Seeing the miserable appearance of the Dragon hand, people's hearts quickly jumped out of their throat,

"monster! This is a monster


No matter who is frightened by Lin Yang's extraordinary performance, they all run away like crazy.

Those backbone members of the southern faction were also very frightened.

Who has ever seen such a terrible existence.

"Quick, get the silver needle ready!"

The Dragon hand on the ground quickly pricked a few needles on his body, as if to stabilize the injury, people shrieked.

The backbones trembled and ran down in a hurry.

After a while, a lot of needle bags were thrown over.

The Dragon hand grasped the needle bag, quickly extracted the silver needle inside, and shot at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang is like a rabbit, fast flash, although the silver needle like rain, but like flowers in the past, leaves do not touch the body.

"Not enough, come again!"

The dragon's hand clenched his teeth and cried.

The southerners continued to take the needle bags and throw them on the ground.

At one time, there were needle bags on the ground, and each pair of needle bags contained hundreds of silver needles.

The dragon's hand took the silver needle and stabbed it. The whole man was shooting at Lin Yang like a machine gun. He almost killed Lin Yang without any difference. He only saw Lin Yang, and other people didn't care.

"Be careful!"

Some members of the southern faction exclaimed and dodged in a hurry. However, they were stabbed by these silver needles and fell into a coma one by one.

People around him were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

"I'll see when you'll hide!" Dragon hands roared, hands indefatigable, crazy from the needle bag to draw silver needle toward Lin Yang sweep.

Lin Yang's speed was so fast that he fell in front of a table. He turned the table upside down before he stopped.

Silver needle directly inlaid into the table, the entire table into a hornet's nest, dense see people palpitation.

At this moment, however, Lin Yang suddenly stood up.

Whoosh, whoosh...

a large number of silver needles stabbed him in the chest.

But he didn't move.

"Well?" The eyes of dragon hands are cold.

"Since you want to play silver needle, I'll play with you!" Lin Yang's eyes were shining. He quickly pulled out the silver needle on his chest and blasted toward the Dragon hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

a lot of sparks burst out in the air.

It was a spark from the impact of a silver needle.

If a person with sharp eyesight pays close attention, you can see that all the silver needles released by the Dragon hand are broken, and none of them flies to the side of Linyang. On the contrary, there are a lot of pinhole like holes on the ground beside the Dragon hand. They are all silver needles made by Linyang, which are extremely dense and terrifying.

The Dragon hand was frightened.

He didn't expect that Doctor Lin's flying needle technique was so terrible.

"What? Dragon hand, is this your strength? " Suddenly, Lin Yang opened his mouth again.

When the Dragon hand fixed his eyes, his scalp was almost fried.

Originally at this moment, Lin Yang has been a hand in the swing of the needle.

His other hand didn't work at all.

On the other hand, he had both hands together. Under the rapid swing of the needle, his ten fingers were almost cramped.

Compared with Lin Yang, the speed and frequency of his own swing needle is nothing compared with that of Lin Yang...

and with the startled look of dragon hand, Lin Yang's other hand also joined in.

He stroked it with one hand.

All the silver needles inlaid in the table and the ground were pulled out by him, and then they were scattered towards that one.

The silver needle breaks through the sky and is as beautiful and bright as the Milky Way stars.

The dragon's hand breathed heavily, and the man quickly resisted.

But no matter how fast he waved his hands, he couldn't resist the silver needles.

The harder he was, the more powerless he was!

It was only at this moment that he realized how big the gap between himself and Lin Yang was.



A silver needle went down his chest.

The Dragon hand only felt that the blood in his body suddenly boiled innumerable, as if to burst the blood vessels, the breath was more agitated and disordered, and the speed of waving his hands was countless slow.

And with his disorder, more and more silver needles came.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew! Chi...

there are dozens of silver needles directly on the chest of dragon hand.

No way!

If we go on like this, we will lose completely.

You have to pull out these silver needles to stabilize your qi and blood.

The Dragon turned his head and saw a hospital bed lying on the ground beside him.

It is similar to the operating table for patients to lie on the bed, but the surface of the bed is steel plate.

He rushed at once and hid behind the bed.

Sure enough...

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding...

there was a clear noise, and a lot of sparks were splashed on the steel bed. All the silver needles were broken and scattered all over the floor.Dragon hand took the opportunity to pull out the silver needle on his chest.

"Vice President long!"

Zhang Xiaoyan, Bixian and other backbones rushed to help the Dragon hand.

"Don't come here!" The Dragon hand shouts.

But... They just got close to the Dragon hand, and Lin Yang raised his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

several silver needles flew by, one by one, and stuck on the neck. In an instant, everyone stopped and couldn't move.

All the others who want to help the Dragon hand are stupid, and no one dares to step forward.

But for now, the Dragon hand is safe.

Is it possible that Lin Yang can break through the steel bed?

People are thinking.

"You think you're hiding behind that, and I can't do anything about you?"

Lin Yang gazed at the thick steel bed and suddenly showed a ferocious smile.

The dragon's hand breathed.

It's just that...


A strange voice came out.

The Dragon hand trembled all over.

He moved his body hard, but he saw a small hole like a pinhole on the steel bed behind him, and a silver needle appeared on his back.

"This... Impossible..." said the Dragon hand trembling.

Lin Yang actually pierced the steel bed with a needle...

how strong is this?

And how can a skillful person exert such a terrible force on such a small silver needle?

People around me dare not think about it.

Dr. Lin has completely subverted their understanding of traditional Chinese medicine!

Dragon hand also dare not imagine.

And now there's no chance to think about it.

Because the silver needles like raindrops had already arrived, they directly penetrated the steel bed and made a hornet's nest. As for the Dragon hand's body, there were thousands of silver needles inserted into it...

he stared at the silver needles, and then stood up slowly.

At present, even his eyes have a silver needle inserted...

his body has been unable to move.

He felt as if he were unconscious everywhere.

He knew... He was a total failure!

"Vice President long!"

The shrill cry resounded.

However, he saw Lin Yang walking with a needle in his hand, and then gently pinned it on the arm of the Dragon hand.

This needle is exactly the acupoint used when burning silence...

all the people around stopped breathing and looked at Lin Yang's action in an incredible way.

Who can imagine, dragon hand! The legendary great doctor... Was thus abandoned...

in this way , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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