I do now?

Hearing that people are in a mess according to the river head, looking at Linyang step by step, his heart is also extremely flustered.

But at this time... A person came over, stood in front of the people who heard of the river.

Hearing people shining on the river, he was stunned, and then he was ecstatic: "teacher!"

The scene person is shocked, and looks at the person who hears the river.

That's the Dragon hand!

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