Finally, the Dragon hand still can't sit still.

I think so.

Although Lin Yang didn't put all the nearly 10000 people down, he also knocked down a third of them. That is to say, one third of the southern faction has been abandoned by Lin Yang.

Did one man fight thousands of people without any damage? How can the rest of us have courage?

All of them were frightened by Lin Yang's ingenious means.

Dragon hand knows that relying on these people will not only continue to undermine the strength of the southern faction, but also lose the hearts of the people.

Now, he has to stand up.

And you have to win this guy.

Otherwise... The reputation of the South will be ruined!

"I look down on you!"

The Dragon hand is hoarse.

"I overestimated you southerners." Lin Yang shook his head.

The Dragon hand's eyes glanced at Lin Yang's body a little, and his eyes fell on the silver needles on his shoulder and thigh. He opened his mouth and said, "if I guess right, the twelve silver needles on your body are used to increase the strength of your legs and arms?"

"Not bad." Lin Yang nodded: "my strength and speed are not so fast, just use acupuncture to stimulate the potential."

As soon as the words fell, many people were surprised.

Can silver needles still work like this?

"What kind of needle formula is this?" The dragon's eyes showed a touch of jealousy and asked.

"Wu Zhen Jue!"

"Wu Zhen Jue? Never heard of it. "

"Just listen to it now!" Lin Yang said calmly, then walked toward the Dragon hand.

The dragon's hand breathed and froze. When he was about to lift off his coat, he saw two large needle bags pinned on the inside of his coat. When the needle bag was untied, there were golden needles inside.

"Gold needle?"

Someone cried out.

Who could have thought that dragon hand made two pairs of silver needles with pure gold!

The method of making these gold needles is very special, and its effect may not be much better than ordinary silver needles...

but the Dragon hand obviously can't use this kind of needle formula of increasing speed and strength. His hands are like electricity, and he quickly pulls them out towards those gold needles, and then like an illusion, he stabs at Linyang.

Every gold needle is as fast and terrifying as a bullet.

The people around him retreated in fright.

Linyang quickly side flash, the gold needle directly into the ground, fully embedded in it.

How terrible!

The Dragon hand is a dragon hand. This technique is totally different from that of the backbone of the southern school.

But although the strength of the gold needle is large, the speed is not fast, and Lin Yang is particularly easy to dodge.

"It's interesting!"

The Dragon hand's eyes were so cold that he suddenly roared. All the gold needles flew out. It turned into a golden needle rain and fell on the other side of Linyang.

This large area of coverage is almost impossible to avoid.

Lin Yang immediately bent down and bowed, and all the gold needles stabbed Lin Yang.


Members of the southern faction around them cheered.

The faces of Qin baisong and Hong Jiale changed.

Liu Rushi, Liu eyebrows also light frown.

These gold needles are not common objects. They are made of special materials and can produce different effects under different needling methods. They can cure diseases or poison people.

After Lin Yang received the gold needles, he had seven or eight kinds of toxins in his body. Not only that, but also all the functions of his body were affected and his body became extremely stiff.

He stood up with difficulty, as if still supporting, and his left hand covered his right elbow, as if to lift his right hand.

With his hands attached behind him, the Dragon went over, pinching a needle and staring at the dead hole on Lin Yang's body.

This shot is enough to paralyze Lin Yang.

Once Lin Yang is paralyzed, no one will treat him.

He will be abandoned in his life.

"The famous doctor Lin is just like this." Yu Wenmo said lightly.

"This kind of bastard, just scrap it!" Zhang Xiaoyan said.

"Kill him! It's better to kill him Cheng Fu hissed.

"Vice President long, don't be soft hearted. Whatever you do with this person, we will support you!" Cried a great doctor.

"Yes, vice president long, we support you!"

"Kill him!"

"Yes, kill him!"

There was a roar.


Qin baisong's old eyes are cloudy and he wants to move forward.

However, at this time, Lin Yang is a low voice deep drink: "don't come over."

"But..." Qin baisong was at a loss.

What's Lin Yang doing at this time?

"Back off Lin Yang sinks.

Qin baisong was very anxious, standing in the same place shaking.

"Back off!" Lin Yang shouts again.

Qin baisong had no choice but to retreat."Hong Jiale, you also retreat!" Lin Yang said again.

Hong Jiale looked confused, but she did as she did.

At the same time, Liu Rushi over there seems to have noticed something, and has stepped back about ten steps.

"Rushi, what are you doing?"

Southbound puzzled.

Liu Rushi Liu eyebrow light Cu, light voice way: "retreat is."

"What are you afraid of? Don't worry, we are so far away, those needles can't fly Southbound chuckle.

Liu Rushi shakes her head and does not explain it.

"The most ignorant and arrogant thing! This time let you pay for your arrogance and ignorance The dragon's hands shook his head again and again. In one hand, he was holding a gold needle and stabbed at Linyang's dead hole!

The opportunity is revealed!

What a terrible shot.

But just at the moment when the needle was about to hit Linyang...


a strange oppressive sound came.

The dragon's hand breathed and his pupils contracted. He immediately caught the sound source.

It was actually from Lin Yang's arm.

"Not good!"

The dragon's hand was startled and turned pale, so he retreated in a hurry.

At the moment of his retreat, Lin Yang roared, and his right arm had been smashed down.


His arm hit the floor hard.

In an instant, the whole venue seemed to shake. The ground was shaking. The fierce turbulence directly lifted the dragon's hand. As for the people around, no one was able to stand still.

The scene was a mess.

It took a while to settle down.

The people in a hurry to get up, raise their eyes and look, and then all of them are shocked.

However, the place where Lin Yang was bombarded completely burst, and the ground was torn apart like a cobweb, which was extremely terrifying.

How much power does it take to have this effect?

If it hits a person, you can't be killed by this blow?

Countless people breathed cold sweat.

As for the Dragon hand, he was also disheartened, and his forehead was bruised with blood.

He stood up, his face as incredible.

But Lin Yang raised his hand and took the opportunity to pull out the gold needle behind his back.

"Now, is it my turn?"

Lin Yang cold road.

"Come on, get me silver needles, the more, the better."

The Dragon hands drink and shout.

But at this time, Lin Yang has already rushed over and kicked the Dragon hand.


The crack of the bone came out.

The whole dragon hand flew out, ran into the crowd and overturned a large number of people.

Several members of the southern faction were knocked out directly on the spot , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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